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A sad intrusion into academic publications is Taylor & Francis selling access to their journal content as feed-stock for the AI vacuums - without author permission.

Remember, authors pay for their academic papers to be published in these exclusive journals.

I wonder if the AI vacuums have begun hoovering website content via scraping methods, or going as far as to pay hackers to intrude into proprietary information?

Where will it end?


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AI is an assistant only. The writer is the driver that drives the words into meaningful and impactful content. Yes, AI is required, it helps and directs the way to write effectively. 

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I don’t know if ai is not allowed in fiverr. But ai is for making our lives easier, not for replacing our work. If you get detected anyways your better of getting idea from ai then modifying it. The process is “you ask ai something, ai gives answer, you read once, then try to rewrite it without looking at the answer again” this will make your life easier and also make your writing skills even better as well as making your content undetectable to ai detectors.  

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If the customer likes the result : what difference does it make how it's made? For many creators, AI is a real helper. It makes no difference to you when you see a clean floor in your home. The floors could have been cleaned by a robot vacuum cleaner or a cleaning lady. It's clean!

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