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Official feedback thread re: the new leveling system

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10 minutes ago, leonormiserol said:

that it is my last day with this service (because they degraded me at level 0

From what was mentioned, even if you lose your level you can still have Seller Plus. The change is only for new sellers, they have to reach a certain level to qualify. But if you already pay for the service, you can go ahead and continue paying.

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Since the new criteria is a massive detriment to the sellers...
Why wouldn't anyone not just delete the lower performing gigs, since they are penalizing the sellers from moving up?

It makes no sense to even have them active if the seller cant move up if they are graded lower.
(Never mind the fact that these are usually a 'specialty service' that wouldn't necessarily be a big seller, but offers the clients more options)

It seems these 'rules' are getting more ridiculous as time goes by.
A seller should be graded on the totality of their account- not each individual gig.

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1 minute ago, donnovan86 said:

From what was mentioned, even if you lose your level you can still have Seller Plus. The change is only for new sellers, they have to reach a certain level to qualify. But if you already pay for the service, you can go ahead and continue paying.

Thanks, I didn't know this. Where can I read about that

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3 minutes ago, greggidneyvo said:

Since the new criteria is a massive detriment to the sellers...
Why wouldn't anyone not just delete the lower performing gigs, since they are penalizing the sellers from moving up?

Because some sellers have already done it and their metrics remain exactly the same. That is, it seems that deleting your conflicting gig doesn't change anything in your overall metrics 🙄

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3 minutes ago, dutchbydesign said:

These look sadly delish.. 

They are AMAZING. They like, melt on your tongue. If you love eating cheesy balls, you'll love Wotsits! 

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to use the words cheesy balls innocently on this special day. 

Has anything happened yet? My Fiverr hasn't changed a jot. 

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Just now, marinanp86 said:

Because some sellers have already done it and their metrics remain exactly the same. That is, it seems that deleting your conflicting gig doesn't change anything in your overall metrics 🙄

Then why are they grading it that way?
That makes zero sense.
If a gig is holding you back- removing it should remove the barrier.

Not to mention - its needless to begin with.  
Offering a 'specialty gig' for people who may need that rare item, seems like a slap in the face for being creative enough to offer it.

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16 minutes ago, donnovan86 said:

From what was mentioned, even if you lose your level you can still have Seller Plus. The change is only for new sellers, they have to reach a certain level to qualify. But if you already pay for the service, you can go ahead and continue paying.

I can add that as someone recently demoted to Level 0, I am suddenly eligible for Promoted Gigs AND Seller Plus. So I'm guessing you are correct.

TAKE MY MONEY! (actually no I'm giving up)

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1 minute ago, cucinavivace said:

I can add that as someone recently demoted to Level 0, I am suddenly eligible for Promoted Gigs AND Seller Plus. So I'm guessing you are correct.

TAKE MY MONEY! (actually no I'm giving up)

Agreed, there seems to be little reason to continue when restrictions like this keep pushing people further away from a goal.
I mean, at this point- why would anyone START a new gig for fear of it not performing, thus pushing further from the goal?
An overall rating should be applied- not individual gigs.
Again, some gigs are 'specialty' or 'novelty' gigs for a rare customer base

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31 minutes ago, greggidneyvo said:

Since the new criteria is a massive detriment to the sellers...
Why wouldn't anyone not just delete the lower performing gigs, since they are penalizing the sellers from moving up?


26 minutes ago, marinanp86 said:

Because some sellers have already done it and their metrics remain exactly the same. That is, it seems that deleting your conflicting gig doesn't change anything in your overall metrics 🙄

Gig deletion actually helps Fiverr - it kinda unclogs the system and leaves relatively better performing/quality/relevant gigs in the marketplace. 

But now I'm wondering if this was the primary KRA of new system all along!! 🧐

We all got caught up with gig/success scores/levels/metrics etc and lost sight of (their) larger picture.... 🫠

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1 hour ago, greggidneyvo said:

Then why are they grading it that way?
That makes zero sense.
If a gig is holding you back- removing it should remove the barrier.

It probably could improve things with enough time.

eg. if someone has a gig (gig A) that their buyer's didn't rate as high as buyers rated their other gigs in the orders made in the last few years on it, deleting gig A now wouldn't have an immediate effect as the system would still see the past orders with the lower rating created in the last 2 years. But if it was deleted and replaced with a gig that people would rate better then that would help (after enough new orders). Or if it was deleted and then enough time passed so the orders from it were removed from the (eg. 2 year) window then it would eventually help improve the success score (though the seller might get less orders that way).

44 minutes ago, priyank_mod said:

Gig deletion actually helps Fiverr - it kinda unclogs the system and leaves relatively better performing/quality/relevant gigs in the marketplace. 

Though it also gives less variety to their listings. Buyers might be less likely to find the gig they want. Fiver already had all the stats on each so they could rank them (or exclude from search) however they wanted. Removing the slightly worse performing gigs will also give them less data. Limiting the number of active gigs in levels 2 and 0 now will limit Fiverr's earnings as well as the sellers'. It won't be just the less good gigs that get removed. Even if all their gigs were good, sellers will be a lot more limited in the amount of gigs they can have active (apart from those who can keep the ones they already created).

In their Q2 2023 shareholder letter Fiverr said:


Catalog expansion continues to be a key strategy for us. Not only does it provide a revenue growth engine, it also adds defensibility to our business, and drives upsell and cross-sell opportunities that increase retention and engagement for our buyers. In Q2’23, we added more than 20 new categories, with the total number of categories now approaching 700.

If they keep increasing the number of subcategories how are they going to get sellers to sell in each of those with enough gigs if they are now putting a lot lower limits on level 0 & level 2 seller for the amount of gigs they can have & have active?

Edited by uk1000
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I think Fiverr wants to achieve a few things that it can't really do by brute force:


1) In August, it promised Pro sellers they would have more visibility with the new marketplace

2) It wants to go upmarket (bigger clients, more money,  less orders, fewer problems)

3) Eliminate pesky 5-star reviews

4) Ker-ching! 


1) Fiverr has a lot of rubbish sellers with 5 star reviews

2) Private reviews didn't fix the issue

3) The introduction of Pro was a botched job full of not-really-Pros (by IRL standards in the West)

Bigger Problem

1) A lot of those sellers are from you-know-wheres, using VPNs/ granny's ID/ on account number 6 

2) DAC7 ( read "big fines") 

3) You can't just ban a bunch of people from you-know-wheres without an enormous PR storm


4) But you can use AI to solve the 5 star problem, DAC7 as an excuse to crack down on VPN, and success scores to boot out random people for whatever reason and blame AI 

5) You can also create an wildly uneven gig allowance so that eventually, Pro gigs "flood" the marketplace instead of "low quality gigs" from "low quality sellers" 

6) "Bad sellers" leave platform for various reasons: cannot get approved as seller / giving up or frustration or whatever / decreasing pool of granny IDs to use along with avoiding other fingerprints that AI won't detect

End result = Fiverr's talent pool gets the facelift Fiverr wants without the PR storm. Fiverr accepts the loss of some good sellers as a calculated risk; more will file in anyway, and with the new system in place, they should be higher quality. 

BONUS: random SS fluctuations are just a part of this strategy. Get sellers to voluntarily get rid of unwanted gigs. 

Obviously, slap your best sellers that you don't want to lose into the safe pile so they really have to fail to get dinged.

Edited by emmaki
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25 minutes ago, uk1000 said:

drives upsell and cross-sell opportunities

That's easy: instead of sellers flooding one sub-category with multiple gigs, they'll diversify into other categories. Take voiceover artists: radio ads, impersonations, audiobooks... whatever else... 

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5 minutes ago, emmaki said:

they'll diversify into other categories.

but they'll have less chance to diversify if they can only add 4 gigs in total due to their level or 10 gigs total/active (for level 2) when previously they could have more.

Edited by uk1000
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(I'm outside. Browser still shows the same so I assume it's a bug (also exposed my meagre earnings lol) but uh...

Edited by katakatica
changed screenshot so it doesn't show my earnings
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10 minutes ago, uk1000 said:

but they'll have less chance to diversify if they can only add 4 gigs in total due to their level or 10 gigs total/active (for level 2) when previously they could have more.

Exactly - (lower level) sellers will be forced to be more judicious and abandon the old strategy of just throwing up as many gigs as possible for "visibility" that they can't actually do / are just using to highlight (in the case of bad VOAs) "voice type 10". 

In theory, another thing that should pull up the quality of the marketplace, though I think the skip from 10 - 30 (TRS) is very unbalanced, but TRS may not be predisposed to abusing this so much. Fiverr probs has data on it anyway. Besides, with the pressure of SS a lot of sellers who have access to RTO are likely to be more judicious about who they will take on.  

Edited by emmaki
I have the 1970 bug too
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