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Update: Addressing new level system questions and feedback

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I am pretty adaptable as far as Fiverr's policy swings are concerned and I have been adjusting to their updates as they call them over the past 4 years. But how do they expect sellers like me to adjust to not being able to sell on the platform. 

It's not a policy swing but a purging and those who survive this time are just going to get taken down in the next one. Unless sellers stand firm and make them reconsider their policies. 

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Your issue is that you are a cheap writer in the era of ChatGPT, not Fiverr. Improvise, adapt, overcome. 

When I ran your SEO gig through an AI detector it was.. not successful, either. The bad formatting also doesn't help your case. 

That's all I shall say this time, as people tend to call me a Fiverr shill when I give them a free Fiverr Freelancer Trainerrrrrrrrr teaching. 

Also, this: 


Edited by emmaki
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2 minutes ago, emmaki said:

Your issue is that you are a cheap writer in the era of ChatGPT, not Fiverr. Improvise, adapt, overcome. 

When I ran your SEO gig through an AI detector it was.. not successful, either. The bad formatting also doesn't help your case. 

That's all I shall say this time, as people tend to call me a Fiverr shill when I give them a free Fiverr Freelancer Trainerrrrrrrrr teaching. 


Are you accusing me of using ChatGPT to generate my gig description? And I bet if you put your gig description through any of the free AI detectors you will get at least 90% AI content probability. 

I am not the best at formatting but that's not what my gig offers I offer high quality blog content with basic formatting. If you really want to judge my writing skills then order my gig and see what I have to offer instead of judging me based off of my gig description (which isn't a blog post).

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I'm not accusing you of anything. I'm just telling you what the AI detector says. And yes, I know they're not very good. But that's not my point. My point is that you are saying that you have a no AI at all policy, yet any buyer could use that against you very easily.

As for why formatting is important in a gig description, well, have a think. There's a valuable lesson in marketing your services there. 

You need to sort out the problems in your own gig and approach before you criticize Fiverr's. 

I have have never purchased a gig on Fiverr and I'm not going to change that record now. 


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Just now, emmaki said:

The Gods have a sense of humor with their timing today...


😂 I am glad I could nudge you to your new rank. As far as the AI score is concerned I am gonna give you a lil tip to avoid the AI detectors. If a buyer is really concerned about the AI detectors simply don't edit the content using using grammarly and edit it manually and bingo 0 AI detection score. I have been in the game long enough to know what AI detectors mark as AI and traces of grammarly sentence restructuring is one of them. 

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1 minute ago, rajamani255 said:

As far as the AI score is concerned I am gonna give you a lil tip to avoid the AI detectors. If a buyer is really concerned about the AI detectors simply don't edit the content using using grammarly and edit it manually and bingo 0 AI detection score. I have been in the game long enough to know what AI detectors mark as AI and traces of grammarly sentence restructuring is one of them. 



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14 minutes ago, tuciemaykay said:

I simply have too strong of an opinion on all of this to fit it into a comment. That said, here's my honest insight from the perspective of a sales professional: 


I went through your post earlier and it's nice to get some picture of why Fiverr might have implemented the new rating system. It brings some clarity to effected sellers like me. 

At the same time I would have expected Fiverr to come out with an official statement or a post similar to yours a few months prior to rolling out the new rating system to give us a heads up about the metrics and their impacts on our seller accounts. 

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2 minutes ago, rajamani255 said:

At the same time I would have expected Fiverr to come out with an official statement or a post similar to yours a few months prior to rolling out the new rating system

The problem is that we have and did not have a way to prepare for this. It doesn't matter if they announced it months before. Since there are parameters that are not clear and new policies that are not fully explained to us.

If a couple of months ago they told us that a new system of levels and qualifications was coming, we were only going to be expectant without knowing what was coming to us.

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10 minutes ago, rajamani255 said:

I went through your post earlier and it's nice to get some picture of why Fiverr might have implemented the new rating system. It brings some clarity to effected sellers like me. 

At the same time I would have expected Fiverr to come out with an official statement or a post similar to yours a few months prior to rolling out the new rating system to give us a heads up about the metrics and their impacts on our seller accounts. 

Ah I had to make a new thread because I left a few things out, but I am glad it provided some clarity!

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If i delete the gig having low score will it improve the score or what will going to happen?
Please guide me? I have two gigs with 4 score if i delete those gigs than other two of my gigs have score of 9 and 7 which makes it (16/2= 8 score). Will it be like that ?

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2 minutes ago, accounting_firm said:


If i delete the gig having low score will it improve the score or what will going to happen?
Please guide me? I have two gigs with 4 score if i delete those gigs than other two of my gigs have score of 9 and 7 which makes it (16/2= 8 score). Will it be like that ?


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6 minutes ago, arianelaurent said:

One of the Fiverr representatives told me somewhere in the forum (this thread or the previous thread on the updates) that if you delete the gig it removes its influence on your success score 

This is true, but your final 2 gigs may still leave you with a less-than-desirable success score total as it appears they are weighted beyond the sums given per gig.

For example my scores are 9 10 8 10 9 8 9 10 8 which =81 and the average should be 9, but my actual Success Score total is 8. We do not know how this actually works yet. 

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21 minutes ago, voicedbyken said:

This is true, but your final 2 gigs may still leave you with a less-than-desirable success score total as it appears they are weighted beyond the sums given per gig.

For example my scores are 9 10 8 10 9 8 9 10 8 which =81 and the average should be 9, but my actual Success Score total is 8. We do not know how this actually works yet. 

Very good point!! 

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1 hour ago, voicedbyken said:

For example my scores are 9 10 8 10 9 8 9 10 8 which =81

the gigs with higher volume of sales have a bigger impact in the final score, I have a gig with 3 but with only 7 sales with 5 stars, my overall score is still 10 . Not to mention that 3/10 score for that certain gig looks as false as possible, I simply can't image any reason that it has such a score. 

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On 2/15/2024 at 9:06 AM, emmatopping said:

I know of no other business that implements a pilot by going live with the changes. For example, buyers are already using the new rating system which uses confusing language when it comes to 'value for money', thus negatively impacting sellers who are receiving glowing verbal reviews and tips. This is not the definition of beta testing in any world I live in.

A key point is the "Value for Money" stat. Many clients want cheaper services, and that's a personal opinion based on how much they want to invest rather than on the quality of the product. So... in my case, I have two clients this month, adding 4 to that stat, BUT they gave a fantastic review and even added a tip based on the quality of the service. 

As other freelancers said, "rating system creates a "power struggle" between the hardworking freelancer who make Fiverr successful and the client." What do you think about it? This new system is more related to clients' opinions and not to the actual quality of the service. 

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Does the "Request: Extend delivery date" option influence a gig's success score?

The notes say, "Sometimes you just need more time, but keep in mind this can affect buyer satisfaction."
There are a lot of times that I do not have the full details to complete an order and have to extend the due date.

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1 minute ago, kawsar_log said:

There are a lot of times that I do not have the full details to complete an order and have to extend the due date.

bad luck... It seems that this is the proper response to this issue.

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8 minutes ago, Alex.M said:

bad luck... It seems that this is the proper response to this issue.

Thanks @Alex.M

No, I mean and refer to this one, Sometimes Buyer Start Orders without Even The original requirements, and sometimes buyers don't respond after sending a draft of the initial Job!

so we have to extend the time!

But @Kesha mentioned this why I'm a little bit worried about it!

Can you clarify this, please?



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4 minutes ago, kawsar_log said:

Thanks @Alex.M

No, I mean and refer to this one, Sometimes Buyer Start Orders without Even The original requirements, and sometimes buyers don't respond after sending a draft of the initial Job!

so we have to extend the time!

But @Kesha mentioned this why I'm a little bit worried about it!

Can you clarify this, please?




My simple take on this point is that - we are all overthinking on this parameter.

Yes, it would affect the buyer satisfaction if we don't deliver on committed time and they can choose to rate us poorly on punctuality or quality of delivery. But if the buyer is aware that they didn't provide the prerequisite information or didn't give us feedback in due time, then most likely they won't rate us poorly!!

At the end of the day, its a function of their whims or which side of the bed they woke on that particular day - just like how they can rate us on 'being' value for money. 


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Pretty clear to me. It's not about the actual buyer satisfaction but the "buyer satisfaction" score itself. She clearly states that it can impact your score. This is regardless of how the buyer rates us. Instead it's how Fiverr rates us with no regard to why the extention occurred.  There should be no confusion about what she means - only denial, because it's rediculous.


Edited by voicedbyken
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