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  1. For the last two-three days, only Fiverr shows the "Fiverr" text, instead of the buyer's name or user name in the notification. So we cannot know without browsing the app, who is sending the message?
  2. Yes, this is possible. The client must visit the order page, and there should be an option to leave you a tip.
  3. They are Fake and trying to Scam you, That's Why! Just Report these messages and block them!
  4. It was quite useful at first and resulted in quite a few sales, however, it is no longer working as well for me as before!
  5. It appears that there is a glitch in the Order count inbox! For example, with this client, this is my first time working, thus the count should be one, but it appears that there are two! Is the problem just affecting me, or does it affect everyone?
  6. You should contact on support: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/account-and-security/account-verification-and-security
  7. você pode nos contar em detalhes com a captura de tela? porque a questão não é tão clara sobre a exclusão de coisas
  8. I am just letting you know that I really appreciate you! Hopefully, someone can assist you with this.
  9. you can create Ticket on support Hopefully they will fix the issue: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/account-and-security/account-verification-and-security
  10. When someone searches for a keyword on the Fiverr gig website, Fiverr shows these gigs. these count as impressions!
  11. Yes, but the sad part is it will still affect some! Cancelations still affect your overall performance.
  12. Do you know what is Good News? Instead of 'Value of Money' we have now 'value of delivery' 😁
  13. Upon visiting https://www.fiverr.com/levels sites, it appears that new sellers are still limited to creating 7 gigs, which is incorrect. Hopefully, it will be updated soon; however, recent updates may take some time, I guess!
  14. Yes, it's TRUE, https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010560118-Fiverr-s-new-level-system you can also check from here:
  15. Being active on Fiverr does not guarantee you any sales/orders so despite of active, you should try to do other good things!
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