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What's the purpose of all the reactions to posts and comments here in the forum?


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Just wondering what people expect from it? I am active on many other forums, but only here I get loads of reactions all the time for all sorts of comments. I think it's the only forum where every post and every reply received a reaction, and I am not the only one as every other reply here has loads of reactions, too. 

Did I miss something? Is this about self promoting?

Very curious.

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Posting is limited for new users, but reacting isn't, and both can increase forum rank.

And there are those who believe, because some "Fiverr guru" or an overpaid course told them, that being active on the forum and having the rank of Grand Master will bring them sales. Or something like that.

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Well some buyers visit the forum, but reactions, and likes ain't gonna promote your business. Sellers have a section My Fiverr Gigs where they promote themselves, but generally, buyers will search for services on the main platform. Here is like on the other forums - discussion, seeking answers etc. Finding someone to order your gig here is like finding fixed matches on Facebook. Rarely succeeds. 😄

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1 hour ago, milos_siena said:

Sellers have a section My Fiverr Gigs where they promote themselves

though I don't think they can now - that section has been set to restricted access so I don't think users can promote their gigs there now, though it still shows in the Fiverr forum rules that is the only place for Fiverr gig links.

Edited by uk1000
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  • 4 weeks later...
13 minutes ago, sb_shathi said:

what's the benefit of creating topic?

Usually, when you create a topic, it is to ask a question or share knowledge. The benefit is that you get your question answered, or you inform other users of something you know that they do not. 

Creating a topic will not help your standings on the main Fiverr platform. 

Edited by vickiespencer
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10 minutes ago, priyank_mod said:

You're already a GRAND MASTER on the forum.🧐

Isn't it a little late to ask these questions? 

image.png.f3ab013400753ecb48b761e316686955.png Another serial "liker" 

Grandmaster in one month, but for sure not a grandmaster on the Fiver website.

I assume that the OP is finaly realizing that the grandmaster badge does not bring benefits (or orders) to her Fiverr account.



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Just now, filipdevaere said:

image.png.f3ab013400753ecb48b761e316686955.png Another serial "liker" 


She liked everything and now she's wondering why she doesn't have any benefits.

I didn't even see her rank, I assumed she's new if she's asking this kind of stuff.

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  • 3 months later...
1 hour ago, filipdevaere said:

She has no sales. She has a lot of time to indulge herself on the forum.

Indeed.. She has nothing to do on Fiverr. Instead of liking everything on the Forum, she should learn how to get orders. But no.

Liking every comment is better than getting orders for her. Sometimes, I feel I should do "🙏" to her :classic_laugh: 

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  • 1 month later...

Um… Based on the date of your account and how often you’ve been posting on these forums, I think you’ve been on this platform long enough to know that those are just reaction messages and that nobody is directly spamming you. Also, you should not post other users names in the images you send (I think there’s a rule against that). 

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22 hours ago, mitanimation said:

A person sent me 24 emojis today in order to get a rank. This is very disturbing. Will there be a solution to this*

Hi! Users sometimes send these emojis to show their agreement or appreciation for a comment/post you've made. It is similar to Facebook's "like" feature. Since it is a significant part of the user experience here on the forum, the feature will likely not go away.

Though you can't stop users from reacting to your post, you can edit your notification preferences so that you are not notified every time someone likes your comment.

To do this,

  • Go to your notifications
  • Click on "notification settings" found in the right-hand corner. 
  • Scroll down to "Moderation and Content"
  • Under the "reactions" section, uncheck relevant boxes that accommodate your preferences. 



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