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Increased efficiency and trust: new tools and ratings update


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Fiverr's new update says an order should meet following criteria, only then a buyer will be able to leave review on a cancelled order:

> A delivery was provided to the buyer to complete the order.

A buyer won't be able to leave review if:

> First-time buyers who purchased for the first time in the marketplace. 


> If a cancelled order is eligible for a review, the buyer will have 5 days to leave the review. 


After the update

I received a review on a cancelled order.

1. Buyer was first-time buying on fiverr.

2. There was no delivery made to buyer. 

3. The cancellation was made on Jan 29, 2023. I received review yesterday, so buyer had around 7 months to review on a cancelled order and not just 5 days. 


When this happened to me, I came on forum and spoke about it. I filed a complaint to fiverr customer support. It has been more than 24 hours and I have received no update from CS. I am 100% fine with other updates made by fiverr. But this ability of a buyer to leave review on a cancelled order with such bugs is a BIG NO.


First of all, if buyer wants to leave a review then the seller should be able to keep the funds. What is seller getting here:


1. Order is cancelled, so it affects completion rate.

2. Seller spent hours, in some cases days to get a thing done, so a big time waste for a seller.

3. Then seller is getting a negative feedback, a buyer will never give a positive feedback on a cancelled order.


The buyer should only be able to leave a review if he is spending something, is seller is not getting fund, he should not be getting review for something he didn't sell.


Then, there are many things which are not being decided automatically. If a review is left on a cancelled order which is against fiverr's rules, it can take more than 24 hours to remove the review. Don't you think it will have effects on sales/rankings in those 24 hours?

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An update:

Review has been removed by fiverr customer support. 1-star review for a cancelled order, which should not be there originally, was on my profile for last 26 hours only.

Still I would say, it's a big no if customer support is going to handle these issues manually, it will be a mess. Sellers will be waiting for hours/days to remove a review.

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@Shiran.M - I know this has been requested multiple times by sellers, but it would be really helpful to have the seller's response to buyer reviews visible from the seller's main profile page. Even more so now, since our responses to negative reviews are much more important. This would help buyers as well, when they are vetting their sellers.

Hopefully, the team can reconsider this request. It would be really nice to have a link/dropdown stating "See seller's response" below each review (and buyers can expand to see).

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54 minutes ago, vickieito said:

@Shiran.M - I know this has been requested multiple times by sellers, but it would be really helpful to have the seller's response to buyer reviews visible from the seller's main profile page. Even more so now, since our responses to negative reviews are much more important. This would help buyers as well, when they are vetting their sellers.

Hopefully, the team can reconsider this request. It would be really nice to have a link/dropdown stating "See seller's response" below each review (and buyers can expand to see).

To add to your comment to @Shiran.M, I think it's beneficial to buyers to see how the seller responded to negative reviews, especially. It just generally provides better context.

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6 hours ago, vickieito said:

it would be really helpful to have the seller's response to buyer reviews visible from the seller's main profile page

This is a much-needed feature, and I feel it would help Buyers significantly to see the response the Seller has provided against the review. Not all buyers have time to dig into the Gig pages to search for the response.

Even better, on the Buyer's profile page where the reviews given by Sellers are shown, against each review if there is a mechanism to show what review/feedback the Buyer has shared for that Seller, this will help sellers significantly.

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29 minutes ago, sripra9007 said:

Even better, on the Buyer's profile page where the reviews given by Sellers are shown, against each review if there is a mechanism to show what review/feedback the Buyer has shared for that Seller, this will help sellers significantly.

This reminds me ... in the Buyer Insights that we get as members of Seller Plus, we can see the order completion rate for buyers (and the average rating that they give their sellers).

But there is a big difference in the views for "With You" and "On Fiverr." For the buyers who have worked with me, I can see exact percentages. For the buyers who haven't yet, I can only see "High." That doesn't really tell me much because I don't know what qualifies as "High."

(note: two different buyers - on the left, I wanted to show a buyer who had less than 100% in the percentages with me and on the right, a buyer who gives their Fiverr sellers less than a 5-star rating, on average):



@Shiran.M - Is there any way that we can see an exact percentage for the order completion rate in the "On Fiverr" view, just like how we can see exact percentages in the "With You" view? Or at least let us know what is considered "High" or "Low"? Thanks!

Here's another "With You" view. Normally there are a few warning signs that I look at:



I chose not to work with this buyer because 1) the sellers rated this buyer a 4.5, 2) one review was a very detailed 1-star review, 3) the buyer rated her sellers 4.6 on average, 4) she was not familiar with the platform, 5) English communication was difficult in the inbox chats, and 6) the buyer chose not to share her order completion rate in the Buyer Insights (which made me question why).

Note: most buyers (unlike this one) are not sharing their negative reviews on their profiles anymore. It makes it hard for sellers to decide who to work with.

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On 8/9/2023 at 8:59 AM, vickieito said:

@Shiran.M - I know this has been requested multiple times by sellers, but it would be really helpful to have the seller's response to buyer reviews visible from the seller's main profile page. Even more so now, since our responses to negative reviews are much more important. This would help buyers as well, when they are vetting their sellers.

Hopefully, the team can reconsider this request. It would be really nice to have a link/dropdown stating "See seller's response" below each review (and buyers can expand to see).

I just found out that by switching the view in the "Sort by" dropdown, you can suddenly see all of the seller's responses to their reviews right there on their profile page (but only with the profiles that have the "new" look):



This is much easier than going to the individual gig pages to see their responses.

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On 8/9/2023 at 1:01 PM, Shiran.M said:

Hey @nicks_voice
Questions 1+3: If the buyer canceled due to an order placed incorrectly and no delivery was provided (and also no lateness or unresponsiveness of the seller for 24+ hours) then this cancellation case is not eligible for a review.

Question 2: In the case a client refused to a cancellation and order becomes late - this can be eligible for a review (for a completed or cancelled order-depends how the order ends), but this is a pretty rare case. Usually buyers agree to cancellations since they want to get their money back and find another service provider to complete their project on time. If the cancellation request was sent (by your or the buyer) before the order was determined late, and the order was canceled after this request, then it will
not be considered late during the cancellation process, and shouldn't be eligible for review.

Question 4: Not sure I understand what did you mean in “first time seller". Sellers can’t leave reviews for cancellations, and neither first time buyers in the marketplace. If it isn’t a first time buyer, and one of the eligibility conditions took place, then the buyer can choose to review the experience.

So I had a case today regarding a buyer wanting to cancel an order due to ordering the wrong thing. I was responsive all the time. The order was not delivered. The time did not run out. 

Today I'm asking a support rep because all answers are super vague from Fiverr on this topic. And they give me this answer.

"To answer your inquiry, please be advised that your buyers rate their overall experience with you, not just the order. As you know, this doesn't have to be related to the fact that the order was wrongly placed."

I am so lost with this. Everyone is telling different things currently. What a mess...

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Well, today buyer clearly abused my services and get with $1400 worth of work for free in exchange I have to be super nice to make sure that he won't leave a bad review.

Hiding honest opinions and providing an incredible amount of work just to satisfy the client even if he didn't pay a penny, that is the reality of this update.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Some Buyers Exploits this. I Recently come across where I have to Cancel the Order because of Unresponsive Nature of Buyer after Submitting. As a Result I have to Cancel the Order after doing 90% of the Work & in turn I have dealed with a 1 Star. Neither I get Paid for the time Invested & smashed with 1 Star even after Cancellation.

Edited by sahildesign1
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Buyers leaving review on cancelled orders might not be so good feature. Sometimes we cancel order for good reasons like recently a buyer couldn't provide all that I needed to complete the work, (his Instagram account is stuck on a business manager that is not under two of his Facebook accounts he provided, meaning there's another account or admin that is currently managing that business manager which he couldn't remember and I needed access to that business manager to complete the work). Some works are dynamic so there are some things you can't know upfront to state as order requirements. The buyer was aggressive and annoyed with me as if I am the cause of the issue meanwhile I was trying to help and get paid. Such a buyer would leave a bad review on the cancelled order if he had the chance.

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