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Buyer request vs Brief


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4 hours ago, sujanaprodesign said:

Buyer request was more effective rather than brief. I am not getting any brief after stopping the buyer request. How is going on with you?

If you were only relying on Buyer Requests, then you are probably slow with any orders. It also takes time with Buyer Briefs. Just keep your gig up to date and rewording if needed. It probably also depends on how many people you are competeing with in your seller category. 

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9 hours ago, sujanaprodesign said:

Buyer request was more effective rather than brief.

Perhaps, however, Buyer Requests are gone for good. They're not coming back. Fiverr uses the Brief & Match system now. 

9 hours ago, sujanaprodesign said:

I am not getting any brief after stopping the buyer request.

No seller is entitled to briefs. If you qualify for any, they may be shown to you. If not, focus on the things that you can control -- like being a great seller.

9 hours ago, sujanaprodesign said:

How is going on with you?

I have no complaints.

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9 hours ago, sujanaprodesign said:

Buyer request was more effective rather than brief. I am not getting any brief after stopping the buyer request. How is going on with you?

Since buyer request is no longer available, Fiver has become more effective for many sellers who know what they are doing.

I mean...


With a gig description like this, you can't blame buyers for being skeptical of your ability to communicate / deliver.

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9 hours ago, jonbaas said:

No seller is entitled to briefs. If you qualify for any, they may be shown to you. If not, focus on the things that you can control -- like being a great seller.

But aren't TRS and level 2 sellers getting free matches though ( even if the job doesn't match their gig ), seems like entitlement to me. Of course you don't have any complaints, you would have had complaints if you weren't getting free matches. 😄

9 hours ago, strategist_ceo said:

Since buyer request is no longer available, Fiver has become more effective for many sellers who know what they are doing.

You mean more effective for high level sellers like TRS and level 2, since the brief feature is highly governed by seller level. I can bet if you made a duplicate of your best gig on a new account you will never get a match.

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6 hours ago, vishdrawings said:

Of course you don't have any complaints, you would have had complaints if you weren't getting free matches. 😄

Are there sellers who must pay for their matches? 


6 hours ago, vishdrawings said:

But aren't TRS and level 2 sellers getting free matches

Ahh, well, I will repeat what I told you in another thread. 

Fiverr matched me with level one and two sellers when I placed a brief to find services. You seem to insist that Level one sellers are not getting briefs when they are. 


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8 hours ago, vishdrawings said:

You mean more effective for high level sellers like TRS and level 2, since the brief feature is highly governed by seller level. I can bet if you made a duplicate of your best gig on a new account you will never get a match.

So far, I haven't gotten a single match as a level 2. So you can be sure that I didn't get any benefit from this matching system, either.

I visited your gig profile "create art assets for your game"; you could have made better use of the 1,200 characters available, used proper tags, and matched the title of your gig with the category you placed yourself in.

If you have a more polished account, I may be interested in engaging you in this conversation. But since your account is so loosely constructed, there's no one else to blame if you aren't getting matches.

I also did not get any notification that I could exercise sovereign authority in some way.

Edited by strategist_ceo
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20 hours ago, jonbaas said:

I have no complaints.

Dang it Jon, I have SO many complaints!!

OK, not really, but I keep getting those annoying "You're a match!" message in my Inbox and the amazing thing is NONE of them are a match.
Just yesterday I got the same old silly "match" message and I just clicked on it for the heck of it...and it was for a Spanish translation.
I guess I'll just go back to the "delete the message without checking the contents because I know it ain't a match" method again. 


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12 hours ago, vishdrawings said:

you would have had complaints if you weren't getting free matches. 😄

I don't get "free matches". I'm a seller who has earned the right to get any matches that I recieve. But I also don't expect to get any matches to begin with. I don't rely on those Brief & Match matches, just as I never relied on Buyer Requests for my orders. Neither should you.

Great sellers don't rely on things being given to them for free.

12 hours ago, vishdrawings said:

You mean more effective for high level sellers like TRS and level 2

Do I sense a bit of jealousy from you? 

Level 2 and TRS sellers were once no-level sellers, or level 1 sellers, just like you. We all work our way up the same ladder.

12 hours ago, vishdrawings said:

I can bet if you made a duplicate of your best gig on a new account you will never get a match.

Well, I guess, since that's against the rules, we'll never know. 😉 

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1 hour ago, zeus777 said:

I guess I'll just go back to the "delete the message without checking the contents because I know it ain't a match" method again. 

I often wonder if the new B&M feature was more of a way to create something -- anything -- to viably end the broken things of BR. BR was heavily misused, and new sellers seemed to think that it was a golden meal ticket. But that's not how BR was intended to function. I imagine BR was intended to be a more valuable feature under the old Fiverr system, but that old -- orginal -- Fiverr has been almost completely removed (i.e., upgraded to an AI system). BR was the only real original feature left, and it was a mess under the new AI Fiverr. I wouldn't be surprised if B&M was the "just make something to allow us to remove BR" solution. Now, with BR gone, the problems of BR are gone as well, and the new B&M feature is less integral, and therefore, less likely to be inappropriately relied upon for success. Now, new sellers are  forced to learn how to build their freelance reputations in the marketplace, as Fiverr has always intended it to be.

Edited by jonbaas
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I placed a brief a while back and only got one response back from a Top Rated Seller.

I was surprised because I was sure I'd get flooded by responses like I usually would with Buyer Requests.

I guess the TRS was the only one to read my brief as all the others just deleted my offer. Or, maybe it didn't get sent out to that many people after all?

In any case I'm 0-0 in the Brief Matching section both as a seller AND a buyer now. (Things didn't work out with the TRS because, ironically, they weren't a good match)

Edited by izah_moh
Added clarification at the end
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17 hours ago, vishdrawings said:

I can bet if you made a duplicate of your best gig on a new account you will never get a match.

He means that if I'm a new seller, with the same gig, I probably won't get a match. That's very likely... I haven't gotten a single match so far.

I've optimized my account and I convert at least 80% of everyone who contacts me. It took me several months to become a level one, and it over a year and a half to become a level two. 

Truth being told @vishdrawings, you joined 6 months ahead of me, so you had plenty of time more time than me to use buyer requests. Yet, you seem to be behind. Is the problem really with Level 2 or TRS?

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10 minutes ago, strategist_ceo said:

I visited his profile and noticed he puts more effort into arguing than actually optimizing his few pages to bring in business.


Possibly because the request model works better for someone who only drops by every now and then. He can look at what's available at the moment and apply for jobs he likes. Plus he doesn't think that there's anything wrong with his gigs, because he does get inquiries.

12 minutes ago, strategist_ceo said:

Some of his arguments are so exhaustive. 

Exhaustive or exhausting? 🙂

13 minutes ago, strategist_ceo said:

Two-thirds of his gig are in the wrong category, two-thirds of his gig description are too short, all three uses tags ineffectively

Ineffective tags and wrong categories might be the reason for not getting briefs.

All the briefs I get are for the stuff I don't offer, from writing books (and fetish stories) through homework and other suspicious stuff (plus things that one shouldn't ask of random strangers on the internet) to website content, logo design for a publishing company... But all those briefs are in Writing & Translating category, so at least the category is correct.

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On 12/16/2022 at 3:31 PM, catwriter said:

He wouldn't, because he never depended on them to get orders.

Of course, he doesn't depend on it, you never needed it, the TRS never used it but still for some reason everyone is unanimously against buyers requests ( which they never used ) and pro briefs ( which they claim they don't use ), very interesting

On 12/16/2022 at 9:32 PM, vickiespencer said:

Ahh, well, I will repeat what I told you in another thread. 

Fiverr matched me with level one and two sellers when I placed a brief to find services. You seem to insist that Level one sellers are not getting briefs when they are. 

Thank you for that, I would like to repeat my reply from that thread too. I also posted THREE briefs with exactly same description but different budgets. The one with lower than fiverr's suggested budget didn't get any match outright, the one with closer to lowest suggest budget was posted but didn't get any match, the one with higher budget got matched with level 2 seller who was a wrong match. I also posted screenshots of my findings unlike you.

And there are hundreds of new sellers asking the exact same question of not getting matches, plus I never once said that level 1 sellers don't get matched.

You seem to insist on withholding the data that doesn't suit you.

On 12/17/2022 at 4:19 AM, jonbaas said:

I don't get "free matches". I'm a seller who has earned the right to get FREE matches

Nice 😄

On 12/17/2022 at 4:19 AM, jonbaas said:

Great sellers don't rely on things being given to them for free.

Do I sense a bit of jealousy from you? 

But you are against buyer's request which required work ( sorting through all posted jobs and sending offers ) and pro briefs ( which matches based on keywords, seller stats and  level and doesn't require you to do anything hence are essentially free job offers ) even though you claim to never rely on or use either. And think who worked to get order through BR are entitled/golden meal ticket but those getting the same via matches from AI without going through all that aren't?

Do I sense a bit of hypocrisy from you? 😄

On 12/17/2022 at 4:19 AM, jonbaas said:

Well, I guess, since that's against the rules, we'll never know. 😉 

I think you can, you are just refusing to learn  😉

On 12/17/2022 at 12:09 AM, strategist_ceo said:

So far, I haven't gotten a single match as a level 2. So you can be sure that I didn't get any benefit from this matching system, either.

I visited your gig profile "create art assets for your game"; you could have made better use of the 1,200 characters available, used proper tags, and matched the title of your gig with the category you placed yourself in.

If you have a more polished account, I may be interested in engaging you in this conversation. But since your account is so loosely constructed, there's no one else to blame if you aren't getting matches.

Thank you for that analysis, I have already explained in detail why I think I have not received any matches you can ask @catwriter or visit that thread for yourself. My comment is about new sellers and for new sellers who are looking of answers. I haven't even changed my gig pics since I created this account. Even though I suggested others to do seo optimization and keyword changes ( which is not my idea, it's just something the TRS has suggested ) I don't know how to do it myself since that is not my field.

But your profile says you are a "business strategist" and devise "wining plans for growth" yet you being a level 2 ( lower chance than TRS but still higher chance of getting matches than level 1 ) haven't received any match either? Does that mean your profile has worse optimization and is less polished than mine? 😄

On 12/17/2022 at 9:09 AM, strategist_ceo said:

He means that if I'm a new seller, with the same gig, I probably won't get a match. That's very likely... I haven't gotten a single match so far.

Exactly! That's all I said, why all this fuss?

On 12/17/2022 at 9:09 AM, strategist_ceo said:

Truth being told @vishdrawings, you joined 6 months ahead of me, so you had plenty of time more time than me to use buyer requests. Yet, you seem to be behind. Is the problem really with Level 2 or TRS?

I think @catwriter already answered that.

My problem is with neither. Maybe all of you don't know this ( since you all claim to have never used buyer's request ) but there was a big gap in buyer's request based on seller level too. As a new seller I could see only 2-10 requests each day, as a level 1 I saw over 400 requests to chose from and send offers. Higher level means higher perks ( like more active gigs, more visibility on fiverr search, early withdrawals, etc. )Same is with briefs, TRS gets matched more often, level 2 a little less, level 1 even less ( I haven't seen any myself but I believe they do ) and I haven't seen any new seller getting any match ( based on the comments on this forum and customer support ).

My problem is with people ( mostly TRS ) giving out false claims and sass to new sellers who are trying to start their career.

On 12/17/2022 at 9:48 AM, catwriter said:

I visited his profile and noticed he puts more effort into arguing than actually optimizing his few pages to bring in business.

As a new member on this forum I get very little comment per day. I am putting my effort into raising my level here so I can reply to you . 😉 


On 12/17/2022 at 10:54 AM, strategist_ceo said:

After the exhausting effort to go thru his profiles :classic_ninja:


On 12/17/2022 at 9:48 AM, catwriter said:


Yes, it was quite exhausting to ask TRS about this topic. 😄 You can see all those long questions amounted to nothing because they kept contradicting their own statements and circling back on every topic. But it wasn't all in vain, you can see my answer for the same question to others in different threads, I basically told them exactly what TRS said and it didn't take 5 pages 😄 😄

No one bothered to answer their question so I told them what TRS told me.

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It must be exhausting to keep crying about something that's not gonna be changed. I've never used BRs (except as a buyer--which is a horrible experience, btw), and I doubt I'll ever use briefs. So, I don't like BRs, and I have no opinion about briefs.

But I guess I'm still one of those idiotic Top Rated Sellers, so my opinion wouldn't matter, anyway.

I just know that it's healthier to focus on things you can actually change instead of arguing with everyone who has more experience and a different opinion than you.

Edited by vibronx
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On 12/16/2022 at 2:25 PM, vishdrawings said:

But aren't TRS and level 2 sellers getting free matches though ( even if the job doesn't match their gig ), seems like entitlement to me

I'm one of those TRS that gets sent a ton of briefs. Do you want them? I'll gladly give them to you, I had to deactivate them because they were always trash and were cluttering my notifications. Didn't get a single order from them.

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