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21 hours ago, ontor550 said:

must be active more

So you answered a question (which incidentally is incorrect) on how to increase gig impressions

21 hours ago, ontor550 said:

How can I grow my fiverr profile?

Then you ask virtually the same question yourself???

Please stick to reading the forum and understanding how to grow your own business rather than trying to gain credibility points.  

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On 11/26/2022 at 3:32 AM, ontor550 said:

I am a new seller  please give me any idea how can i get the order

Hi @ontor550, I see that you are a digital marketer and SEO expert, so you may be interested in how Fiverr's algorithm works.

In @frank_d's words:


If you still think about SEO, and keywords, and ranking, you already lost the game.

You can read about this here:



Understanding how Fiverr works is key to learning how to get organic orders through search and matches through the Brief & Match feature:


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4 hours ago, ontor550 said:

hello so why am i not getting the fiverr brief, what can i do to get it? someone tell me please 

Hi @ontor550 - If you aren't getting matches, it's because Fiverr doesn't see your gig as "relevant" when buyers search for your services. To make yourself more relevant and attract your target customers, consider doing the following:


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Empressions can only be gained once you have unlocked Emperor status on Fiber.

To achieve this, you have to eat a lot of Fiber daily until you are crowned Emperor of Fiber.

Us, regular folks, only get impressions.

If you wish to embark on this glorious path, listen to @donnovan86's advice!

Edited by sunboatrecords
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