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I am not seeing Intro video option in my Seller account?



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First things first, yes @hur_developer, as @vickieito wrote to you in the first place, it's a beta feature that eventually will be added to a larger audience 🤞
I think it's a fantastic idea and it's perfect for my business on Fiverr since I'm using my brand logo for my profile's image. With this feature, when a buyer land to my page, my logo disappear for a few seconds and this magic happens:


After that, the logo returns to its place and if you pass with the mouse over the profile image the intro video comes back: it works like a story. 
And what a fancy border! 🤩


About @vickieito request: well, you're too kind, thank you! I'm glad that all those countless hours spent talking alone have done some fruit 🤣

So, how to be comfortable in front of a camera? You can't! That's it. I mean, if you look at the attached screenshot, you see no reflections on my glasses; you could think "wow, that's great!" but for me it was more like "I can't move an inch of my whole body or I'll get glares on my glasses" xD
Find your path through the right words and if they are your words (composed and/or re arranged by you) it will be much easier. I'm not the best guy here to ask for video recordings tips (I'm a session musician after all) but remember that you are acting and playing all the time: don't be afraid to act! 
You said that I look comfortable in front of the camera but that it's not totally right: I'm comfortable doing that very short video that I've planned to do for a very long time. You wouldn't say that I'm comfortable if I was dancing in front of the camera 🕺😁

Enjoy, showcase yourself or/and the brand that you want to be and get sincere feedback from different people 📸

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6 minutes ago, williambryan392 said:

How did I miss this!? I've been putting off gig videos for long enough, this is something for me to add to my ever growing to-do list! Thanks @vickieito!

@williambryan392, I know you mentioned that I should put myself in my gig videos (I still haven't done that yet). 😅 Now I have another video to do. Still gathering the courage. I don't like the sound of my voice. I wish I could sound like @mandyzines, but some people tell me my voice is a little high and youthful sounding. I'd like to sound mature and thoughtful.

I also want to have the presence and comfort of speaking in front of the camera like @danno1950 or @trombonhero! I'm not comfortable in front of the camera. It might take me a while before I get videos up that I feel are representative of me!

(I'd appreciate any free pointers from the people I've tagged!) 🙏🏾

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2 minutes ago, vickieito said:

(I'd appreciate any free pointers from the people I've tagged!) 🙏🏾


I hate being on camera too. It's one of the reasons I didn't do it yet for my gigs. I may well put my video on the forum for some judgement. I'm not going to invest in specialist equipment, my iphone max will have to do but I'd be interested in (almost) everyones thoughts!

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6 hours ago, vickieito said:

I also want to have the presence and comfort of speaking in front of the camera like @danno1950

Thanks Vickie! That's nice to hear. This is an area that takes a lot of practice.
1) Remember where the camera is recording, so you look directly into it. 

2) Even if you've memorized what you want to say, be prepared to have a lot of tries. I've been 53 seconds into a 60 second recording many times and fluffed a word, and had to start over.

3) Just relax and speak as if you're in a conversation.

4) Be patient. It just takes time to get it right.

5) I work on an iMac, and iMovie is a great recording tool. An iPhone will work nicely as well.

6) I wear reading glasses for up close, but they sometimes cast reflections, so I've learned to take them off. That means I have to look at the camera without really seeing that well, and remember to keep my eyes wide open, and not squint. 😀

I hope these thoughts help. 


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10 hours ago, vickieito said:

I wish I could sound like @mandyzines

Aw. Thank you. There's a demand!! I've lost out on big jobs, elsewhere, because I can't sound more like you. 

Many people expect a woman to sound high-pitched, enthusiastic and bubbly, which is something that I haven't sounded like at any point in my life--not even as a child. I sounded like a mature woman at 12 years old. I've had quite a few people here go ahead and order with the young, enthusiastic, and bubbly expectation and it being clear that they hadn't even found an instance of me doing that in my samples. 

This is almost the closest that I can come. I've done a Christian explainer that was a bit more intense, and it hurt, but the client was happy! It's the most chosen of my voice message samples, in a tone that I personally love to hang up on. I wouldn't be able to sustain it for longer projects.

Edited by mandyzines
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3 hours ago, danno1950 said:

1) Remember where the camera is recording, so you look directly into it.

It took me a year of giving private ZOOM lessons for ESL students to figure out how to look directly at the camera!

3 hours ago, danno1950 said:

3) Just relax and speak as if you're in a conversation.

This is the next big challenge...I still have a hard time conversing with my computer camera as if it's a person. I should probably put up a picture of someone I like to chat with, such as my older sister. The only problem is I start to sound like a valley girl when I chat with her, so I may need to get a picture of a professional client to put up by the camera. I'll play around with it.

4 hours ago, danno1950 said:

6) I wear reading glasses for up close, but they sometimes cast reflections, so I've learned to take them off. That means I have to look at the camera without really seeing that well, and remember to keep my eyes wide open, and not squint. 😀

That's a good point! I have glasses and I always give off a glare. I'm really blind without those glasses. I do have a good photography lighting kit that I left in Maui. Our family just decided a couple of days ago to move to Hawaii (instead of just visiting there), so I might just pick up the lighting kit from Maui before we move to the Big Island. Once in Hawaii, I was going to get a prescription for contact lenses (for our beach days), but it might come in handy when I need to record the intro video.

43 minutes ago, mandyzines said:

I sounded like a mature woman at 12 years old.

How lucky! This is a gift. I'm glad you're using it to your advantage! I like how your voice still has your signature warmth and depth in the sample you shared. 

33 minutes ago, mandyzines said:

Many people expect a woman to sound high-pitched, enthusiastic and bubbly

Maybe I just need to face reality. Since I'm never on camera, my perception of myself is probably skewed from reality. I might turn to daily vlogging to get used to myself, my voice, and the camera. I'll delete all the videos - I just need to practice and get used to this!

Thanks @danno1950 & @mandyzines for all the tips!

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1 hour ago, vickieito said:


I really can't get that warmth out of my voice. I found a microphone that downplays it, but, still....

And I meant to mention that I too have never liked being on camera, and have a bigger issue with it these days seeing as the stress of the past 2.5 years is visibly obvious. I used to speak and compete in front of large crowds, believe it or not! I don't have any tips for getting on cam, but am right there with you.

Edited by mandyzines
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1 minute ago, mandyzines said:

I really can't get that warmth out of my voice.

Why would you want to get that warmth out of your voice?

I can do it without trying. 😂 My first and only voiceover that I did was for an insurance course. My eyes glaze over whenever I think about insurance and I found out that my voice was very honest about that (my first attempt sounded low and dead). I had to do some aerobics to get my voice back to its peppy self. My buyer did end up approving the voiceover but the project was for a 50-hr ecourse and I couldn't motivate myself to do it all. I quickly got permission from my buyer to replace my voiceovers with a professional voiceover artist. Best decision I ever made!

3 minutes ago, mandyzines said:

I used to speak and compete in front of large crowds, believe it or not!

I was a corporate trainer during my food science days, so many of my training groups had up to 50 people. I love to interact with my audiences and I can't do that with the camera - it doesn't talk back to me or give me the eye contact that I need to feel natural or real. I feel silly talking to a camera.

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1 hour ago, trombonhero said:

With this feature, when a buyer land to my page, my logo disappear for a few seconds and this magic happens:


After that, the logo returns to its place and if you pass with the mouse over the profile image the intro video comes back: it works like a story. 
And what a fancy border! 🤩

It looks amazing, @trombonhero!!! I agree, this is one of the coolest features that Fiverr has added to the profiles!

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1 hour ago, trombonhero said:


After that, the logo returns to its place and if you pass with the mouse over the profile image the intro video comes back: it works like a story. 
And what a fancy border! 🤩

Grazie mille!

Thank you for showing us. 

Who gets which of these beta features is still a mystery.

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