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Buyer Request Marketplace - is it gone?


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6 hours ago, catwriter said:

No, because many sellers don't rely on buyer requests to get orders. They get orders when buyers find their gigs in search and buy.

My Gig ranking dropdown and yet I didn't get any Brief. I'm confused what to do in this situation, ☹️

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I am a creative Graphic Designer, I have created 5 gigs as a graphic designer on Fiverr. I have 3 years of experience in the local market but I have been on Fiverr for 4 months.  In the beginning buyer, requests were shown but nowadays it's not showing. Please check out my profile.

Some people say that Fiverr has changed its policies that's why buyer requests are not showing if it is, So what beginners should do now?

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For a new seller, getting a buyer request is like catching the moon in the sky. This is the current situation.

Fiverr has changed their Buyer Requests process.
It is certainly commendable. For those of us who are new to the fiverr marketplace, what we need to do is wait for buyer requests. As well as developing their own skills.
''Thanks for U''

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Well give that the feauture itself is going to be deleted completely, yes. 

That doesn't mean that newbies who show potential can't get orders or briefs though. Only those who relied on BR and never got their business going the way its intended two are in trouble. 

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2 hours ago, kabirbd66 said:

My Gig ranking dropdown and yet I didn't get any Brief.

Briefs are typically sent to sellers who perform well, not to those who messed up.

The purpose of briefs is to match buyers with sellers who are likely to deliver the work to buyers' satisfaction.

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1 hour ago, deecondliffe said:

Hey how do you access buyer briefs?

On your gig page is a slider button where you can turn it on. If Fiverr thinks that you qualify, then they will send you briefs.

2 hours ago, kabirbd66 said:

My Gig ranking dropdown and yet I didn't get any Brief. I'm confused what to do in this situation, ☹️

I think your average review affects how many briefs you get. If you have a less than 5-star average You may get less briefs.  

9 hours ago, asadrahmani said:

No more buyer request

Fiverr eliminated Buyer Requests because of the many sellers who abused them. I used them once and was flooded with replies from sellers who did not have the qualifications to do the requested work.

Also, some sellers would promote their services on Buyer Requests even though only other sellers would see them. 🤦🏻‍♀️

Another issue was that when I did use Buyer Requests, I was spammed by sellers who thought they would "jump the line" and contact me directly. As a seller, that aggravated me because I worried that my inbox response rate would suffer if I missed responding to the multitude of spam my Buyer Request caused.

So, the Buyer Request is gone, all thanks to the sellers who abused the system. Now Fiverr is sending briefs to qualified sellers, not those that would respond to every Buyer Request with "I can do" or those that otherwise abused the system.

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5 minutes ago, animationbdenny said:

Anyone else notice that since Fiverr started pushing the buyer briefs that all of a sudden there are next to ZERO buyer requests anymore? 

I used to see dozens of buyer requests every day until recently, about the same time the whole buyer brief thing started.

Fiverr stated that they are replacing Buyer Requests with Buyer Briefs, so what you are seeing is expected. They are getting rid of Buyer Requests completely.

Eventually there will only be Buyer Briefs, so you will need to change your business model if you depend heavily on Buyer Requests to run your business. 

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5 minutes ago, exgr_muhammad said:

Thank you for fast reply but question is Im wondering why im not getting any brief from any buyer ! Can any one help me to sortout or help me how can I update my account so i get buyer brief from buyers 

All you can do is turn on the "Get brief" feature on your Gig page. Fiverr will decide if there are matches for you, so you aren't guaranteed matches. Matches will be sent to sellers who have relevant titles & tags and have the best quality metrics and performance. Since there isn't much you can do to get matched to briefs, focus on optimizing your gigs to attract your target buyers. This is how Fiverr is designed to work (matching buyers to sellers, not sellers bidding to projects).

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43 minutes ago, animationbdenny said:

so basically most of us are f****d. The briefs I currently get are for things I don't even offer

After turning on the "Get brief" feature, I didn't get any briefs for a while. Then when I did, it was for things that weren't relevant. It's important to respond to each of those briefs to train the AI to send you relevant briefs. I mark "I don't offer this service" for all briefs that I don't want. It can take a while to train the AI, but now most of the briefs that I get now are relevant to the services I offer.

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Yeah thats what I started to do. I figured if I leave fiverr open all the time it will trick the AI into thinking I am a highly active user and I respond to everything that pops up to help with that as well. I just hate the idea of fiverr making things harder for freelancers because we will miss out on jobs that we could do but now are only shown jobs fiverr thinks we can do. 

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31 minutes ago, animationbdenny said:

I figured if I leave fiverr open all the time it will trick the AI into thinking I am a highly active user and I respond to everything that pops up to help with that as well.

It's not required to be online 24/7. It doesn't help you to be shown as being online if you aren't.

You can easily respond to inquiries by having alerts sent to your phone and have a full 8 hours rest at night and still have a 1-hr response time.

What you should focus on is maintaining good seller metrics, especially delivering orders in a timely manner and keeping your customers happy. Good performance gets rewarded on Fiverr.

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I opened my account on fiverr in August 2022 and so far I have received total 3 buyer request in this 3 months between  ….can you explain why I am not getting more buyer  request ….I have create 3 gigs ….what should I do to get more buyer request …I am using a desktop computer...Waiting for Your Valuable replay ….Thanks

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4 minutes ago, picweaves said:

can you explain why I am not getting more buyer  request

Fiverr is removing that feature.

And you already know it, because you've read about it on the forum, and posted on the topic about buyer requests.

6 minutes ago, picweaves said:

.what should I do to get more buyer request

How do you get more of something that's being removed?

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Hi Team,

I'm a second-level seller and have completed a number of successful orders. However, since the last 10 days after Fiverr removed the buyer request feature, I have not gotten a single buyer brief. My friend who is providing an accounting service got 2 briefs today, but I didn't receive a single brief, even though I'm also providing the same services. This is not good practise by Fiverr at all.

Everyone should be given an equal chance, at the very least for comparable services. Otherwise, what is use of a freelancing site?

If this type of behaviour persists, freelancers like me who previously performed well, but now are not getting the chance to speak with a potential client will have to leave fiverr.

Can someone advise me what to do?

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