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🚗Crazy, funny, or scary driving stories ... do you have any to share?


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It's been very quiet these last three years living in Japan without a car. I love it! I can get everywhere I need to with just my bike or the train. 

However, driving on the road was definitely more exciting! Here are some things that made it more interesting for me:

  • I'm a terrible driver - I have wrecked 5 cars in 5 consecutive years. All my fault. 😟
  • Multitasking drivers - I've been impressed with friends who can drive with one knee while they do other tasks with each hand, such as making a salad and putting on makeup (note, they drive better than me).
  • Road Rage - It doesn't take much to get some people riled up. My husband thinks it's funny to "tease" those people. I think he's crazy.
  • Winter driving - This is the scariest for me! I hate spinning out of control and off the road.

One crazy but true driving story:

While on a work trip in Chicago, my taxi driver and another taxi driver had some type of issue going on between them while we were driving on the freeway. My driver kept trying to get away, but the other taxi driver would cut in front of us and slam on the breaks. Both drivers kept this up - weaving in and out of 70 mph traffic at very high speeds and stopping abruptly. It was scary! I was sure we were going to crash (either into each other or into other traffic on the freeway) and was pleading for my driver to stop so I could get out. Eventually both taxis did stop and both drivers got out and started to fight. I saw that as my opportunity to quietly escape and get away. Whew! 😅

Now it's your turn! What crazy, funny, or scary driving stories do you have? I'd love to hear!

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5 minutes ago, vickieito said:
  • Multitasking drivers - I've been impressed with friends who can drive with one knee while they do other tasks with each hand, such as making a salad and putting on makeup (note, they drive better than me)

The putting on make up I understand but I have questions for the friend who is making a salad............ 😂

Nothing too crazy but we went to Niseko and we rented a car to drive and we were already about to go back to the airport, the snow was awful and we tried shoveling the path but that didn't make a huge dent and it was very late, dark and snowing heavily....So we stayed one more night.... We were late for our flight. And had to rebook. 😬

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Well... you know, I never drive or own a car. Ever in my whole life (grew up in California). It's not just because I lost both of my hearing and has been wearing hearing-aids since my childhood in the 80's. The only things I go to grocery shopping is having a friend take me to shopping. She was the only friend I had since I was little. I'm just glad that I don't drive and own the car, why? Because I didn't have worries about gas price. Insurance. And car accident. Because I always fear of driving, road rages (from crazy driver). I never trust Uber either. I'm always afraid of taking public transit such as bus because I have encountered some racist crazy white man in the bus spewing anti-Asian slur when got off work from SacBee (where I used to work as a designer for article/newspaper).

Thankfully the bus driver stopped the bus and forced the man out of his bus. And you know what the bus driver said to me? "Don't worry about it, kid. You're safe. I can't let anything happen to my passengers." I smiles to him when he then reach out his right hand for a handshake. I'm glad there are will some good people to intervene if something go wrong. 

I did tried to take a driving test while back in 2018, and pass my driving test. But I didn't have a car for practicing driving. Oh well, the driving permit has been already expired. So I decided to not take a driving test again. Ever. I realized that, whatever happen I'm driving. I will never know who I will be dealing with some crazy driver who will cut in front of you or pull out a gun and threaten to shoot. I have heard and seen many things happens from people of all colors (who was pleading guilty) in court after road rage gone wrong, accident cause by text and drive person, drunk driver, etc.

Well, that's my story. 🙂

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Many years ago (before cell phones were a thing), I was driving a Jeep Grand Cherokee through the Appalachian Mountains, on my way to Atlanta, Georgia. We were close to the Kentucky/Tennessee line. The jeep belonged to my dad. I was 20, maybe 21. I had my younger brother and sister in the back.

There was a road on the side of the mountains and it was sorta twisty, with sharper corners. I took one of the corners, very carefully. But, it was too much for the poor old jeep. The rear axle fell off. It was sorta hanging. Bits were still connected but most not. 

We walked down the road aways (like a couple hours slow walking) and got to a gas station. Called a cab and a tow truck and went to a Holiday Inn. I called my dad from the Holiday Inn and told him I'd left the jeep on the side of a mountain lol. Could he please come get us? We never saw the jeep again. 

Fun times lol.

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Gather round children, for I have been in three car accidents (four, actually, but 3 and 4 are basically carbon copies years apart with me as a passenger starring different, equally [bad word] drivers). I’ve walked away from all of them because clearly the fates love me very, very much and just want to keep me on my toes by making sure I have the occasional harmless brush with death.  

My first accident was on the same day that I got my first car, a snazzy Volkswagen Golf Mk. 2, or this beauty (NB: my car looked a lot worse, being an underpowered, ancient, cheap banger on its last legs):


I decided to take the old boy – who I had christened Frank Sinatra because I was a little obsessed with Frank Sinatra when I was 18 – for a spin in the local countryside, down roads that looked very much like this:


Didn't want it to be a boring drive, though, so I took special care to drive past a local top secret army facility that does nuclear stuff just because, enjoying the fact that I was tailed by a car inside the facility, before deciding to just drive around the Duke of Wellington’s family estate, which is open to the public in summer, but not in winter (it was winter, but hey, if the gates open, I go in and trespass because I'm 18 years old and this is FUN). A man in a tractor waved at me, and I waved back. I drove around for a bit then left as nothing happened and, well, I didn't really fancy getting caught and all the fun of trespassing just evaporates when the help cheerfully waves at you. 

All in all, a great drive - time to return home! Well, until I decided it was time to mess around with the radio, taking my eyes off the road for far too long on windy, narrow roads. I put my head up and noticed I was speeding towards a head-on collision with a tree. Naturally, I panicked and steered away, sending the car into a wonderful deathspin. As the car spun around, I regretted my poor life choices and quietly sat there waiting for whatever would happen next (no, I didn't scream - it didn't occur to me), but luckily all that happened was the passenger side crashed into a flimsy bit of wooden post between barb wire, flattening it.  The car continued to spin around on a muddy field, eventually ending up in the middle with some startled-looking cows (thankfully on the other side; no cows were harmed during this accident).

While the car was fine except a new, large dent adding to its "character," it was stuck in the mud so I was pretty much stranded until some motorists stopped and came to help me out. One even had a cellphone (this was way back in 2000 when they weren’t all that common) and called the police, which I didn’t particularly appreciate, as I then had to sit in my obviously and embarrassingly trashed car back on the road waiting for PC Plod to come, never mind all the repercussions, problems, and responsibilities that were probably going to come with it. Forty minutes later, they still hadn't shown up, but a battered old Land Rover with the world’s most stereotypical-looking farmer did. Oh dear – I braced myself for some yokel fence anger and lectures about cows and da irresponsible yoof, but it turned out to be the farmer’s neighbor, and he didn’t very much like the farmer whose fence I’d destroyed. He had a chuckle, telling me this was amazing and told me I should just leave. I did, somewhat confused at the unexpected turn of events, but eager to just get home and forget about everything. 

My parents were unimpressed when I returned home, with my mum in particular going on about it. Luckily, she had her own (small, stupid) accident a few weeks later so I was able to return the favor with extreme prejudice #teenagewin. The police never contacted me, which was... nice? I guess they didn't have my numberplate.

The second accident is rather less exciting. Same car though, a couple of years later. This time, I was speeding down the a straight bit of highway at the exciting and illegal speed of 90MPH, probably rocking out to some music and generally enjoying myself. Unfortunately, the front driver-side tire decided this was the perfect moment to blow out. 

Nothing too remarkable happened as the highway was pretty much deserted. The few motorists near-ish either slowed down or sped away as my car wobbled and rattled about with me employing my death grip on the steering wheel while trying desperately to get down to a safer speed and onto the hard shoulder. I called roadside assistance, they fixed my tire, and I drove like a granny the rest of the way home. Bit boring really. I did learn that if the steering wheel gets a bit "juddery" you should probably stop the car and have a look at the wheel rather than ignore it though. OTOH, the reason I maintained control was that while I ignored the obvious danger sign, I did employ a firmer grip on the wheel so when the blowout happened I was pretty much instantly ready to grip like a madman... 

The third accident happened only last year. I was not driving, my friend was - my job was navigation and music. We were driving through a delightful mountain pass, much like this one but with more twisty-turny bits with barriers being a little bit more scattered than one would like, considering the drop:


For some reason, my friend zoned out as we were approaching a pretty tight corner – I noticed that we were approaching at an uncomfortably high speed and yelled at him to break or at least wake TF up. Which he did, but it wasn’t quite soon enough. He employed the good old “panic and oversteer for spinny funtimes” tactic that isn’t quite as safe on mountain roads as it is on English country roads. Luckily, we smashed into a barrier on the passenger side again, this time with me acting as a fleshbag for the driver and banging my head into the window. On the plus side, the breaking meant that we were going at quite a low speed (perhaps 25MPH) so it was all rather gentle, if jarring.

After getting out of the car to inspect the damage and yell at each other a lot about whose fault it was (my terrible choice of music, apparently, a claim that I vehemently rejected), granny driving was again employed as the car limped to its final destination with plenty of shouting from me about bad driving, using words and colorful insults that would sadly get this post hidden. And no, there was no music. The radio was fine, but as I acidly noted to my friend, I wouldn't want to cause another accident. I was particularly vexed that the accident had broken my ecigarette, which should indicate just how injured nobody was. 

Greek drivers are generally terrible; I’ve found the best way to handle them is to let them do what you want and keep your distance, although to be honest that's rarely my choice. This is not a country to drive in if you don’t like tailgaters and people who overtake you on corners when there’s a massive truck coming toward you, and a country where a good 90% of the cars are pranged and beaten up. I’ve often considered buying one of these LED back window things to let them know to back off, but don’t really fancy the potential altercations it might get me into. You’ll have to imagine which of the LED emojis I would employ. I'm not really sure what the point of the flirting one is, to be honest. Is it a novel way to say hey, awesome driving!?


That's about it really. I'm a reasonably good (excellent for Greece), cautious driver these days and I haven't had an accident from being a bad driver in 20 years! It's other drivers that are the problem. Apropos of nothing and because this is a car thread, I'm now going to show off my car. As a TRS Pro who makes millions of dollars every week due to my undeservedly privileged status on this marketplace stealing orders from under the nose of n00bz who would do a much better job than I ever could despite their inexperience and inability to write, I obviously have a super expensive luxury car as well.

If you've got it, flaunt it, I say. Go on poors, show me your losermobiles. I bet none of you have such a fine car as this! If you do, I will just assume that you're lying because you don't want me to know you're actually seething with jealousy. But I know

Suzuki Swift 2005–2010 | Drive


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I'm a boring driver. I actually go the speed limit, give the vehicles in front of me plenty of space, stay in my lane, AND *gasp* use my turn signal.

Now, that's not to say I've never been in an accident. My very first one, was after dark on a 3-lane one-way street. I was in the left-most lane and had just reached speed after a stoplight turned green, when a vehicle pulled out of a parking lot into the middle lane and then left cutting in front of me. (I guess they thought it was a two-way with a turning lane.) I swerved, so the vehicles ended up being sideswiped. Fortunately, that car was a old one, with a darn solid frame.


My second accident was with a patch of black ice in my dad's car. There was fishtailing, a slide off the road, impact with a mile marker, and a 180 spin. Fortunately found a replacement headlight for a good price at a local car-parts scrap yard. (I later bought that car off my dad, so it became my car long after the incident.)


Oh! I can offer two odometer sillies! One from the first car and one from the second.

The only car-tale of true bizarreness I can offer involves my third (and current) car. For the longest time, there was a leak to inside the cabin that no one could identify. After I moved to a place with high-humidity, it became a real problem, as I started getting actual puddles in the footwell. The inside of the windows also constantly had water on them in the morning. So, this one morning about a year-ish ago, I go to wipe down the inside of the windshield, and my passenger was helping and POP! the front windshield comes partially out from the car! Fortunately for the wallet, again, resealing a window costs a lot less than replacing one completely. Also, it hasn't leaked since!


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I don’t really have a crazy driving story, because I just got my driver license less than 3 months ago. I wasn’t planning on driving and public transport was amazing in all countries where I lived. But I guess it all has to end at some point. 

So the only car crash I got to (which wasn’t bad, just a tiny scratch) was on the way to my driving test while being pregnant 🤦‍♀️
How big chances are to get in a car crash right before you take your driving test. I still made it in time for my test and just took it as “everything bad that could happen already happened” 🙈

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I never got into an accident, thank god.
However I did get stopped by the police. I was practicing driving with my friend at 3 am, and since I was so nervous I was driving veeeeeeery slowly plus I was not going in a straight line. The officer thought I was a drunk driver. I showed him my temporary driving permit and explained the situation, he chuckled and let me go after reminding me I need to go a biiiiiiiit faster and also in a straight line. Oh, good memories.

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Great stories, everyone!!!! Keep them coming!!! 😊

I'll keep checking back on this thread. My responses will probably be in multiple posts. Here's what we have so far:

Never got into an accident, BUT before the driving test ...

18 hours ago, zeus777 said:

I did get stopped by the police. I was practicing driving with my friend at 3 am, and since I was so nervous I was driving veeeeeeery slowly plus I was not going in a straight line. The officer thought I was a drunk driver. 

Your story brings back fun memories of learning drive, @zeus777! But did you really have to practice at 3 am? That's way too early! And dark!

My driving is always impaired when I drive at that hour!

21 hours ago, mariashtelle1 said:

So the only car crash I got to (which wasn’t bad, just a tiny scratch) was on the way to my driving test while being pregnant 🤦‍♀️

What a way to get your license, @mariashtelle1! 😂

I'm glad you did get it and that you had zero incidents during your first three months of driving (I wasn't so lucky)!

Cars that fall apart ...

On 6/21/2022 at 12:26 AM, poshlulla said:

There was a road on the side of the mountains and it was sorta twisty, with sharper corners. I took one of the corners, very carefully. But, it was too much for the poor old jeep. The rear axle fell off. It was sorta hanging. Bits were still connected but most not. 

@poshlulla, I had an old car that broke down like that in Wyoming and I never saw it again. I'm glad you and your brother were okay! It could've been very bad, especially since you were very far away from help!

Ah, goodbye, trusty old jeep. 

23 hours ago, imagination7413 said:

So, this one morning about a year-ish ago, I go to wipe down the inside of the windshield, and my passenger was helping and POP! the front windshield comes partially out from the car!

What a surprise! I'm so glad the windshield popped off when you were wiping it (rather than it coming off while driving)! That would've been a scare! 😲

Better safe than sorry ...

On 6/20/2022 at 11:59 PM, theratypist said:

we rented a car to drive and we were already about to go back to the airport, the snow was awful and we tried shoveling the path but that didn't make a huge dent and it was very late, dark and snowing heavily....So we stayed one more night.... We were late for our flight. And had to rebook. 😬

I'm glad you chose the safe route and bunkered down! It would've been dangerous if you tried driving in the heavy snow! 

Your story reminded me of Alaska ... getting "snowed in" was my favorite reason for missing school! ❄️I used to wish for snow days, but as an adult I don't enjoy them as much!

On 6/21/2022 at 8:27 AM, imagination7413 said:

I'm a boring driver. I actually go the speed limit, give the vehicles in front of me plenty of space, stay in my lane, AND *gasp* use my turn signal.

Shocking. ... someone who actually uses their turn signals? 😂 Actually, I should be thanking you. I would've gotten into a lot more accidents if it weren't for good drivers like you!

17 hours ago, animie_video said:

No car, no driving skills, no accident, no worries. I am awesome, right? 😂

Yes @animie_video! You are awesome! And I agree the "no car, no driving" life is the best!

On 6/21/2022 at 12:08 AM, dannykojima1 said:

gas price. Insurance. And car accident. ... driving, road rages (from crazy driver). I never trust Uber either. I'm always afraid of taking public transit ... I will never know who I will be dealing with some crazy driver who will cut in front of you or pull out a gun and threaten to shoot. ... accident cause by text and drive person, drunk driver, etc.

@dannykojima1, you've almost listed every danger/disadvantage there is on the road but forgot one - me! Yes, vickieito is very dangerous on the road. 😂 It's good that I don't drive now.

Also, I'm sorry you had to deal with that awful racist passenger, but I'm glad you had such a nice bus driver to take care of you!

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22 minutes ago, vickieito said:

you've almost listed every danger/disadvantage there is on the road but forgot one - me! Yes, vickieito is very dangerous on the road. 😂 It's good that I don't drive now.

Thank you for the warning, @vickieito. I'll make sure to write this down and pass to a friend of mine, so she'll watch out for you in the future. Hahaha. I'm kidding. 🙂

22 minutes ago, vickieito said:

Also, I'm sorry you had to deal with that awful racist passenger, but I'm glad you had such a nice bus driver to take care of you!

It was scary at that time I was just a high school student when I was junior. He was sitting right behind me and started saying all weird stuff. But I can see the bus driver's eyes keep looking at the passenger sitting behind me from the rear view mirror. He has enough of this man and stopped the bus, then force the man out. It was scary how he looking at me right in my eyes spewing racial slur.

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Car stories with pictures ...

On 6/21/2022 at 1:53 AM, emmaki said:

Gather round children, for I have been in three car accidents (four, actually, but 3 and 4 are basically carbon copies years apart with me as a passenger starring different, equally [bad word] drivers). I’ve walked away from all of them because clearly the fates love me very, very much and just want to keep me on my toes by making sure I have the occasional harmless brush with death.  

Thanks for your entertaining stories, @emmaki! I'm glad that you weren't harmed in any of the incidents! Especially that first one where you could've had a head-on collision with that tree! It sounds like the cops were never called on that one (or is it typical for cops to ignore a report)?

On 6/21/2022 at 8:27 AM, imagination7413 said:

Oh! I can offer two odometer sillies! One from the first car and one from the second.


Thanks for your car stories and pictures too, @imagination7413! I loved the odometer pictures!

It seems like both you and @emmaki got into accidents due to bad drivers!

On 6/21/2022 at 1:53 AM, emmaki said:

I’ve often considered buying one of these LED back window things to let them know to back off, but don’t really fancy the potential altercations it might get me into. You’ll have to imagine which of the LED emojis I would employ. I'm not really sure what the point of the flirting one is, to be honest. Is it a novel way to say hey, awesome driving!?


Ummm.... I think I have a good idea on which LED emoji you would get!😆 I think you and my husband would get along well. He likes to tease "road rage" drivers, just for fun. When we first got married (before the kids), he was always trying to find the drivers that were impatiently trying to pass other drivers. He would pull up right next to their cars and, after getting eye contact with the driver, would flip them off. He would then take off (checking in his rearview mirror to see if they were following). Most of them did take up the chase and some of them were hard to lose. Some would even follow us off the highway. I hated when my husband did that!

Car color and personalities ...

@emmaki do you always drive red cars? I noticed both car pictures are red. And @imagination7413, I think I saw a green car and the last one was a white one.

Both of your pictures got me thinking about car color and people's personalities, so I read an article by Jason Unrau on Autoguru.com. This is what he said below... does this match your personality?


Red - an assertive colour ... usually equated with a zest for life and an outgoing personality. The colour expresses fun and ambition.
If you’re a red car owner, you’re an Alpha personality. You like to be the centre of attention and you recharge your batteries around other people. You don’t stay in one place very long and want to be active at all times.


Green – and earthy color for frugal folks who like to have a consistent routine and don’t change things in life often (You may be considered frugal and probably have a consistent routine. You don’t change things in life often, especially major items, like your car. You’re environmentally conscious and love the outdoors.


White - a willingness to be transparent. If you choose to drive a white car, you’re open but can be reserved or shy. You appreciate simplicity yet enjoy modern, clean living. You don’t have anything to hide from the world.

I've been a gray car owner and his description pretty much matches who I am:


Grey - Those who drive grey cars are … the type of person who doesn’t like to make waves either, and goes with the flow.


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3 minutes ago, vickieito said:

does this match your personality?

First car was a Grey '90 Buick LaSaber. Use to belong to my grandma on my dad's side. Second car was a green '98 Ford Taurus. Belonged to my dad. Current car a white '09 Ford Focus. Belonged to my grandpa on my mom's side, then my mom.

I think this says, about my personality, that I don't know how to car-shop. 😁


(Also, I guess there was an error in the first picture I posted? Not that it's a good pic, but let me try again.)



11 minutes ago, vickieito said:

I loved the odometer pictures!

I think I'm approaching a fun one with my current car too. I'll have to see if I can catch it!

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6 hours ago, vickieito said:

Thanks for your entertaining stories, @emmaki! I'm glad that you weren't harmed in any of the incidents! Especially that first one where you could've had a head-on collision with that tree! It sounds like the cops were never called on that one (or is it typical for cops to ignore a report)?

They were definitely called, but they were taking ages to come and when the weird farmer gave me permission to run away I took it. I'm guessing the guy who called didn't give them my registration plate as they would have found me otherwise, and I could have got in legal trouble of some sort. But nothing ever happened, so. 

6 hours ago, vickieito said:

@emmaki do you always drive red cars? I noticed both car pictures are red.

No, I've also had a blue car and a maroon car. The color is pretty much incidental, as with the VW I was going super cheap, while with the Suzuki I was looking for boring things like reliability, low mileage, decent price etc., and color didn't matter. What I'd really like is the new Kia Sportage in a spiffy green color (that color profile is psychobabble BS) with all the options, a huuuuuuuge computer dashboard, and all the bells and whistles you can think of. But it's $$$ and I'm cheap. Maybe in 10 years, though I imagine something else will catch my eye in the meantime... 

Στην ελληνική αγορά το νέο Kia Sportage (+τιμές) | carandmotor.gr

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Story time including alzheimer and prison!

Story takes place in 2017. I have a motorcyle. Its a cool cruiser. 

It was a long day of work, i had to leave late. It was 21:00. My house is close to the job, so i take my bike if weather good. So im going home with my bike, using a main street. Busy road, but there is no traffic, it flows.

I approach to a traffic light, its green so i dont bother. Im at the left lane, there is a car at my right and a little front. AND SUDDENLY, and old guy, avoids getting hit by the car and moves past to my lane. Its a pedestrian. Im going like 60km. I violated all of the breaks to not hit the guy, i know im gonna fall even if i dont hit him. But by the time that guy was in front of me, we were like 5 meters apart. And i hit the old guy with my bike. Guy falls, my bike just falls to the side. Nobody got dragged, we just fall there. Car behind me could stop before hitting us.

I get up, check myself. I look fine (I had all my safety gear) I have some pain in my right hand and my right leg. But i could walk so shouldnt be a problem. I couldnt however, seem to be able to use my right thumb. People are started to gather around.

I look at the guy i hit. And i felt the fear coursing trough my veins as i have seen the guy LOST HIS DAMN HEAD. How could this possibly happen? I just hit him with 15km/hr or something, how could he get beheaded. Its not a sword im riding, its a bike. HOW COULD I MANAGE TO BEHEAD A PERSON WITH A BIKE ACCIDENT? AM I A KILLER NOW?

Anyways it turns out that the position of his body and my bike made it seem like he was beheaded. Some people helped and we dragged the bike. The guy has his head no worries. He seemed fine to be honest. He wasnt unconcious or something, he was laying down, with the peoples help he sat up on the ground.

Now that guy was old and he has his wife or sister with him. Because equally old woman came screaming "WHY WOULD YOU TAKE HıM FROM ME, WHY WOULD HE HAS TO DIE" She wasnt talking to me, she was talking to god i think. She was looking at the sky. It took couple minutes to show her that the guy is living and fine.

Cops and ambulance came. Ambulance took the old guy, cops took me. We put the bike to somewhere safe and heading to the station. I called 2 of my friends on the road to tell that i am going to station due to an accident. So, bail me out will ya?

Now as far the prodecure goes, i have to be inside the cell because, why not? But since im a sane person, they let my cigarette with me. Now im in the cell, waiting for something to happen. In the mean time i started smoking and try to gather my toughts. My leg still hurts but its not really a problem. My right hand however, i cant move it. I tried to take of my riding gloves, left one came out. Right one didint. Because my hand was bigger than it should be.

I dont have my cell phone with me so i dont know what my friends are doing at this point.

Half hour passes, 2 person joined me in the cell. Those two guys were addicts. Street troublemakers. They have their stuff taken because they were bad boys. So we shared my cigaratte package and start to have a little chat. Normally i would change streets if i saw them. But right now we are buddies. However they are out of this world. They are sooooo high or soooo drunk. Or both to be honest. I cant understand a single word coming out of their mouth. I can only understand the hand gestures when they want a smoke. 

Now i have been called to the upstairs again. I left my cell buddies and went upstairs. My friends are there with the cops. Not only 2 of my friends called as i have called. 3 of them came and they take their girlfriends/wives with them. So there are 6 people waiting for me. They managed to get a cd of a camera record belonged to the car after me. It shows everything. As i was passing the green light, the old guy suddenly appears in front of me. So im good. And the old guy in the hospital, doesnt remember what happens because he has alzheimers. He doesnt know why he was passing while red light is on, he doesnt remember the accident, nothing. Some say his wife pushed him to the street to get rid of him. Maybe she was done with him. You know, alzheimer can make a person really hard to get along. Anyway, old guy did not have any complaint, there isnt any damage on him except some bruises. I have no fault. So im good to go.

Now we are at my friends car talking about the stuff. The police was afraid that they have taken someone famous or important because 6 people have showed up to the station and they kinda found me famous worthy looking and sounding 😄 . So they didint want to risk anything and just let me go since there isnt anything suspicious 😄 I was flattered. Police tought i was some cool handsome famous guy with a charismatic voice and a bike 😄 

Now we are headed to hospital because there is something wrong with my right hand. Guess what? MY THUMB IS BROKEN. All that time i tought "yeah i wouldnt be able to stay like this if it was broken" Turns out, you can stat like that if your thumb is broken. They molded my hand, gave me a painkiller and let me go.

Long story short: It should have been me who took the ambulance, and the old guy should have gone to the station.

Its a nice little story, and i can tell this story the funny way too. It makes a great ice breaker for first dates 😄 


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On 6/22/2022 at 10:54 AM, imagination7413 said:

First car was a Grey '90 Buick LaSaber. Use to belong to my grandma on my dad's side. Second car was a green '98 Ford Taurus. Belonged to my dad. Current car a white '09 Ford Focus. Belonged to my grandpa on my mom's side, then my mom.

I think this says, about my personality, that I don't know how to car-shop. 😁

On 6/22/2022 at 4:58 PM, emmaki said:

The color is pretty much incidental, as with the VW I was going super cheap, while with the Suzuki I was looking for boring things like reliability, low mileage, decent price etc., and color didn't matter. What I'd really like is the new Kia Sportage in a spiffy green color (that color profile is psychobabble BS) with all the options, a huuuuuuuge computer dashboard, and all the bells and whistles you can think of. 

I guess the car colors were just a random thing!

It looks like all your cars were inherited @imagination7413! I like inheriting cars because those are the cheapest and you don't have to worry about being scammed. I've bought several cars from Craigslist before and some of the sellers were pretty shady!

.... ooooh, the psychobabble BS Kia Sportage does look nice. Maybe you can use your TRS earnings, @emmaki! A couple of website reviews and you're there, right? 😜

On 6/22/2022 at 5:41 PM, ozan_erdi said:

I look at the guy i hit. And i felt the fear coursing trough my veins as i have seen the guy LOST HIS DAMN HEAD. How could this possibly happen? I just hit him with 15km/hr or something, how could he get beheaded. Its not a sword im riding, its a bike. HOW COULD I MANAGE TO BEHEAD A PERSON WITH A BIKE ACCIDENT? AM I A KILLER NOW?

You seriously had me scared when I read about the apparent beheading, @ozan_erdi! That's one of my fears when I drive. That someone is going to end up mangled because of my driving.  ... I've hit an animal before and it was pretty traumatic for me.

On 6/22/2022 at 5:41 PM, ozan_erdi said:

The police was afraid that they have taken someone famous or important because 6 people have showed up to the station and they kinda found me famous worthy looking and sounding 😄 . So they didint want to risk anything and just let me go since there isnt anything suspicious 😄 I was flattered. Police tought i was some cool handsome famous guy with a charismatic voice and a bike 😄 

Yes, it must have been the smooth voice and your suave appearance! 😊

On 6/22/2022 at 5:41 PM, ozan_erdi said:

Now we are headed to hospital because there is something wrong with my right hand. Guess what? MY THUMB IS BROKEN. All that time i tought "yeah i wouldnt be able to stay like this if it was broken" Turns out, you can stat like that if your thumb is broken. 

I can't believe they made you sit in a prison cell for that long without making sure you were okay or taking care of your injuries! Glad things worked out for you!

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On 6/22/2022 at 10:04 AM, vickieito said:

But did you really have to practice at 3 am?

YES, it had to be at 3 am!

My very first driving lesson was with my friend in the empty school parking lot during the summer break.
After several lessons there, my friend suggested we go out in the public road, but he said we should do it very late or early so there won't be any cars around.
I thought it was a good idea and we went with it. It was dark but there were plenty of lights so no problem. Still since it was not the parking lot anymore, it
was enough to make me nervous. I think we did the 3-am-lesson two more times and then I started driving during daytime, but in a quiet residential area.
I did pass the test on my first try, so I need to thank my friend for that!

Funny thing is, when I retook the test in Japan to get a Japanese license, I failed twice. Everything was on the opposite side, and the very first time I sat inside
the car I knew I was going to fail, even before I started the engine.

BTW years ago when I was shopping at Safeway, some old lady smashed her car into the side of my car. I told her to move the car so I can take a look at the damage, she kept saying oh no, oh my, blah blah blah. I told her again to please move the damn car so I take a look at my own car, and all she did was stand there saying oh no oh no. I know I know, I get it, she was worried and was in shock, and I should be nicer to an old lady,  but hey, I'M the one whose car got damaged!! I was quite annoyed, but in the end the staff moved her car for me. I could have done it myself but I only knew how to drive an automatic.
There was a mid-size dent on the side of my car, lady goes into bigger panic, she could have at least say sorry but she was too busy panicking.
I really was annoyed at this point and just told her to forget it and drove away.  And nope, I never fixed the dent. It didn't bother me.

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On 6/24/2022 at 7:57 PM, vickieito said:

You seriously had me scared when I read about the apparent beheading, @ozan_erdi! That's one of my fears when I drive. That someone is going to end up mangled because of my driving.  ... I've hit an animal before and it was pretty traumatic for me.

Yes. That was the point. I wanted you to experience the things i have experienced 😄 

Hitting an animal is a sad story. Worse than beheading to some people. Sory you have to go trough that. Here in İstanbul, we have too many cats in the city. Im always terrified of hitting one. 

On 6/24/2022 at 7:57 PM, vickieito said:

Yes, it must have been the smooth voice and your suave appearance! 😊

Thank you m'lady. I am blushing

On 6/24/2022 at 7:57 PM, vickieito said:

I can't believe they made you sit in a prison cell for that long without making sure you were okay or taking care of your injuries! Glad things worked out for you!

Well its not that big of a mistake on their part. They have asked me if im okay. But i didint say anything because i didint think my thumb would be broken. I though it was just a bruise. Overall they were kind actually.

With ups and downs, it was a nice little training for me in case something more serious happens in the future. I'd say it was a good experience.

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