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  1. Hey - long time fiverr seller who stopped working on the site for a while. Just came back this month and wowsers. I dusted off my gigs and updated them. I've never used the milestones feature before but I added it to one of my gigs. I had a client place an order directly from the gig page and there are no milestones! In the pre-order chat, she wanted the milestones for progress check-ins and partial payments. Instead it's a single order, with a single large payment and a due date 60 days out. I messaged support and got a boilerplate answer with a link to the help page about milestones. It was not in the least bit helpful, but I guess it's nice to know the boilerplate answers are the one thing that hasn't changed. Is there any way to add milestones/payments to active orders without canceling them? With this very weird and super secretive scoring system, I'm reluctant to cancel, even for a re-order. Thanks all!
  2. there is no dedicated manager on this tier. It's analytics, coupons and 7 day clearance. It's 19.99 USD. After the exchange, that's $30 bucks for me. It doesn't seem to add enough value to be worth it, at the moment.
  3. Fiverr used to be a bigger chunk of my pie but back in the spring that stupid virus put me in the hospital. I had cancellations out the wazoo because i had orders in progress plus new orders came in. I went from level 2 to nada and never really recovered. My other contracts weren't damaged as badly and have continued to grow. Since my calendars pretty full, I've not been worrying about Fiverr. I get a few orders here and there but like a hundred bucks a month? After the exchange, the plus is $30 bucks a month for me - so I don't think it's worth it. Unless, like I said, there's hidden benefits to split out the scammys.
  4. Thank you for the info! It sounds like its not for me.
  5. I have some questions about the new tier for Seller Plus. For the cost of it, I don't find it offers enough value to opt in. Fiverr makes up a pretty small portion of my income pie so the cost wouldn't be worth it for me. Unless. Is this the start of paywall? Does joining offer unlisted, future benefits? Such as subscribers get shown in search more often? Can customers see who is Seller Plus vs not? If subscribers are not given these unknown benefits, are not subscribed sellers penalized in any way? TIA.
  6. Just to follow up with this thread - today this order was marked auto completed and my order response stat dropped. So yep ... you need to have the last word I guess.
  7. I messaged a client today, to ask for a link I needed to go with the project. He sent the link, ended with talk to you tomorrow. So I didn't respond. Now I've got alerts about how my client has been waiting for an update for 12 hours. Is this tied into any stats? Do I need to make sure I always get the last word now? I don't recall ever seeing this before.
  8. A dream is like a river, ever changing as it flows and a dreamer's just a vessel that must follow where it goes, trying to learn from what's behind you and never knowing what's in store - Garth Brooks When you've reached the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on - Franklin D Roosevelt The days are long but the years are short - unknown
  9. you need to add another line .... cut down on my gallon-a-day pepsi consumption. Signed, a fellow coke addict 🙂 i'm laughing my ass off over here. i'm not sure anyone else has done the math for your comment!
  10. thats right. it looks the same as the screen shot you shared, except instead of data it's grey squares. The part that irritates is that I can't enroll, just join a waitlist.
  11. I'm not part of seller plus but I've got the insights in my inbox. The info is redacted tho. Above it there's a button that says want this information? Sign up for Seller Plus. I received an invite months back for Seller Plus to join the waitlist and as far as I know, I'm still on the wait list. ETA: Clicking the button just asks you to join the wait list.
  12. I’m in the no pre game no process camp. Unless you count the pot of coffee as pre game. Otherwise, I just sit down, get the job done and go on to the next.
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