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Share your % of World Domination


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@designhub777 can you please clarify why its NOT POSSIBLE?

Maybe there are some countries where it’s not allowed (eg. for legal reasons), for them to do business on Fiverr (like sanctions)?

If so, and if IP addresses known to be from those countries are disallowed on Fiverr (impossible to create/use accounts with them), that would make it impossible to have a world domination of 100% on the analytics page if that page includes all countries.

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Maybe there are some countries where it’s not allowed (eg. for legal reasons), for them to do business on Fiverr (like sanctions)?

If so, and if IP addresses known to be from those countries are disallowed on Fiverr (impossible to create/use accounts with them), that would make it impossible to have a world domination of 100% on the analytics page if that page includes all countries.

here are some countries where it’s not allowed

Yes, we have had people here complaining that Fiverr would not let them set up a profile because of the country they lived in.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2/7/2020 at 2:12 PM, psychicbunny said:

Mine’s 49% so almost half the world lol

Great, I am stuck at 21% from long time.

On 2/7/2020 at 2:13 PM, dolly_donut said:

I’ve been stuck at 53% for an age.

Amazing domination. Is there anyone who achieved 100%?

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I’m still on the newer end (been Fiverr-ing for a little over 3 months) and my domination is at 3%. Only 1 country has had 1 order, another 5 have 2 orders (mostly repeating clients) and the U.S. has had the largest amount of my orders. Definitely Fiverr is the most popular there. I think it’s super fun to keep track of.
I get excited when I get clients from countries that I

  1. Have not had an order from yet, and
  2. Have not been too.
    I would love to dominate 100% of the world…
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I’m still on the newer end (been Fiverr-ing for a little over 3 months) and my domination is at 3%. Only 1 country has had 1 order, another 5 have 2 orders (mostly repeating clients) and the U.S. has had the largest amount of my orders. Definitely Fiverr is the most popular there. I think it’s super fun to keep track of.

I get excited when I get clients from countries that I

  1. Have not had an order from yet, and
  2. Have not been too.

    I would love to dominate 100% of the world…

Good luck. I wish you will dominate 100% of the world.

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I think the real question is if Fiverr itself has 100% world domination. I don’t think anyone has bought a gig in North Korea, for example.

Even without North Korea you can have 100%, as there are more than 200 countries in the world, so you would have more than 99.5% if people everywhere else in the world would buy your gig.

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On 2/7/2020 at 10:16 PM, donnovan86 said:

Even without North Korea you can have 100%, as there are more than 200 countries in the world, so you would have more than 99.5% if people everywhere else in the world would buy your gig.

If it rounds up, yes. But even then, there are probably other countries where it will be very hard to get a sale. I don’t think North Korea would be the single exception. Fiverr must know, though.


Interesting idea - who will be the first to sell a gig to space, like for the international space station? That’s another level of domination.


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On 2/7/2020 at 10:20 PM, donnovan86 said:

73% for me. I did improve from 62% a year or two ago. It all depends on the type of service you offer I guess.

Till now you are the most dominated seller. Let’s see who beat you. North Korea is a type of country who don’t care anything.

On 2/7/2020 at 10:37 PM, visualstudios said:

18% here, video production. Top 3 are USA, UK and Canada.

Your works are amazing. As your service price is above 500$, it’s most popular in USA, UK and Canada. I saw many country clients not interested in the higher budget project. They come here for a cheap price. Your pricing separate cheap clients. Which is good for business.


On 2/7/2020 at 10:45 PM, visualstudios said:

Interesting idea - who will be the first to sell a gig to space, like for the international space station? That’s another level of domination.

Hhahahah We need a client from NASA. People will go to mars and we will work for them from home. What an idea.

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On 2/8/2020 at 1:50 AM, imrul334 said:
I have been working here for the last 4 years. I am a professional WordPress, developer. My world domination percentage is 21% and most of my clients are from the USA. What you are expertise in and what is your world domination score?

I am at 2% for now ~

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