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Fake seller fake buyer


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Guest cd_ripon

A seller bought my voice over service

And and sold out that as their voice from their gig!

Will fiverr take any action if i report this seller?

if i report this seller

Yes, report the seller with your valid document.Thank you.


if i report this seller

Yes, report the seller with your valid document.Thank you.

report the seller with your valid document.

Report for what?

Fiverr will take action.

Why would fiverr take action?

A seller bought my voice over service

If they paid for your services they are allowed to do whatever they want with your voiceover.


report the seller with your valid document.

Report for what?

Fiverr will take action.

Why would fiverr take action?

A seller bought my voice over service

If they paid for your services they are allowed to do whatever they want with your voiceover.

Yes, but can they even declare as their voice and sell that?


It would seem to me that if they say it is their work, without your being aware that this was sold to a reseller, that they are in breach of at least IP laws (copyright) seeing they are claiming your work, your voice as their.

Hopefully Fiverr can them. If not, block them. or block their cheating asses anyway as once a cheat, always a cheat.



report the seller with your valid document.

Report for what?

Fiverr will take action.

Why would fiverr take action?

A seller bought my voice over service

If they paid for your services they are allowed to do whatever they want with your voiceover.

I think you know better than me.



Yes, but can they even declare as their voice and sell that?

Yes, but can they even declare as their voice and sell that?

According to the Terms of Service, once it’s paid for, they can do whatever they want, unless otherwise specified in your gig description.

On the other hand, misleading buyers isn’t allowed, so, unless they’ve informed the buyer that it’s not their own voice, you might have a case here.


It depends, if in the purchase that this person had made there was the option of commercial use, then he can resell it, even if I do not understand how since the voice over is on certain words, so basically if he has inserted the voice in a video for his gig, he’s a bit of a scam as he’s posing as another person.


report the seller with your valid document.

Report for what?

Fiverr will take action.

Why would fiverr take action?

A seller bought my voice over service

If they paid for your services they are allowed to do whatever they want with your voiceover.

If they paid for your services they are allowed to do whatever they want with your voiceover.

I think you may have misunderstood that, what OP is saying is that someone bought there gig, and sold it as there own on fiverr. I believe that’s against the TOS.


It depends, if in the purchase that this person had made there was the option of commercial use, then he can resell it, even if I do not understand how since the voice over is on certain words, so basically if he has inserted the voice in a video for his gig, he’s a bit of a scam as he’s posing as another person.

They did not purchase commercial use


If they declare as their voice, you still are the copyright owner.

Normally, buyers would ask to sign for copyright ownership.

He didn’t say anything to me

I suddenly hovered his account and found my voice which he bought in his voice over gig


As much as i know

We sellers can’t resell anything

Then you will need to re read the TOS.

On every completed order, all rights are of the buyer. they can do what they like.

Unless you have stated on your GIG that you will charge extra for the rights


He didn’t say anything to me

I suddenly hovered his account and found my voice which he bought in his voice over gig

You may let them use your work under a license, you being credited on their account.


They didn’t even inform me about that

And the thing is his gig description is also copied from mine!!

his gig description is also copied from mine!!

yes you can report about that. but they do not need to tel you about that


They didn’t even inform me about that

And the thing is his gig description is also copied from mine!!

And the thing is his gig description is also copied from mine!!

That for sure is against the TOS and you can report him to fiverr. I believe outsourcing is against the rules but don’t take my word on that. But you have enough to report him.

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