Hi there!
I've just returned to the Fiverr platform after a year of absence due to personal reasons and i'd appreciate any feedback you have.
So what where the effects of my absence?
I lost my level two seller badge
Lost all my gig rankings
Impressions are down miserably
I anticipated this would happen as the algorithm will of course recommend new sellers and more active talent, but after a year, there was a surprise that i'd rather dreaded, I first started on fiverr in 2020 having a niche with just 10-15 competitors, that exact niche has now over 1500 competitors so how will I stay relevant?
I had several thoughts in mind:
Adapt to the evolving market: My main gig was not performing that well nearing the beginning of my break so I introduced a new service on the discord platform which had just rolled out. It quickly became my best-selling gig and I still receive the most impressions to this day. Perhaps it's time to introduce a newer service?
Optimizing for better ranking: What are buyers searching for? What are buyer's needs and wants? Does it meet the price point i'm offering or should I pursue a price penetration strategy? These are all valid questions which I attempt to answer.
Learn new skills and widen up my skillset: I've always focused on animating icons and smaller types of animations contrasting big projects, perhaps it's time to move on and learn more complex and complicated set of skills to try and offer new services.
Although my gigs went from recieving 1k-2k impressions a day to barely recieving 40, I am optimisitic about the future and will get back at it again :))
P.S: I also missed the fiverr forum 🙂❤️
Do feel free to comment on any feedback