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Don't Take Chances With Your Fiverr Account


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3 things have shocked me during the time I have been on this forum…

#1: JamesBulls quitting Fiverr

#2: Em getting banned from the forum.

#3: Ryan getting banned from Fiverr.

I don’t think I will be participating here on the forum the same way as before. I have become paranoid.

I have become paranoid.

And yet you still have no idea that I’ve been living in your loft for the past six months. Or have I…

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I have to say it again, this post was not supposed to stir up paranoia or fear - the aim was to remind people that they need to be cautions with some actions that they take and to be proactive in how they operate their business.

Regarding specific people who have been banned or left the platform, we obviously don’t know the exact ins and outs of everything however it is clear to see that in some cases, they did things they shouldn’t have. In other cases, there was a long pattern of issues which went unresolved and were not addressed by the sellers in question.

The one case that still baffles me is James’ who had a gig removed and then left the platform. The only thing I know for sure is that he was making a lot of changes to his gig at the time it was removed. The thing is, in his own words, it was a “woo-woo” gig or something that I would describe as off-standard. Sellers of those services need to be extra vigilant in what they do and changes they make.

If you are making a change to a gig, check it with CS first. I do that all the time, asking if I can do this or that. Sometimes they say yes, other times its no and sometimes they come up with other ways I can implement what I want. This is part of the reason CS are there, to HELP sellers.

Regarding outside contact for whatever reason, be up front with CS, state what the reason for the contact is within the order page and stick to it. If a buyer asks for outside contact which is inappropriate, just say “Sorry, but all contact has to be done within the Fiverr system as per Fiverr ToS”.

I receive email addresses, passwords, social media and website logins etc as well as giving my own email address on almost every order I have had in the last 2 months. Every time, I am clear with the reason and I stick to it - even if it means the buyer is a bit unhappy about it. I have no issue losing an order to stay within the rules. If you do the same, you will not have any issues about it. Still, if you think there is any possibility of confusion, talk to CS and clarify it.


The whole “not contacting people outside Fiverr” does confuse me every now and then.
I think I mentioned this a while ago, but I have a coworker whom I see almost everyday, speak to everyday, and she has an account. She’s mainly a buyer, and I found out by accident.

I was in my booth one day checking my orders, she just casually poked her head in asking if I wanted to get coffee or something, and she said "Oh hey, you’re looking at Fiverr, that’s a cool site, I buy stuff all the time!"
She knows I have an account, she knows the gigs I offer, but she hasn’t placed any orders since the stuff I offer here isn’t something she needs/wants. She has asked questions about my gig though before…and in person, yes, right here at my office. That was a while ago and we haven’t spoken about Fiverr since, but if she asks about my gig, maybe I should contact CS about this just in case…???


The whole “not contacting people outside Fiverr” does confuse me every now and then.

I think I mentioned this a while ago, but I have a coworker whom I see almost everyday, speak to everyday, and she has an account. She’s mainly a buyer, and I found out by accident.

I was in my booth one day checking my orders, she just casually poked her head in asking if I wanted to get coffee or something, and she said "Oh hey, you’re looking at Fiverr, that’s a cool site, I buy stuff all the time!"

She knows I have an account, she knows the gigs I offer, but she hasn’t placed any orders since the stuff I offer here isn’t something she needs/wants. She has asked questions about my gig though before…and in person, yes, right here at my office. That was a while ago and we haven’t spoken about Fiverr since, but if she asks about my gig, maybe I should contact CS about this just in case…???

You probably should, and meanwhile change the subject if she brings it up. It’s forbidden.


I got a green light to use the disclaimer, but it should be added to my gig description as it was advised by customer support. I do not have enough characters left in my description, so I asked them if I can use it on the delivery spreadsheet. I would wait for their opinion before, I start implementing it.

Thanks again for the help guys.


Here is the feedback from support.

I would suggest that you try to alter your Gig description as per previous instructions so as to avoid any issues with potential contact information issues.

The confirmation is from 2 years ago and our policy on the matter has grown stricter so I would advise that you alter the Gig description.

At this time the only acceptable way to share or request contact information is if seller would have a gig that specifically states requirement for contact information in its title or description (no promises that our editors would accept such gig) and buyer purchases an order on this gig - then it would be acceptable to share relevant external contact information (s***e, phone, email, etc.) within messages sent in that purchased order. I would like to advise you to add the disclaimer to your Gig description and allow our Editors to review it.


And so starteth the great Ryan trade war…

Seriously, though, he is an example of how any freelancer should brand themselves. I’ve shot myself in the foot in this respect as I have my author pen name, my Fiverr pen name, and my regular pen name. I keep going to coalesce them but then I write something very political or controversial that once even got me a death threat, and I realize that I’m best just sticking with things as they are.

I wish I had thought of a “pen name” in my case a name to hide my identity when I signed up for Fiverr. 😭

Now I have to worry about FB stalkers and people living in my attic. 😱

:sleeping_bed: I think they only want to be warm and they will not bother me. I HOPE!


I wish I had thought of a “pen name” in my case a name to hide my identity when I signed up for Fiverr. 😭

Now I have to worry about FB stalkers and people living in my attic. 😱

:sleeping_bed: I think they only want to be warm and they will not bother me. I HOPE!

I wish I had thought of a “pen name” in my case a name to hide my identity when I signed up for Fiverr. 😭

Now I have to worry about FB stalkers and people living in my attic. 😱

“Catwriter” is, obviously, not my real name, and yet there were two Fiverr sellers who sent me friend requests on Facebook. I blocked them, of course, and reported one of them to FB for using a fake name (I seriously doubt that anyone named their child “Fiverr Best”). After that, I changed my FB settings so that only friends of friends can send me friend requests.


I wish I had thought of a “pen name” in my case a name to hide my identity when I signed up for Fiverr. 😭

Now I have to worry about FB stalkers and people living in my attic. 😱

“Catwriter” is, obviously, not my real name, and yet there were two Fiverr sellers who sent me friend requests on Facebook. I blocked them, of course, and reported one of them to FB for using a fake name (I seriously doubt that anyone named their child “Fiverr Best”). After that, I changed my FB settings so that only friends of friends can send me friend requests.

I have my Facebook setting pretty tight for people accessing it too. And it is @cyaxrex fault I now have this vision of someone secretly living in my attic, as he planted that seed in this post:

Don’t let it creep you out. Imagine the free marketing a well-publicized ’Mad Person Wanting $5 Bargain Tracks Down Fiverr Freelancer & Lives In Their Attic for 6-Months’ headline would bring you.

Personally, I’d be keeping my fingers crossed.


I wish I had thought of a “pen name” in my case a name to hide my identity when I signed up for Fiverr. 😭

Now I have to worry about FB stalkers and people living in my attic. 😱

:sleeping_bed: I think they only want to be warm and they will not bother me. I HOPE!

Best not check. It could be a paranormal something or other trying to get your attention. Moreover, if that is the case, the very act of going down and saying ‘is anybody there?’ technically gives it full license to start causing more pronounced problems. That’s why they make things go bump in the night in the first place. -

Clever things, actually.

Of course, it could be a homeless person or a draft. It is better to be safe than sorry, though. Also, testing for homeless people is easy. Just leave a Sunday lunch, a flagon of cider, and a carton of cigarettes in your basement. You’ll then soon know if you do have a homeless person infestation, as at about 3am, they’ll come knocking on your bedroom door to ask if they can borrow a lighter or a box of matches.


I avoid facebook completely and always have.

I come from a large family through my father. He has nine sisters, and two brothers and over 70 nephews and nieces and I have an immense number of cousins. Not to mention my own four sisters and a brother and a pleathera of nieces and nephews to stay in contact with. FB is our way of sharing family happenings and pictures. However, as I said I keep access to my FB account tight so hopefully no one can stalk me.


Best not check. It could be a paranormal something or other trying to get your attention. Moreover, if that is the case, the very act of going down and saying ‘is anybody there?’ technically gives it full license to start causing more pronounced problems. That’s why they make things go bump in the night in the first place. -

Clever things, actually.

Of course, it could be a homeless person or a draft. It is better to be safe than sorry, though. Also, testing for homeless people is easy. Just leave a Sunday lunch, a flagon of cider, and a carton of cigarettes in your basement. You’ll then soon know if you do have a homeless person infestation, as at about 3am, they’ll come knocking on your bedroom door to ask if they can borrow a lighter or a box of matches.






Obviously, I had a bit of a problem posting this. I wanted it to appear right under your post, but it appeared below. Then when I tried to delete it and post it as a reply to you, I got the message that it was too similar to a previous post. Wow, now people are wondering what I said that was so bad I removed it. Well maybe I should have removed the one with the baby, but it was just too cute.


Best not check. It could be a paranormal something or other trying to get your attention. Moreover, if that is the case, the very act of going down and saying ‘is anybody there?’ technically gives it full license to start causing more pronounced problems. That’s why they make things go bump in the night in the first place. -

Clever things, actually.

Of course, it could be a homeless person or a draft. It is better to be safe than sorry, though. Also, testing for homeless people is easy. Just leave a Sunday lunch, a flagon of cider, and a carton of cigarettes in your basement. You’ll then soon know if you do have a homeless person infestation, as at about 3am, they’ll come knocking on your bedroom door to ask if they can borrow a lighter or a box of matches.

Best not check. It could be a paranormal something or other trying to get your attention. Moreover, if that is the case, the very act of going down and saying ‘is anybody there?’ technically gives it full license to start causing more pronounced problems. That’s why they make things go bump in the night in the first place. -

Clever things, actually.

I don’t know how you know this but you are correct.


Best not check. It could be a paranormal something or other trying to get your attention. Moreover, if that is the case, the very act of going down and saying ‘is anybody there?’ technically gives it full license to start causing more pronounced problems. That’s why they make things go bump in the night in the first place. -

Clever things, actually.

I don’t know how you know this but you are correct.

Trust me, I would much prefer to have never gone down this particular rabbit hole.


I avoid facebook completely and always have.

I avoid facebook completely and always have.

I use Facebook to great success. But you have to understand how that site works. And you have to dive deep into understanding how it can be used to connect with the social media audience you’re building. I maintain two Facebook Pages that have about 10,000 likes each. If you know what you’re doing – Facebook can be extremely useful. But you have to know your audience. 🙂


I avoid facebook completely and always have.

I use Facebook to great success. But you have to understand how that site works. And you have to dive deep into understanding how it can be used to connect with the social media audience you’re building. I maintain two Facebook Pages that have about 10,000 likes each. If you know what you’re doing – Facebook can be extremely useful. But you have to know your audience. 🙂

That site scares me to death. It’s way too much information about me to put out into the magnetosphere.


That site scares me to death. It’s way too much information about me to put out into the magnetosphere.

That site scares me to death. It’s way too much information about me to put out into the magnetosphere.

I agree. Facebook isn’t for everyone, but they do have a great deal of customizable privacy settings. Everyone should always be careful what they post on social media, but, Facebook has done a pretty good job of making their site customizable to the needs – and preferences – of their users.


ToS? Lucky for me I scrolled down for one minute this post, figured out ToS should actually be “Legal”, clicked and discovered this was indeed the “Terms of Service” post. But then I scrolled, and I scrolled, and I scrolled…

Tell me one single person who could actually read that whole post. I’ll pay him $5! :):rofl:


ToS? Lucky for me I scrolled down for one minute this post, figured out ToS should actually be “Legal”, clicked and discovered this was indeed the “Terms of Service” post. But then I scrolled, and I scrolled, and I scrolled…

Tell me one single person who could actually read that whole post. I’ll pay him $5! :):rofl:

Tell me one single person who could actually read that whole post. I’ll pay him $5!

Uhhh, I did. Well to be perfectly honest I read it JUST ONCE but veeeeeeeery carefully since I wanted to be 100% I was doing everything the right way.

(I kinda-sorta go back and check every now and then, but I admit it, if I can’t find what I’m looking for or just feeling lazy, I come to the forum and ask here to get confirmation. After all it IS a lot to read, and it’s hard to remember every single detail)

Still, I do expect serious professional people to read through everything at least once. 🙂

There is NO way for me to prove to you that I’ve read it, but you can pay that $5 anytime! 😉


ToS? Lucky for me I scrolled down for one minute this post, figured out ToS should actually be “Legal”, clicked and discovered this was indeed the “Terms of Service” post. But then I scrolled, and I scrolled, and I scrolled…

Tell me one single person who could actually read that whole post. I’ll pay him $5! :):rofl:

Tell me one single person who could actually read that whole post.

I’ve read it. And I check it out from time to time, to see if something has changed.

Still, I do expect serious professional people to read through everything at least once. 🙂

Same here. 🙂 Also, we all had to check that box stating that we have read the Terms of Service and that we agree to follow the rules; I prefer to actually read the ToS, so I know I haven’t just agreed to give away my kidney or something. :rofl:


ToS? Lucky for me I scrolled down for one minute this post, figured out ToS should actually be “Legal”, clicked and discovered this was indeed the “Terms of Service” post. But then I scrolled, and I scrolled, and I scrolled…

Tell me one single person who could actually read that whole post. I’ll pay him $5! :):rofl:

Tell me one single person who could actually read that whole post. I’ll pay him $5! :):rofl:

The whole document is approx 8000 words, average reading speed is 200 words per minute. 40 minutes to understand how the whole site works is nothing compared to the amount of time many people (buyers and sellers) spend complaining when things go wrong. If you choose to not read it then it is at your own risk but as a site user, you have said you have read and accept the rules.


I wish I had thought of a “pen name” in my case a name to hide my identity when I signed up for Fiverr. 😭

Now I have to worry about FB stalkers and people living in my attic. 😱

“Catwriter” is, obviously, not my real name, and yet there were two Fiverr sellers who sent me friend requests on Facebook. I blocked them, of course, and reported one of them to FB for using a fake name (I seriously doubt that anyone named their child “Fiverr Best”). After that, I changed my FB settings so that only friends of friends can send me friend requests.

and yet there were two Fiverr sellers who sent me friend requests on Facebook

It happened once to me. I have asked the person how the f@ck have you found me. He said, he copied my Fiverr link, searched facebook for that link, found a fan-page where my gig was posted, saw only one person had liked it and he thought it was me. I guess that’s why it’s best to be also anonymous on your fan pages. Another reason might be if you liked something on the Fiverr’s fan page, and some user had seen you there and sent the friend request. 😦


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