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Everything posted by breals

  1. Success is knowing how many times the word success was said by @newsmike Great video guys! and a nice break from the general madness of the forum!
  2. breals


    Why would you want to do that? If your services are good enough, and people like your gigs they will buy from you. Don't devalue the service you provide, or you will be working harder than you need to for FREE. I would however have a good look at your gigs and their descriptions. There are formatting issues which makes it look like you lack attention to detail. I also think that your CV template is very basic. Spend your time learning your trade and become better at what you do, rather than providing a substandard service free of charge!
  3. You're a digital marketer who claims to be an 'organic growth specialist' Why are you paying for advertising?
  4. If they do this 14,878 times then they will burn off 1 whole calorie. So this is an effective way to stay active.
  5. That seems a very high number of clicks for the amount of impressions you're getting? Are you getting people to click your gigs from other IP addresses?????? If you're not, then you're turning off a lot of people that land on your pages. One observation though from one website designer to another. Are those websites your own work that you have on your gig images? or are they templates? If they are templates then you're not web designing, you're carry out data entry, and this will put off a lot of clients.....
  6. @levelup_graphic How do you know that this principle works? It was only yesterday that you were posting on the forum that you couldn't get any orders. It's all well and good posting advice, but back it up with your own numbers and experience, otherwise they are just untested words.
  7. As @vickiespencerhas rightly pointed out you're a digital marketer who should know all of this already. But what also concerns me is that as an expert digital marketer with a Masters degree you're unable to see an issue with posting the gmail addresses of your clients as part of your gig images? Under GDPR law you are using your clients data without their permission. So before you worry about how many impressions you're getting, or your lack of clicks, I would address that issue before you get reported. It really annoys me that so called professionals can be so slack with the data they hold. This is the reason that spamming is so prevalent these days!!!!!
  8. @yasinarafatpro Can you help me understand how you can say your business card design service is 'unique' when you're using templates? You're doing data entry, not design! Nowhere in your description does it say that you're using a template, which means that you're misleading your potential customers. A simple Google search for business card designs validated my suspicions.
  9. Apparently, so legend has it, the earliest mention of being online 24/7 was made my the ancient chipotle people some 40,000 years ago. Early cave drawings suggest they were also frustrated at the lack of buyer requests and gig impressions. However, the story also states that in frustration of pressing the refresh screen constantly with their hairy and course hands. the friction caused a fire and modern man was formed. So yes! Being online 24/7 did have it's advantages, even back then.
  10. Isn't it weird that you have posted exactly the same question as the person below? Even with the same spelling of Wanna?
  11. @noman_creation7 @foysal_mondol I'm not sure what you expected when you came to Fiverr? Did you really think that you would post your gigs and the orders would come flooding in? As @jonbaas has said, you need to think like business people. Why would a seller want to come to you instead of anyone else in your field? What have you done to be innovative in your gigs? What market research have you done? All of these are questions that every successful freelancer has asked themselves and answered. But this will not happen overnight. You will not make a comfortable income on Fiverr after 1 month. Fact! You need to work on it, and constantly tweak your gigs until you're happy that you can do no more. Ignore anyone that tells you to market your gig, and promote it on social media until you're happy that you have done the above. Otherwise you're just flooding an already saturated market with the same old stuff. Have patience. Stop looking at your metrics and concentrate on what you can influence.
  12. You have been a freelancer on this platform for a maximum of 5 weeks, and you're on a marketplace with nearly 1 million sellers. Have some patience and realise that you need to work hard to achieve on here. looking at your metrics from one week to the next will not help you. You need to grow your business, understand the market you work in and be innovative in what you do. I'm interested to know what you thought would happen when you joined Fiverr? because I promise you that only the hardworking and tenacious will achieve!
  13. @abdullawp You have had just 8 orders in nearly 2 years. I would hardly call yourself a prolific seller who can give valuable advice! I would also suggest reading back over your posts as I question your fluency of the English language. Don't leave yourself open to criticism calling yourself an expert when you clearly have lots to learn. Going forward, I would leave it to the experienced freelancers to provide the advice, and I suggest that you concentrate on growing your own business.
  14. No its not @asma_dev !!!! Your gig performance is based on your own performance across a combination of metrics. Not every gig will drop and it's not normal activity. In reality it is normally the actions of the seller that causes this, and not Fiverr! It's more likely that this is due to a poor private review, which unfortunately you will never know about. The key is to deliver every gig to the best of your ability, and build up your business. You can only control the controllables. Everything else isn't worth worrying about as you can't influence it!
  15. I don't understand the question? You mean 'who thinks buyers request should be re-instated' ? In that case my answer is No. Business have to evolve, and this is what Fiverr is doing to make itself a competitive marketplace, which is free from spammers and scammers. People need to embrace the change and accept that buyer briefs are the way forward. Saying that, I haven't used either, and i'm sure that the other L2, TRS and Pro freelancers are all in the same position. We built our businesses from the bottom up through hard work and tenacity, and not relying on chance that a buyer brief/request comes our way.
  16. This thread has got 100 replies. But half of them are from you @iamattique thanking people for thanking you!!!!!!!!? For the love of sanity guys! use an emoji
  17. There are currently 29,681 search results for the word tips in the Fiverr forum. Have you looked here? Happy reading!
  18. So it's just me then that finds this app controlled Lego bulldozer the coolest thing on the planet? At 44 years old this brings out my inner geek, and as a dad to two young girls this would be bliss locked in my office with a crate of beer, instead of playing with Barbie 🙂 I can even drink and drive!
  19. There is a strange irony to not being able to spell data entry correctly. Let along picture additing. You may want to look at your English writing skills before stating that you're the best in your field!
  20. Congratulations @ratna70 This must be the most inaccurate answer of the day! Well done! Please remember that when you post solutions on a forum, people read them and think that the answers you provide are correct. If you're not sure of an answer, don't post for the sake of it, or for forum badges, as your comments are directly affecting the decisions that new freelancers make. I suggest that with ZERO sales you concentrate on growing your own business first and replying to questions second. Less typing and more reading!
  21. By the time the congratulations on this thread stop the seller will be retired 😀
  22. 6 years in February 🙂 Seems like yesterday since I started though!
  23. breals

    Your New King

    Your Majesty, As your other council members have stated so humbly themselves, this is also a great moment in my life, and it fills me with such happiness that you have entrusted me with this duty. It's not since I received my 'I've been a brave boy' sticker at the dentist last year that I have felt so much pride and joy. For that I thank you! By way of an update, I have already been on Fiverr looking for a custom-printed T-shirt. a logo, and a brochure designer to show my dedication to the cause. But alas, I fear I may need to complete a buyer brief for this hugely important task! I will keep you updated. Finally, In the spirit of unity between our two great nations. I will endeavor, to bow down to peer pressure and remove the 'ough' from the end of my words, as well as ensuring that the word tomato is pronounced in accordance with Fiverr etiquette. Your loyal Servant
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