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  1. Oh Great!! Congratulations 😍
  2. As a new seller, you have to work hard to get orders. Hard work is the key to success. It is not possible to get orders easily if it is a high competition keyword. As a new seller, publish gigs with low competition keywords to getting orders. Be active online on mid night times 🙂 Thanks levelup_graphic
  3. Just type your selected tags on keyword box then press enter from keyboard 🙂
  4. I use Fiverrlytics for keyword research look like my online assistant as well as I use fiverr quick view for finding relevant keywords. Thats it 🙂 Thanks Levelup_Graphic
  5. If you need an order from fiverr as a new seller! Follow this instruction: Create a gig with low competition keyword Do proper Gig Image, on-page and description SEO Use properly tags on title, description and keyword Enroll Fiverr Essential Course (free) Happy Freelancing 🙂 Levelup_Graphic
  6. If you need any color combination go to google and search coolors dot com and find palettes/trending. WOW! Thanks Levelup_Graphic
  7. buyer request no longer right now. fiverr launched new match (brief) features for every seller. If any service match your gig, then you get a notification from it. thanks levelup_graphic
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