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Everything posted by breals

  1. @dev_hridoydatta I disagree. The most important thing that a new seller has to do is get a spot on profile @sabbir_afran if you're only selling one gig then that gig has the be perfect. What's the point of spending all day replying to buyer requests if when they land on your profile it looks incomplete and poorly worded? You're a digital marketer. 'Digital marketing 101' is know your audience. If you're targeting English speaking clients then make sure your gig is grammatically correct. Your clients will expect this, so why is it not reflected in your gig? I would concentrate on that before sending any more requests as quite frankly you're just wasting your time. The CONTINUOUS message to new buyers that they just need to send buyer requests to get sales is very frustrating, and misleading to say the least. Step 1. Get your profile and your gigs right Step 2. Check it Step 3. Check it again Step 4. If you're still not getting sales then keep checking and improving. Your profile is your shop window and your gigs are your products. You wouldn't go into a shabby and dirty store and buy substandard products would you? well neither will your potential customers. Being a freelancer with no sales after 2 months is very common. Why should you be different to anyone else? The only way you can improve this is to put the hard work in. No one else on here can do it for you Good luck n your fiverr journey Breals
  2. For a start your logos in your profile are plagiarised, or just a template that anyone can use. When I land on your profile I see this petty good looking logo in yellow. I thought ok, I have seen that somewhere before I then do a simple search on google and find this If you're a graphic designer then use your own work. Do not copy others as it takes away the credibility of freelancers who are working hard in their field. You will not get orders while you continue to copy other peoples work. And if you do you are only letting yourself down when you deliver a substandard product. I suggest you take down whatever logos you are stating are your own and create a profile that is unique. Breals
  3. Your post reads like an incredibly bad online dating profile
  4. Wow! An Alert, I almost got excited until I realised it's the same post I have seen 4 times today already 😀 The advise is, read the other posts that give the same answers from the same people. The people that answer are busy freelancers who do an amazing job, but they repeat themselves time and time again for people who don't use this forum properly Also, work hard, read the forum topics fully and don't expect the sales to come to you. Good luck on your fiverr journey
  5. The number 1 suggestion I can give you is to read through the other posts in this forum before asking for suggestions, The people who are supporting you answer the same question and give the same advise multiple times every day. A forum is a tool for people to look at previous posts and learn from others, not to keep posting the same question expecting a different or 'hallelujah' answer Good luck in your journey on Fiverr.
  6. I wasn't aware that I had to be over 70 years of age to contribute on this forum. I will need to go back and read the forum rules 😐
  7. Why would I buy a Power point presentation that is full of errors? If you struggle with the English language then use your native language on your slide examples. Your broken English is very off putting and gives buyers the impression that they'll receive a substandard service. In my humble opinion, I also don't think your example slides are that good. They seem very basic and appear to be from a template that anyone with a basic knowledge of MS office can produce. Master your trade first, become an expert at what you do then ask the forum for an opinion. Finally, be very careful stating that you will cover everything in a ppt that an employee needs to know. You are not an expert in that industry and the slides you produce could misinform staff. Your gig FAQ section implies that you will somehow come up with this information ? Be warned that this is not good practice! Breals
  8. Hi Everyone. I am breals and I am a seller from the Sunny UK. Like a lot of people on here I am new to the fiverr forum. But, I have done things a bit backwards, as I was recently made a top rated seller for web design. Until now I have never visited or posted on this forum, but I can see how many amazing sellers are do amazing things on here. This isn't a gloating exercise, or a post to show off, (And no, i am not paid to promote fiverr 🙂 it is simply an introduction, and maybe a little bit of a motivator to say 'you can all do it'. When I first started on my journey it took me a good 3/4 weeks before I had my first message, and maybe another 6 weeks after that to get my first order (Which incidental I had to cancel as I was unable to deliver it) I have made plenty of mistakes, changed my gigs, changed my prices, but one thing that shines through more than anything is 'Stick to your guns', believe in what you do and maintain your credibility. Don't send an offer for the sake of it, don't agree to do something you know you can't as it will bite you in the ass in the long run. Top rated seller may seem a long way off for a lot of people, but if you realise and accept that you will not make a $100,000 on fiver overnight, and your prepared to put the hard work into your profile and your gigs, the rest will sort itself out. I was made a top rated seller last week after five years as a freelancer. Some people will get there quicker, some will take longer, but one thing that binds us all together is that we 'stuck to our guns' and didn't give up. Set your self reasonable goals and while your orders aren't coming in, work on your profile and earn your way to the top. I hope this helps everyone. Breals
  9. It takes time to get there. I've been on fiverr for the last 5 years and I too specialise in elementor and wordpress. I was made a top rated seller this month so it can be done. Try and look at the keywords you're using and look to sign up to the seller plus program. The team of selling managers are great and offer support and guidance I never would have thought of myself Good luck in your journey. Breals
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