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Everything posted by breals

  1. Fiverr disable accounts that have broken their TOS. It's as simple as that. Do you really think an organisation as large as Fiverr would want to disable accounts that could make them money without reason? A lot of us have been on this platform for a long time, and have progressed really well by abiding by what Fiverr tells us to do. Your 'boycott Fiverr' message is unlikely to gain any traction, apart from the people who are annoyed that they have been banned for not following the rules, so actually this is really welcomed. Boycott away!
  2. breals

    No getting order

    You're offering services in background removal, this is a free service that anyone can use an app for. Why would people want to pay for it? Also, your other gigs are on resume writing services, I suggest you focus on your general writing skills, as if you do get an order you will not be able to satisfy any them if you can't string a sentence together. Finally, the fact that you can't spell Covering 'Latter' correctly is most definitely putting people off!
  3. Ladies and gentleman. We have a new world record holder 🎉 Congratulations @manahil242 your short life as a freelancer is over with your amazing talent. You have beaten the existing record by over 300 languages. You only have C3PO to beat and your talents are truly galactical........
  4. So you're a professional translator that speaks all of these languages? and you translate 500 words for just 5 bucks? Wow! have you considered working for the United Nations, Nato or the CIA? English Spanish German French Italian Portuguese Danish Finnish Chinese (simplified) Chinese (traditional) Swedish Marathi Russian Japanese Croatian Czech Dari Dutch Georgian Estonian Hindi Greek Haitian Creole Hawaiian Hebrew Icelandic Hungarian Indonesian Irish Gaelic Jamaican Patois Kazakh Korean Latin Luxembourgish Lithuanian Macedonian Malay Nigerian Nepali Maltese Norwegian I suspect the reason you're not getting any orders is because no one believes you and you're most likely using a translate app to do the work? As always. i'm happy to be proven wrong, but you're as fake as they come. just like your profile pic 🙂
  5. @auloka_bala Have you just used ChatGPT to answer a question on the impact that ChatGPT will have on freelancers ? 😀
  6. FYI. Chat GPT is a chat service and not a design platform. However, Based on your profile it's apparent that you're using templates to create your logos and your flyers, so to say you're a graphic designer is a bit of an overstatement. With this in mind I would say that AI technology will be able to replicate your services relatively easily in the very near future. For experienced graphic designers who don't use templates and create truly unique logos, this will be much harder service for AI tech to replicate. They will rely on their skills, creativity and emotional intelligence to deliver an exceptional service to their client. I would therefore strongly suggest that while you're waiting for your first order, you learn the trade of becoming a legitimate graphic designer who can come up with unique and exciting designs without the need of templates. Otherwise, what you're doing is simply data entry!
  7. If they are not your words then DON'T post on the forum. Concentrate on your own profile and leave the advice to the experienced freelancers!
  8. Once again in this thread, another freelancer who believes that they can provide advice with ZERO sales on Fiverr! If you have no experience then how can you be sure your advise is accurate. Please concentrate on growing your own profile before becoming a self proclaimed guru!
  9. @sazzad8525 You have had only 1 review since you joined Fiverr over a year ago, yet you feel that you can provide advise to people on how to gain orders? I suggest you use your 'digital marketing expertise' to address your own profile before advising others. Finally, I suspect that you're using an AI bot to make your responses (Multiple ones across a number of threads) as your own profile is littered with grammatical errors. This doesn't make you credible at all. It only makes you stand out more as a fraud!
  10. There is no solution. Fiverr has decided that the gigs you were looking to offer did not meet their quality standards. There is no shortcut around this, you just have to accept it. Out of interest, what service were you looking to provide?
  11. So apart from me, how many other people on this forum have you asked to be a virtual assistant on the main Fiverr platform? This is classed as spamming and will get you banned. This forum is a place to ask questions and learn. Not to generate leads!
  12. @injaamam A bit of feedback for you. Changing one letter on a logo doesn't make you a graphic designer. It's data entry. I would be very careful calling yourself a logo designer if all your using is templates, especially as you claim your work in unique. A simple Google search was all that was needed to confirm
  13. @usman_a_mughal You can choose to listen to @sb_riya which looks to be written by a robot, or you can have the tough love version. As a logo designer there are nearly 250,000 other freelancers fighting for the same piece of pie as you. You will not be successful unless you're prepared to stand out from the crowd. So you need to ask yourself this. What are you doing to be truly exceptional and innovative? If you're the same as everyone else then why would you expect get sales?
  14. Wow! You must be the most qualified and experienced person on Fiverr! How many orders do you have waiting for your services???
  15. What a coincidence. I became a medical doctor about 4 minutes ago! i'm about to perform my first lobotomy this afternoon
  16. How about you use your skills as an expert digital marketer?
  17. Jaws - I can't believe it's nearly 50 years old. Sure it looks a little bit dated, but it still puts the frighteners up me and continues to give me a fear of deep water.
  18. It would appear that it's also down to the amount of $ they believe they can earn from AI. Since the webinar a few weeks ago, Fiverr have had every opportunity to set out clear and unambiguous guidance on the use of AI. but the silence from them is deafening. It's almost like the shackles have been released, and we're working in a lawless arena. It's a really sad state of affairs as Fiverr had a real opportunity to market itself as a platform that provided genuine freelancing services, which could have been an awesome USP. Instead,it has followed suit with everyone else, and after only a few weeks the way this is going to play out is looking pretty grim!
  19. @limon32 Your answers seems very ' cat botty' to me 🙂
  20. @Andy Well done! That made a very boring Tuesday a bit more fun and interesting. That's definitely something to tell the grandkids about. Sounds like your stories would be hilarious to hear over a few beers! 😀 But to stay on topic @katakatica ! Anyone that has kids must agree that the 'Gruffalo' is the best book ever made! It takes pride of place in my daughters rooms
  21. You're in a niche with 75,000 other data entry 'experts' Also, your profile suggests that you're in a company with 10 other employees. Our company, which consists of 10 people and is situated in Bangladesh I would be a very hesitant buying from YOU as I couldn't guarantee which freelancer would get my order? Finally. Your profile doesn't make sense, it has broken English, and in places sounds like gibberish. Why would anyone order a data entry gig from you if you can't string a sentence together? It's clear that you need to apply more accuracy to your profile and your gigs before coming on here giving the 'I've tried everything speech'
  22. Now you've got me intrigued, Andy, with what these stupid stunts were? Care to make a boring Tuesday more entertaining with some Newspaper snippets? Were you the only person in history ever recorded as making money out of a background removal gig? 😀
  23. @shahid_kahn Why are you replying to a post that is over 4 years old? A lot of the contributors on here may be retired by now! 😀
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