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Everything posted by breals

  1. Great Profile Steffi. Clearly you're not a Newbie on Fiverr! Welcome to the forum
  2. Incorrect. you can submit these based on the clients you have worked with. However, if you read previous threads this is open to abuse by people who claim they have falsely worked for companies. Please note. If you have Fiverr gigs this DOES NOT mean you work with Fiverr!
  3. So you're an architect, and your one review is from another architect that sells virtually the same services as you? mmmm! Smells a bit fishy to me. Also, you have been on Fiverr since November. Please don't make out that you have been on here for a long time. If Fiverr deems your gigs of high value it will send you buyer briefs. It really is as simple as that. If you're not getting them there is still work to do!
  4. I invest quite heavily in stocks and shares in the UK. The tech sector can through out some surprises from time to time, and with prices as low as this it could return some handsome rewards Fiverr have so many irons in the fire this is a great opportunity to buy! So I may take a punt and see where it leads me. Please note, I do not provide financial advise and this is my opinion only. I do not want to be responsible for the forum being flooded by share price updates as well as lack of impressions. 😀
  5. And a special mention to... 'I will write 50,000 plagiarism free words for just $5'
  6. @sulemanhassan49 @mutaharhafeez9 @nilimamim508 @artbywilwarin @zesad_hossain12 @jannatul52 Ok, so you're not getting buyer briefs. So instead of blaming the system, have you asked yourself these questions a) What have you done to make your gigs truly unique? b) What have you done to get buyers to land on your gigs and say wow? c) What new skills are you learning while your not getting orders? d) What is your business plan to diversify outside of Fiverr whilst your not getting orders on here? e) What are your successful competitors doing that you aren't ? f) Have you spell checked your gigs to make sure they are 100% accurate and easy to read? g) Have you checked your gig images to make sure they render correctly across all devices? h) Have you copied anyone elses gig? as this is against Fivers TOS i) Are you making any outrageous claims about your abilities that make people think, Seriously ????? Sometimes you may think you have done everything you can, but in reality you haven't. If you're in a niche with 100,000's of other people competing for the same piece of pie as you, then YOU need to come up with something truly exceptional to generate sales. Otherwise you're just average. It also pointless just changing your gigs for the sake of it without any research, otherwise you're just throwing Sh!t on a wall hoping it will stick. The successful freelancers on here have worked tirelessly to understand their business and their customers. This is done over many months, even years. NOT WEEKS! Finally ask yourself this question. If you're gigs are not up to scratch, why would Fiverr want to showcase it in front of clients. It would be brand damaging, so the reason you're not getting any buyer briefs is probably down to you, Not Fiverr!!!! So Stop complaining, stop feeling sorry for yourselves and take action.
  7. @dm_boss_kamrul So you're a digital marketing expert! Where do you think YOU need to improve your gig? We can give you advice, but you have extensive experience in this field, so I'm keen to know where you think you can do better?
  8. I've seen this. Maybe a hybrid of this and the Fiverr platform could work? There will then be three levels. At the minute we have dollar store or Macy's - Something in between would work really well. Again, we can only speculate what conversations go on in the Fiverr boardroom, but something has to change
  9. Firstly. What a great topic for discussion as we move into 2023. Thanks @newsmike for having a title that didn't include the words buyer brief! I suspect as Fiverr continues to grow, it's been kicking itself over recent years that it didn't rebrand and reinvent when it had the chance. It's now in a position where any change in direction under the name Fiverr will confuse consumers even more. Based on all of the comments made above, I wouldn't be surprised in the coming months / years if Fiverr created a spin off company that focussed on high end quality gigs that was called something completely different? Freelancers could be automatically accepted onto this platform, or get promoted from the legacy Fiverr site. For those football fans of this world. A bit like getting promoted from the championship into the Premier League. That way, the Fiverr company would continue to function where $5 gigs still exist, and a separate company under a different name would grow under a much needed paywall. This could then have a much more rigorous onboarding process. ie. prove your qualifications, prove your work history etc... It's just my opinion. But we can't really lose the $5 gig whilst the company is still called Fiverr? It's a bit like the example above where Dollar tree has put their prices up, it just confuses the customer and makes it look like they are lacking any form of direction. Much as I would like the dross and poor quality $5 gigs to be removed from this platform, I can only imagine how hard it is to herd nearly 1,000,000 sheep in the same direction? So to split the company now is probably the only option they have left.
  10. Hang on. @ariful_24 So you're profile says that you're an expert Digital Marketer, and you offer Digital Marketing Gigs Yet you come on here asking for help on how to become one? This is completely immoral. You want US to give YOU advice, so you can take money from buyers for a trade that YOU aren't competent in. That is disgraceful. If you post a gig, then you must be an expert in your field, otherwise you're just lying to yourself and your customers..... I strongly suggest that you look at the gigs you're offering and whether freelancing is for you.
  11. Is that a joke? If you don't know the answer don't make it up, otherwise you're just embarrassing yourself. For clarity. You will NOT rank highly on Fiverr for staying online for 10 hours a day. Less typing and more reading please? @raselmridha55
  12. @prium2018 I have to say, your copy and paste skills are excellent. They really are. Well done! The way you have copied other people's gigs and pasted them into your own is exceptional. So there you have it. The reason that you aren't getting any orders is due to the fact that you can't be bothered to write ORIGINAL content for your gigs and you're happy to try and cheat your way to success.
  13. Really? has it worked for you? 1 sale in 3 months? You must be exhausted being sat in front of your pc for 90+ consecutive days..... Did you have time to shower?
  14. You can't claim to be an 'certified digital marketing expert' on Fiverr, then come on here asking how to gain impressions? I provide online marketing management to businesses trying to generate new customers from online sources If you can't do this for yourself, how can you possibly do it for your customers. You need to practice what you preach!
  15. No one will ever be able to know this information. I suspect that Fiverr will keep it close to their chest. However, the scenario you refer to is pretty clear. It's apparent on this forum that some freelancers are more concerned about getting the buyers briefs than they are about the quality of their own gig. At every turn I view a profile that is the same as the next, some are plagiarised, and most are written in broken English. Why would Fiverr award a buyer brief to these gigs when in reality they are brand damaging? To me some freelancers feel like it's deserved rather than earned, and regardless of quality they complain that they are being deliberately left out by Fiverr and nothing is their fault. So to counteract this, new freelancers are flooding social media with substandard gigs in desperation, when they haven't addressed the route cause of why they are not getting sales. The gigs are simply not good enough! If you ask any successful freelancer on here they will tell you one thing. They had to work bloody hard to get to where they are now. Back in the day we didn't have buyer briefs or buyer requests. We had to rely on the knowledge that our gigs were the very best they could be, and we had to sit and wait for our first sale, knowing that we were going to make that sellers experience the best it could be. Deliver every order as if your very career depended on it. Fast forward to 'nearly 2023', I think that new freelancers have become lazy, and they want to skip the hard work bit and become a millionaire within the month they signed up to Fiverr. It sounds harsh, but I will refer back to a few posts that @newsmike made this week. How many new freelancers come on the board and start speaking about gig quality? virtually none! These are the people that will be successful, these are the people that will get buyer briefs, because they care about the gigs they produce, they want to be different and they know that quality is the single most important thing when running a business. So in answer to your question @sanaaliabbasi what is the scenario for new sellers who don't get buyer briefs? Most will give up, kicking, screaming and blaming others, and more newbies will come along thinking they are just as entitled as the ones before, when in reality, they need to look inward at what they are offering. If you're damaging the brand, the brand will not look after you! Rant over!
  16. @ariful_24 You claim to be a digital marketing expert? Why can't you apply your knowledge to promoting your own gigs? After all. if you can't grow your own business, how can you expect to do it for your potential clients? Also, you're posting the same question to multiple threads on this forum. Some may construe this as spamming,
  17. @md_naim1 Are you on some form of commission to ask questions on this board? I mean seriously, your spamming with questions for the sake of it. If you think that forum badges will help you get orders on the main platform then you're very much mistaken Start reading and stop typing!
  18. @donnovan86 I'm sure a lot of us on here would feel exactly the same as you. What a kick in the teeth for a really good established seller such as yourself. Personally I would tend to agree with @vickieito This is what we pay our success managers for right? Otherwise it is a monthly payment for what? We talk on here a lot about improvements that can be made on the platform, and this is one of them. Why can't a buyer reverse a review if there is a clear and unintentional mistake? Whilst I don't think CS will reverse the review, maybe a suggestion of removing it from your metrics may help? At the minute. if I have a cancelation that isn't down to me, Fiverr have been kind enough to strike it of my numbers so it won't affect my future business as they can see it's not my fault. Maybe suggesting something like this may help? I guess they can always say no, but it's worth a try, and if people don't speak up then Fiverr will never know it's an issue!
  19. Glad you're feeling better @filipdevaere 😀 Hope things are improving out in China for you? It looks pretty dire at the minute in the news
  20. Interesting! So the learn more bit has the following when clicked. What makes an order eligible for a refund? Deliveries that don’t align with your order requirements Orders that are delivered late Deliveries that contain non-original work If the seller violates our Terms of Service or community standards Points 2, 3 and 4 are great. If you scam a customer, or don't extend a delivery then they should have their money back. However, point 1 is a bit ambiguous. I suspect that a lot of us will need to go back and 100% nail down our descriptions and FAQs to leave no room for error. But I agree clarity on this is needed, as it is wide open to abuse from sellers who are looking for FREE WORK Nevertheless. If this is already live, which it looks like it is, maybe some gig TLC is needed by all of us after the holiday period, just to make sure that we don't give away 'preventable refunds'. Gig descriptions, Order requirements, FAQs etc... Especially when it looks like the freelancers will be taking the hit on this as opposed to Fiverr!
  21. You don't get a bad review by mistake! In the main you get a bad review by providing bad service!
  22. Merry Christmas Everyone! I hope our American friends are ok during this crazy time? Your adverse weather is all over the news here in the UK. Here's hoping that Santa brings you some thermals and a hot water bottle to keep warm! Stay safe guys!
  23. You have asked the same question, three times across three different threads, If you have been like this with your buyer he is most likely going to stay well clear of you! It is Holiday season pretty much everywhere around the world, so please. just relax a little and understand that during this time buyers have other priorities!
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