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Everything posted by breals

  1. Based on your illiterate answer I guess I was right 😀 Thanks for the confirmation!
  2. So exactly how many clients have you obtained from Reddit yourself? It must be 1000s for you to start this thread back up after 2 years..........
  3. And is advice that based on your 1 sale since 2021?
  4. Your comments are clearly based on your own experience as opposed to how the platform actually works. In all likelihood you were disabled for breaching the Fiverr TOS. Fiverr does not disable accounts due to lack of sales, it does it because it believes you have done something wrong. Based on your tone in this thread you were most likely blocked thereafter due to the way you come across. Fiverr may be a waste of time for you, but a lot of freelancers do very well out of it. These are people that have worked hard to build up their accounts over time and took responsibility for their own success. They also follow the TOS as they respect the boundaries they work in.
  5. I think there should be an exception to the rule here. It's not as if you have said you had personal IT issues. Your country was being bombed by a deranged and unhinged tyrant. I'm pretty sure that scenario isn't written into the Fiverr TOS. I would also like to think that anyone that reads this post will have the upmost sympathy for your situation. Whilst I suspect there isn't much you can do, a line to CS can't do any harm. I guess if enough people from Ukraine post the same frustrations Fiverr may make a national decision on this. However. I wouldn't hold out much hope at the minute. I really hope your situation improves soon, as the atrocities going on in your country are really sad to see. Stay safe!
  6. breals

    No getting order

    @faraztech4 You were told a few days ago that your English skills were really poor, but you were claiming yourself to be fluent. That is still there You were also told that 3 out of 4 of your gigs are for background removal, which is a free service that anyone can find on the internet, so why would they buy them? That hasn't changed either Your 4th gig is a CV writing service that is littered with errors??? Why would anyone want to pay for that? Based on this it looks like you're going to keep posting on here until someone tells you an answer you like? as you clearly don't listen or understand what people are telling you. Sometimes you need to look inward and ask yourself if freelancing is really for you. There is no use blaming Fiverr if you don't have the skills yourself to satisfy your customers. Maybe a career in your local community may be better suited for you to avoid further disappointment.
  7. Apparently you help new businesses build up customers? Surely as an 'expert' digital marketer you should know what to do? otherwise your gig profile and descriptions are just meaningless words. You can't claim to be the best choice for customers on the Fiverr platform, then come on here asking for digital marketing help. It completely discredits your abilities.
  8. breals

    Oh dear

    I just spent a few minutes scrolling through that page. Wow! I could feel my blood boiling. It's like the criminal underworld of Fiverr. 😀 When bad practices like this are done on such a scale, it not only becomes brand damaging, it makes a laughing stock of the company. It once again highlights @newsmike comment about having a paywall for this platform before it's too late.
  9. Sounds like a bot generated answer to me? If you run it through a plagiarism checker there is no reference to it, not even from Fiverr. Unfortunately these seem to be commonplace at the minute. More than happy for you to prove me wrong @legend_of_web
  10. breals

    Dear UK:

    @newsmike You can keep them. I'm a staunch royalist, but I have to say that these two are an absolute embarrassment. If Jerry Springer was still being aired, I seriously think this would have been their next PR Stunt. 😀
  11. breals

    Writer needed

    Your 1 reviewer that has a profile has exactly the same business cards as you? . Along with profile descriptions that are virtually word for word alike You clearly have multiple accounts. An early nomination for scammer of the year 2023. Well done!
  12. breals

    Writer needed

    @brandsotech Have you been a naughty freelancer and set up multiple accounts? I checked some of the reviews and it would appear that they have exactly the same profile and gig images as you? How weird 😀 As we're in a casual conversations group, would you care to enlighten us?
  13. breals

    Writer needed

    @filipdevaere I love a good gantt chart. 😀 I man after my own heart
  14. I just saw an article to say that Prince Harry's new book 'Spare' has become the fastest selling non fiction book of all time. As a British royalist, it's really disappointing to see how he has handled his situation in recent years, and whilst I don't condone some of the things that have happened to him and his wife, we have a phrase where I come from to say that you don't 'shit on your own doorstep'! I do however feel compelled to buy the book, just out of curiosity. I wonder how many other people agree with what he has done and said publicly, and whether you will be buying his book?
  15. breals

    Writer needed

    Well done on writing a compelling and thought provoking reason why you should be taken into consideration. Your dramatic and cinematic flair has made you the standout candidate in this process. The fact that you're a Wix website designer with a gig that's barely legible shouldn't deter you. You're the man for this job bro! and you have my vote 😀
  16. You sell SEO services, and head up a Digital Marketing section, yet you have only had 4 sales since 2019? Maybe you have a lot to learn about the skills you claim to have?
  17. breals

    No getting order

    I'm glad you're fluency in English allows you to communicate with people effectively.
  18. breals

    No getting order

    Well judging by the fact that 3/4 of your gigs are for background removal I'm unsurprised. Anyone can do this, so why would they pay for it?
  19. Well done @filipdevaere You're so busted @modern_work 🙂
  20. I'm confused @sarapoul65 You're a woman on your Fiverr profile and a man on here? 😀 Care to explain why?
  21. @hafizzargham According to your linkedin profile you're working for Fiverr too! Don't worry! I took a screen shot of that before you wipe it!!!! 🙂
  22. WTF? 😀 You have got to be kidding me???????? I think Fiverr need to rewrite their TOS just for you? Or they can just sue you for false claims.......... 😀
  23. For the people who prefer a streamlined / edited version 😀 No Sales / No experience 👇
  24. Ha Ha. It was either rant in frustration, or go for a run in the cold. The 500 words won as it's freezing outside! 😀
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