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Everything posted by breals

  1. With all due respect, your answer is Rubbish. Please show us in the Fiverr guidance where your gig will Derank if you don't stay online 24/7. Like @catwriter wake up every morning and reply to the buyers who have contacted me overnight, and I have been doing that same thing for nearly 6 years. Based on your advice, there must be a mistake in my profile as my technique has got me to TRS.
  2. Wow! This post has had now 100 replies. Each of which could have been expressed as an emoji instead. I'm all for celebrating success, but to say that this is currently one of the most popular threads on Fiverr today is a bit of a joke. I wonder how many people are simply commenting for forum badges?
  3. I would personally ignore all of the advice above from the 'gig de-rank police' If you're not happy with your gig image then just change it. Sure, don't do it every day! but if you feel that it isn't good enough then swap it for one that is more suitable. Please don't live in fear of not being able to change anything in case you're demoted to the fictitious 'last page' Gigs should be organic and should be changed as your business evolves!
  4. I agree with @williambryan392 having a fake image sets alarm bells off that you're not genuine. It doesn't matter what you look like. Get your own mugshot up! But one piece of advise that I can give you is to be honest with your profile. If you've created 300 websites in your career, why are you using templates for your gig images? As a web designer myself, I want to show off my work, not a standard template that has dummy text on it. Both of these areas combined will tell me that you have something to hide, so I would personally stay away from you. Also, most of the experienced freelancers had to wait weeks, sometimes months, to get their first order. You joined Fiverr this month. Have some patience and concentrate on growing your business.
  5. So you want him to get 20 orders on a gig that isn't getting any orders, then promote it to get orders? Why didn't I think of that? Genuis!!!!!!
  6. You joined in September and you have had no orders on Fiverr. How could you possibly say that you're in turmoil due to the lack of buyer requests if you didn't benefit from them? It seems that there is a blame culture on here where some freelancers accuse Fiverr of being the issue as to why they haven't made millions in their first few months on the platform! YOU have to work hard to build up a reputation on Fiverr, and YOU are one of 35000 virtual assistants all competing for a piece of a very small pie. It will come, but only to the people who are prepared to work hard and make the effort!
  7. @vickieito I have to say that it's so refreshing to come onto the forum and read your posts/advice/how to guides. I have been on Fiverr since 2017 and have been a TRS since April, but I'm not ashamed to admit that I read all of your posts in the hope that I earn an extra few $ from your advice I really hope that new sellers actually take the time to read what you have written as you have clearly put so much effort into them on top of the work you do as a freelancer. They are also really relevant and well written. However, when the most popular posts seem to be congratulating people on their 9th sale, it annoys me that the quality posts on this board are less likely to be ticked up and shared in place of people chasing forum badges. But that aside. THANK YOU. You're a star!!!!!!!!!!
  8. 15 Days!!!!! I've had hangovers for longer than that........ You're in a marketplace with around 1 million sellers competing for customers. It's very naive to think that you can throw some gigs together and the money will just roll in. You need to work on it and have patience. Some freelancers have to wait months, even years for their first order, and you are no different to them. Understand your business, the niche you work in, and think about how you can offer a market leading service. This will take time and effort and will not be fixed in a few days!
  9. Yet another thread with 80+ replies saying exactly the same thing! Sure, give someone a pat on the back, but please use an emoji against the original post. Don't just reply for the sake of gaining Fiverr Forum badges.
  10. If you have been online 24/7 it may have succumbed to exhaustion. The poor account must be worn out 🙂
  11. So you answered a question (which incidentally is incorrect) on how to increase gig impressions Then you ask virtually the same question yourself??? Please stick to reading the forum and understanding how to grow your own business rather than trying to gain credibility points.
  12. It's pretty clear isn't it? You have been suspended pending a review to establish if you've been taking orders outside of Fiverr! It's now in their hands to decide what punishment you will get! But a ban is a possibility!
  13. Over 70 replies saying congratulations? Whilst it's great to praise people, surely the use of the congratulations emoji would create less scrolling? Otherwise isn't this just commenting for the sake of it to gain credibility badges?
  14. I take it that you didn't read any of the posts above? Clearly the sleep deprivation from staring at a screen 24/7 is starting to take effect on you. There seems to be a whole bunch of freelancers that are slowly turning into zombies from a lack of shut eye. They are probably walking around aimlessly like a herd from Walking Dead looking for the last remaining buyer request🙂
  15. If you're prepared to accept that typos are ok, then you should be prepared to accept that you will lose orders! Fiverr is a professional platform for professional freelancers. Having a slack approach to your gigs will only highlight poor attention to detail, which unfortunately buyers will notice straight away!
  16. Really??????😀 Only if you want to get banned for breaching the Fiver TOS. I suspect that with comments like that your time on this platform may be short lived!!!
  17. The 9 people that have currently 'loved' your post are most likely to get themselves banned from your fictitious advice. You have made 2 sales in 6 months and you're spouting incorrect information. I agree with @mariashtelle1 YOU need to read the TOS yourself. Posting what you THINK is correct as opposed to reality is very dangerous and very stupid. Some people may actually listen to you and have a very short career on Fiverr!
  18. It has been mental busy since the start of November. Much like you @katakatica I had an ok(ish) October, but this month has been non-stop. Promoted gigs seem to be doing better than normal, so I'm not sure if that's down to a tweak in the algorithm? But I will say that 2022 was the year that Fiverr really got their act together. The site is performing well for me and it appears that all of the hard work since 2017 is starting to pay off. Seller plus and request to order are real gems to have in my toolbox. Web design is historically quiet during the Christmas period and then kicks off again in January when everyone starts their I'm going to start my own business promise' for a new year resolution. So, hopefully I will get a much needed break in December. I don't know about everyone else, but this year has been exhausting.? But well done @filipdevaere to be booked into next year already is good going my friend. Ian
  19. You had 2 warnings and then you were banned. I agree with @donnovan86 It's becoming so annoying the amount of spam that comes into my inbox. We've had to work hard to get to where we are, and you'd be surprised to know that it didn't involve spamming other people. You should be infuriated, but that emotion should be directed at yourself, not the Fiverr platform. You dropped the ball. You have to face the consequences. I'm sure that you'll be welcomed with open arms on Upwork. However, with a history of breaking the rules I suspect that your days there will be numbered too. Becoming a successful freelancer isn't easy, it's bloody hard work and only a small proportion of people make it. If there was a get rich quick formula then everyone would be sipping Pina Coladas on their yacht. Stop blaming Fiverr and face up to the fact that you were not prepared to work hard. You tried to cheat the system. (Several times), and you got caught.
  20. Please read the thread above before commenting. CS will NOT delete the review unless there is a clear breach of the TOS. Please stop spouting this madness as it will unnecessarily clog up the support desk, and prevent genuine issues being resolved in a timely manner.
  21. breals

    Fiverr Secrets

    Am I the only one who was messaged last week by Fiverr Secret Society who communicate using only morse code? They told me to stay online 24/7 and share all of my gigs on social media and all of my wishes would come true. I haven't slept a wink since, but I remain hopeful that i'll make my first million by Saturday. Stand by, as the drinks will be on me! Shhh! I think it's only me that is supposed to know this super special secret though. So keep quiet!!!
  22. Great tips! It's just a shame you have plagiarized them from someone else, and pretended their your own words. If you can't think of anything worthwhile to say, it's better to just to sit back and read the forum. You're only embarrassing yourself!
  23. You could have condensed this into one word. Spamming!
  24. It's quite ironic that the title in this topic is probably the longest sentence I have seen you write since I've been on the forum.
  25. I have just had a conversation with you on Fiverr as I was confused as to why someone with a portfolio such as yours was struggling for work. (Yes, that was me) You have claimed to have built some pretty big websites (Particularly in Europe) These are on your gig images. Yet when questioned about them you said they were not yours. You then showed me a portfolio of sites that had websites that have been clearly been designed by other people. You're a fraud! and it makes web developers like me really angry that you think you can get away with it. I have reported you to Fiverr and the companies that you are claiming to have built the websites for. So here is my advice on improving your account. Don't try and play the system as you'll get found out!
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