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Everything posted by breals

  1. Why are you posting on this thread asking for help, then providing advice to other freelancers on other threads? It sounds like you're randomly posting to gain credibility points on the forum.
  2. If you can only be bothered to write 4 words and expect freelancers to provide you with paragraphs of responses, then here are my 4 words back to you. Read the bloody forum!
  3. Urrmm! No, they won't Stop spouting madness and making answers up in an attempt to boost your own credibility, it's actually making you look more foolish!
  4. How can you claim to be a voiceover artist when you can barely string a sentence together? Especially as you say in your profile that you're fluent in English I will also leave it to the voiceover experts, but I am pretty sure that you're using some kind of software for your accent. @newsmike, Andy, and any other professional on here can probably tell within a few milli seconds? 👇 Provide quality voiceover, american female accent by Sumyyaneetu | Fiverr If that is the case then you're a fraud, and any 'seo tricks' that you make will be completely pointless as your customers will see right through you! Happy to be proven wrong!
  5. @taslimanasrin12 Your last 5 replies on this forum have been links to your profile. Please stop spamming. If you have nothing to say then take the time to read the forum rules!!!
  6. @loknath4 I am struggling to see how someone who joined Fiverr last month and has Zero sales can possibly advise someone on how to rank a gig? You may also want to amend your fluency of English on your profile, as I promise that you will be caught out be customers who expect you to communicate without error. Sometimes, rather than commenting for the sake of it, it is better to sit back, grow your profile and then speak from experience. At the minute, it appears that your just throwing around words for the sake of forum badges! Less typing, more reading please!
  7. I always use the zoom feature before asking the client to place an order. This way we're both clear on what will be delivered. The only downside is that they have to put up with my stupid British accent. But every seller in every niche will be different. As a word of caution for new freelancers though, if you're going to use this feature ensure that you're able to communicate clearly in the language of the buyer, otherwise this feature could be detrimental to you!
  8. You're information is about 6 months out of date! Buyer requests no longer exist. So rather than providing stock answers to boost your credibility, it may be worth reading the forum instead.
  9. I suspect that someone who claims to be fluent in English, German and French has been caught out by Google Translate! Naughty Google!!!!
  10. @idiginity I am interested to know why you list fiver as one of your clients??? If you directly work with them, maybe they can help you? Or have you listed this to deceive your customers ?
  11. if you're selling a gig that is focussed around error free, accurate writing then you may want to look at the spelling error in your gig image!!!!! Also, 2000 for just five bucks? If I looked at that, I wouldn't expect quality. Charge what you're worth, rather than charging for customers who will take you for a ride!
  12. Yes that's right. Fiverr updates it's algorithm to disadvantage sellers, which in term lowers the revenue for Fiverr. 😂 Don't talk madness, There are geeks with IQs far greater than most of us (Me included) ensuring that the changes it makes to it's algorithm increases the bottom line, and creates more revenue for the business owners. These changes go through thorough due diligence and rigorous testing before a patch is released Trust me. As someone that has worked in the corporate world for a long time, there will be dire consequences if anyone drops a ball in this area. So the algorithm works, as @jonbaas has said, the ones complaining about it seem to be the ones who are unable or unwilling to adapt.
  13. If you need 'proper information' then do proper research. I have explained to you on another post that you have made 233 posts, yet you still can't get an order. So this makes me think 1) You're not listening to what anyone is telling you, and your waiting for the secret password to gig success 2) Your gigs aren't what people want to buy! Either way, you need to take responsibility for your own business and not rely on a magic ticket coming your way!
  14. According to your profile you have made 233 posts on this forum? Did you not get any information from them? You also don't appear to be a new seller as your profile was created 2 years ago? Have you deleted your gigs and created new ones? Finally, you're in a niche with 250,000 other logo designers. If you haven't sold anything yet then I wouldn't hold out much hope after all of this time.
  15. Is that the very best you can come up with as an 'ADVANCED SEO' expert?
  16. Why are you concerned about post reach on here? You haven't made any sales on Fiverr, so I suggest you concentrate more on reading and less on typing!
  17. Really???????? What a ridiculous thing to say. Anyone that follows that advice will join you in the 'Banned by Fiverr hall of fame' Not only is it against the terms of service, it's also completely immoral.... Words fail me!!!!!
  18. Now available at all good bookstores A perfect gift this Christmas for people who are fed up of being online 24/7 Whilst stocks last
  19. Well I know that the words Macbeth and Voldermort are considered bad luck? So I wouldn't use them on Fiverr in case you summon evil forces that make your impressions go down!
  20. @wajihamalik01 Are you really proposing to use a translation website to translate text for your potential customers??????? And charging them for it? That's what your gig images are implying? It's no wonder you have no customers. Why would anyone want to buy that when they can do it themselves?? Also, you want to get orders to fullfil demand? No one is buying your gigs, therefore there is no demand for your services.
  21. How many times have you applied? If you continue to set up accounts and gigs that are either substandard or non compliant then Fiverr will continue to ban you? What reason did Fiverr give? It's normally pretty clear in their email?
  22. And that is the reason why the reputation of Fiverr as a platform is under scrutiny. This thread shows why people who try and cheat the system, and people who are opening up gigs with ZERO experience are the poison that ruins this platform. It's clearly not worth the effort in questioning it, or wasting your breath @vickiespencer
  23. Please share with the forum exactly how many orders you have had in the last 45 days using your GET FIRST ORDER ASAP TECHNIQUE? I am genuinely interested, as it was only last week you were asking for help with your own impressions and lack of orders?
  24. My Grandma always told me to never run with scissors!
  25. breals

    Improve my Gig

    Well, based on your first review you haven't exactly set the world on fire with your data entry skills. You haven't even addressed your customers concerns in his feedback. You have simply replied with broken English and a happy emoji. This would give me red flags straight away, as someone that can't understand basic instructions will always lead to an issue with an order. Also, do you have permission from the people who's email (Personal gmail) addresses are plastered all over your gig images?
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