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Everything posted by breals

  1. I visited Alcatraz in 2012 and thought it was amazing. I am from the UK and we love anything to do with prisons and crimes. (Or that might be just me) 😀 I don't think until you're on the island do you realise how big the swim is to the mainland, especially when you look at in the currents. But Clint Eastwood is a true legend, so I'm not surprised that he swam it 😀
  2. I think that there are times for desperation, pleading and begging on this forum, so here is my story! I am BEGGING you Gareth Bale to be on your A-game in this year's world cup so that people around the world realise that Wales is an actual country and not part of England 😀
  3. Please Stop!!!!!! You have no sales on Fiverr, yet you think you can post out of date and inaccurate information to help people? If you bothered to read the forum you would see that buyer requests are out of date and being active for 24 hours on Fiverr has little or no effect on sales. I suggest you concentrate on your own gigs, and growing your own business, as looking at your profile you have a lot of work to do!
  4. @anas_meherab You claim to have designed 100s of websites yet your profile images all contain templates using dummy text? As a buyer this would be a red flag for me. If you're as experienced as you claim to be then put your own portfolio up instead of work that isn't your own.
  5. You're SPAMMING this board. You have made 4 posts and all of them have been asking people to order from you. I suggest you read the forum rules before you receive a ban!
  6. That's kind of the idea! If everyone knew how it worked then gig creation would be a tick box exercise, and everyone would perform the same, regardless of level and ability. By not knowing how it works, it allows the people who research, test and implement their gigs to be successful. These are the freelancers who work hard and grow their gigs through trial and error. If you're going to make comments like this, then please back them up with at least a justification for what you write, otherwise you're just commenting for the sake of it to boost your forum rank.
  7. Following on from what @mariashtelle1 has said to you, I would also say that your English language skills need a LOT of work. Your article writing gig is littered with errors. If you can't get the basics right, then i'm sorry to say this bu...t NO ONE is going to buy your gigs. You lack an attention to detail this all successful freelancers have, and if we can pick these errors out with ease, then you can be assured that your potential buyers will too. Can I suggest that you step back from freelancing for 12 months and take an English course? If you don't do this you will only disappoint any potential customers that do order your gigs, which will ultimately lead to poor reviews.
  8. @butterfly253 I appreciate that its hard getting your first order. But we're all sellers on here, and will not be buying anything from you. Please use your time on this forum to research your business and understand what you need to do to improve it.
  9. Ok, Firstly, Ignore everything that @rahman_hasib and @devtaher have told you. Staying online does not make a blind bit of difference. And cold emailing? Well, that is just another word for spamming. So scrap that idea too! As a Wordpress designer myself. The one bit of advise that I can give you is to show your own portfolio. Your gig images show templates with dummy text? What's the point of that? All you're doing is showcasing someone else's work! Get your own designs up there, if people love them , then they will order them. It's pointless promoting through social media if you haven't got anything to promote. Do the hard work. Get designing your own sites during your quiet periods and build up a portfolio of cool and unique designs. You don't need to be on Fiverr 24/7, you need to be in front of your computer creating stuff that people go Wow to when they see it. @rahman_hasib @devtaher Between you, you have a grand total of ZERO sales. I suggest that you concentrate on your own businesses first before trying to advise others. Your comments will only confuse people!
  10. The answer is simple. Be innovative!!!! Do something with your gig that breaks the norm, and stand out from the crowd. Don't follow the flock, And if it doesn't work, at least you've tried. It's easy to blame the system, and sometimes the system is partly at fault. However, there are some glaring errors that stick out for you @devid_data Your whole niche in data entry relies on you being accurate in what you do. Yet you can't even get your gig images spelt correctly? I get the fact it's hard out there, but YOU have to take responsibility for your own business. This is Fiverr 101. Make sure that your gigs are watertight. I have looked at your gig and come to the conclusion that either you can't spell, or you don't care. Either way I would have switched to a different seller straight away.
  11. How dare you post this!!!! Freelancers work bloody hard for years to build up gigs that are of a high standard and well researched. You have no right to publish this utter BS.!!! I don't care how you reword the feedback that @vickiespencer gave you. you are still advising people to copy a gig and change the wording to make sure it doesn't get picked up on a plagiarism checker. Once again. As @vickiespencer has told you, this is bad advice. I don't believe that someone who has been on Fiverr as long as you can claim to be misinformed. You're fully aware of what you're saying, and no comments that you make from now can get you out of what you have said. You really are the lowest of the low! I'm sure that your comments will make other freelancers just as pi$$ed off as me! Other new freelancers please note!!!!! With 13 sales in 7 years, this person's credibility is zero, anyone who listens to him is likely to get banned!!!!! I don't know.... why do YOU think you're not getting any orders? This is terrible advice, because the Buyer Request feature is bring removed from Fiverr. No one will be able to use it.
  12. With all due respect, you have been on Fiverr since 2018 and you have sold just 11 gigs. If you had taken the time to read the forum you will understand that staying online has little or no benefit to sellers. With an average of 3 sales per year, surely you can see this for yourself? Creating multiple gigs is also pointless if your first one isn't right in the first place. A freelancer needs to ensure that the first gig they produce is the very best it can be, both in design and content. It's no good adding for the sake of it. Once again. your 5 gigs have generated just 11 sales.
  13. This is very frustrating!!!!! You posted the same question to the forum yesterday! You claim to be an SEO Professional and digital marketing expert that has access to 5 million people on Facebook. This is what your profile description says "I can promote any business or product or services to millions of people world wide." Why don't you practice what you preach and promote your own gigs to your followers? If you're unable to do this for yourself, how can you expect to promote and grow other businesses? I suggest you don't make yourself out to be an expert on the Fiverr platform, making bold claims like you have above if you can't follow them through. This will only lead to customer dissatisfaction when you can't deliver what you say you're going to do.
  14. You claim to be a digital marketer with access to 5 million followers. If this is true, then why don't you market your gig to these people? If you convert just 0.1% of the following then you will get 5000 orders in an instant 😀
  15. This could be a whole crazy thread in casual conversations. Which is the most bizarre employer you could get on your client list. 😀 I would steel my 9 year olds telescope from her room. Look at some stars and declare NASA as one of my employers. I can say that I am an alien invasion early warning manager. But they can't contact anyone to verify my identity as it is super top secret. 🙂 Surely that's a bit more believable than some of the clients I have seen on people's profiles.
  16. You joined Fiverr in September 2022 - A month ago! There are currently 30,000 flyer designers on Fiverr all competing for the same business as you. You can blame Fiverr as much as you like, but you have to take responsibility yourself and accept that this is NOT a get rich quick kind of platform If you run your profile image though Google I can see that you have posted the same type of query on the Upwork forum. So it isn't just Fiverr that you're having an issue with? You need to drive your business, you need to do the research and you need to work hard. No one else can do it for you!
  17. Your funds are based on the current performance of the US $ against your country's currency. This means that your available funds will go both up and down in value, sometimes multiple times every day. Unfortunately you can't control this and there is not a lot that Fiverr can do, as it is directly attributed to the world markets. Hope this helps
  18. You have just posted a topic in the forum to say your gig isn't ranking. Yet you try to give advice to someone with the same issue ??? I suggest that you concentrate on your own business rather than trying to advise other freelancers. With 0 sales, and only joining Fiverr this month you have no credibility, and your comments can hamper the development of new freelancers on this board. Stop typing and start reading !
  19. Based on the first sentence of your profile description I can't say that I'm surprised! I'm an interior designer and I design 2D, 3D and I'm expertise at creating mood boards Interior designing is my passion which can never be ended A higher score would indicate that you have a firm grasp of the English language, clearly this is not the case. There is still lots of work to do before you can class yourself as fluent. Your capitalisation is also incorrect in these words too. Learning a second language is really hard, and you should be commended for having a good grasp of the English Language. However, I would look at whether you want to class yourself as fluent at this point in time, as it will catch you out in the long run.
  20. You claim to be a Search Engine Optimisation expert with 3 years experience. You also claim to have lots of people working for you. Fiverr is a search engine for gigs. If you're as good as you say you are, then you should adopt the expertise you hold and you'll get orders. It's no good creating gigs to say how amazing you are if you're unable to apply these principles to your own business. I would also consider changing your fluency of the English language on your profile. Your gig descriptions and gig images are littered with errors. This will tell potential customers that you can't spell keywords correctly. which will negatively impact on their SEO.
  21. So you're accusing Fiverr of cheating you out of money, when you're defrauding the system by having two accounts? As @jonbaas has mentioned, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to work out that you're the one at fault here!
  22. You joined Fiverr last month, you have no sales, yet you feel the need to post inaccurate and outdated information for what reason? Staying online does not increase your chances of success, buyer requests have been phased out, Make a gig image eye-catchy? What does that even mean? It seems that these 4 suggestions are being copied and pasted from previous posts without any thought or research. If you can't offer anything practical and worthwhile then don't post anything at all. It's better for you as a new seller to research the forum and look for the sippets that can enhance YOUR OWN business. When you have gained some experience and credibility, then you can post your opinion.
  23. Only 15 Days.... ? I have had hangovers for longer than that!!! In all seriousness, you need to have patient. If you're confident your gig is the best it can be, then sit and wait. Sometimes it takes months for some freelancers to get their first orders.
  24. Based on your sentence above, this is the reason the tests exist. You believe that your English skills are of a good standard. However, it is abundantly clear that there are gaps in your knowledge and translation abilities. It's all well and good criticising the system and the process, but when there are issues on your end too, it makes you look a bit foolish. Sorry to be blunt, but I would expect a freelancer who claims to be fluent in English to demonstrate this in their posts.
  25. There are currently a quarter of a million logo designers on fiver. I fact nearly one in four freelancers on this platform are in the same niche as you. Even if you're in the top 1% of logo designers on Fiverr, you would still have to compete with over 2000 other people. It would also appear that you're using templates to design your logos, yet you claim to offer a 100% bespoke service? To gain orders in one of the most saturated niches on Fiverr you have to be truly unique and innovative in how you set up your gig. I'm really sorry, but I don't think you're there yet, and this is why it's reflected in your impressions.
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