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Everything posted by breals

  1. New freelancers, or freelancers with ZERO sales and experience. PLEASE READ!!!!!!! As we have seen in recent updates this week, the advice that has been given by people on this forum has had a massive effect on peoples accounts. Granted, a lot of these issues were self inflicted. (I won't go into details. But most of us know what i'm referring to) However, it is becoming increasingly frustrating to see freelancers with ZERO experience and ZERO sales feeling that they can give advice in exchange for forum badges, or ego boosts. Pretty much every time I read these replies, the information is incorrect, or generated by AI in a petty attempt to fool it's readers that they are more literate than they actually are. But please bear this in mind. a) Your comments have a consequence on the people that read them. b) Your incorrect words/advice are probably responsible for breaches in the Fiver TOS c) Your comments could lose freelancers their accounts d) Fiverr forum badges DO NOT generate sales for you e) Copying and pasting the same comment time after time does nothing for your credibility f) If you have no sales or no experience? YOU are helping to create a culture of misinformation on this forum. There are some new contributors that come to this forum with fast amounts of industry knowledge, and they stick out like a sore thumb, as unsurprisingly, they know what they are talking about. This is not directed at you. This rant is directed at the people that feel they can make up answers without a care for what they are saying and who it affects. So please consider this. Rather than spending your time adding random words for the sake of it. Why am I doing it? What benefit is it going to give the people who read it? What if my information is wrong? The only way you will be able to have the confidence in your replies is to WALK the WALK, and become and experienced freelancer and/or an expert in your field Otherwise, quite frankly, your advise has ZERO worth and ZERO benefit. So please consider this the next type your hand is hovering over the reply box Rant over!
  2. Being able to spell brief may be a good starting point???
  3. Your gigs are very poorly written. If your whole ethos as a data entry specialist is around accuracy of work, then you have a lot to learn. As a native English speaker I found it very difficult to read your gigs. In some parts I have no idea what you're trying to say. I am Pradipkumar5959. I even have expertise for professional level with four years skilled knowledge Entry, internet analysis job. Here I'll you offer with the most effective service & having skilled skills altogether varieties of knowledge Entry, internet analysis, Copy paste, Typing, LinkedIn analysis, PDF to word, knowledge assortment, stand out computer program and any kind assortment to analysis Directory website and be your Virtual Assistant job with 100% dead. What does 100% dead even mean??????? If you can't grasp the English language properly then you need to consider if this is the right platform for you, as i'm afraid you will continue to be disappointed. You may therefore by more suited to getting work locally where you can speak in your native language with more confidence.
  4. As a web developer, here are my observations, with maybe some tough love! 1) if people are looking to buy a website, they don't care about all of this wording - HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, MySQL, React js, Next js etc. My specialty is in JS,PHP & MYSQL - If they do, then they don't need a website from you. 2) You're charging over $1000 for some of your websites, yet your gig images are really poor and lack any examples of website you've built. On some gigs all I can see is a blank image. It's your job to make appealing looking websites. If you can't even get a gig image right, why would anyone buy from you? 3) You have external links on your gig descriptions which are against the Fiverr TOS 4) Your average response time is 38 days. Most people could go onto Youtube and learn how to build their own website before you even reply. This tells me that your customers aren't important to you. 5) I actually don't think your websites look very good. Especially for the price your charging. This tells me that either your gig images need a drastic improvement, or your web design skills need improvement. 6) Your gig descriptions are lazily written, which gives another indication that you have thrown them together without thought. some are only a few lines long. I personally think you have a lot to do to entice a customer into buying from you.
  5. But you're going to pay pay $681 in interest for that service. I don't see that qualifies for a WOW!!!!!
  6. @vfxmix Much as I don't like to drop into conversations that are 6 months old. I am curious to know how you have worked 'DIRECTLY' with Youtube Amazon And Fiverr??? A little misleading to your customers don't you think? Unless of course you would like to prove me wrong and tell me that you have worked with all of these customers in a professional capacity? What's it like working for Fiverr? Are they a good company? If that is the case I will happily swim from the UK over to Bangladesh and shake you by the hand.
  7. Unfortunately, if Fiverr have refunded you, there isn't a lot more they can do. I would change your passwords at your earliest opportunity and ask your hosting company to revert to a backed up copy of your website. (Prior to the changes taking place) If your site doesn't have backups then it may be worth contacting another freelancer to fix the changes. Once you change your passwords then the previous freelancer will have no influence over your website, so their threats are pointless Choosing an appropriate freelancer is really difficult, and sometimes the cheapest an quickest to answer isn't always the best.
  8. @superb_designee I have some great news for you! I have found your long lost identical twin brother right here on this forum! Isn't that a coincidence????
  9. Can you please explain the benefit of doing this? as I am completely bewildered as to why this would benefit the OP? If you're going to provide advice, then please back it up with why you have recommended this
  10. Here are some tips for you a) It doesn't make you big and clever to insult people who have worked hard to achieve success on Fiverr. b) Your attitude stinks. I would seriously consider how you carry yourself before posting again. You never know when you will need an experienced person to help you! c) We're entitled to an opinion just as much as you are. We have also earned the right to call you out if we need to. d) We post based on experience, not to give you the answer you want to hear.
  11. What does that even mean? Wallpaper your gig description and add a nice side lamp to create an ambience?
  12. For someone who has only sold 17 gigs in 2 and a half years, I find your comment very childish and immature Once you get beyond being a Level 1 seller then your opinion may count. But at the minute your coming across as very bitter and very condescending, and someone who is looking to blame anyone apart from yourself for your underperformance. I think you're singlehandedly trying to rub everyone on this forum up the wrong way, and if you spent more time concentrating on your gigs, you may get yourself more sales.
  13. Ok, Here is some feedback from a fellow website designer. 1) I can't see any of the websites you have built on your portfolio. You have just two gig images and neither have a website you have built on there. If people can't see your standard of work then they won't buy off you. 2) Scrap the HTML, CSS, Javascript text on your images. In my opinion, people just want a website, and they don't know, or care want any of this means 3) Take your profile link down, it's against the Fiverr TOS 4) Complete the FAQ section of your gig. 5) Take the word cheap out of your gig title. You're devaluing the work you do. Good Luck!
  14. I'm all for celebrating success. But you're bumping your own post up at regular intervals, even though it's over 6 weeks old. This has over 100 replies and you have contributed to nearly 20% of them. Just use an emoji! 😀
  15. @markp I recall for the last 3-4 months we have been seeing a raft of new accounts being turned down by Fiverr due to a perceived lack of quality. The board as been full of people posting about it. At the time we gave a high 5 to Fiverr (Sorry for the pun) thinking it was just a new emphasis on quality. I wonder, if based on your comment above whether Fiverr have known about this issue far longer than we have all thought, and the suspension of profiles/accounts was the final outcome of this process? Something to ponder over maybe?
  16. You don't deserve anything! You fraudulently manipulated your profile to take money from honest, unsuspecting buyers! I'm not sure you'll get any sympathy on this forum.
  17. I think you should be more worried about the quality of English in this gig description. Even if you did manage to post it, no one will buy from you as it's barely legible. Don't worry about illegal characters, be more concerned about the illegal use of the English language!
  18. Do they? I'm pretty sure they don't. What they do say is to ensure that your gig is of a high quality, well written and plagiarism free, and if people like it they will buy it? I'm interested to see who these guru's are that give you this information? Youtube maybe? please share your sources. I would love to see them
  19. @newsmike It looks like that in the space of 24 hours, Fiverr has trashed a huge amount of $5 gigs in one region of the world already. Some may consider your post as fate 🙂 If you could post next weeks lottery numbers, I am more than happy to split the winnings 🙂
  20. According to your profile, you're a digital marketing expert who can reach millions of people on social media? I think you may be telling some Porkie Pies Pinocchio
  21. Bravo Fiverr! They have set a comprehensive precent by putting all of these accounts under review, and it gives a clear message to anyone that doesn't want to play by the rules. The best thing they can do now is have a zero tolerance to anyone trying to worm their way back in , which will hopefully send ripples through the communities in question. With a tumbling share price and nearly a 1,000,000 sheep to herd into compliance, Fiverr probably took this action under gritted teeth, as I'm sure it wants to promote positive stories at the minute, and not a shit storm. But it will pay off in the long run. Finally, If you're one of the people who has listened to the madness on this board, or if you have posted rubbish without any research or experience, then Shame on you! It's YOU that has created this issue, NOT Fiverr! I suspect that the floodgates may open with more of these messages in the coming days.
  22. Couldn't agree more Let this be a lesson for every newbie that comes onto the Fiverr forum thinking that they can make up answers to queries without any business experience, all for the sake of badges and status. You need to be prepared that your words have a consequence. The storm has been coming for a long time and unfortunately you don't have an umbrella!
  23. Yep. I saw that pop up too. Something about blaming experienced freelancers about advice they have given? Is this why we're seeing lots of 'I've been banned messages'?
  24. @seo_shimu99 I'm intrigued to know what you did to get the violation?
  25. Your last 5 answers have said exactly the same. (Word for word) Your copy and pasting skills are exceptional. Well done If you have nothing productive to say then read the forum, this will help you get your first sale Less typing and more reading please!
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