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Everything posted by breals

  1. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I respect yours, and your faith. However, the logic of relying on a prayer to bring me sales is a little too unconventional for me. I will stick to great products and great service thank you very much. That being said, I have said a few words to him upstairs to make my 6 numbers come out in tonight's national lottery @williambryan392 I optimised my prayer tonight and ensured I used the right keywords, so i'm feeling pretty confident. Drinks on me if I win.
  2. Have you not read any of the comments above about staying online? or are you just posting for the sake of it?
  3. What worries me is that you claim to be able to translate 'PERFECTLY' into English, yet your sentence structure is poor. The fact that you can't even spell translate, alarms me too! This inability to communicate effectively will only lead to dissatisfied customers and poor reviews. You may want to address this first before worrying about getting any orders.
  4. So, 5 stars indicates that there is no room for improvement, and what you offer is exceptional and can't be beaten on price or service. However, different people have different expectations. Sometimes you just have to take it on the chin. If you genuinely believe that you couldn't do any more for the client, then I wouldn't change anything. I can see from your profile that you have multiple great reviews. Well done. I would spend your time thinking about providing great service for your next customer, rather than dwelling on the last one.
  5. So, your advice is to copy other people's gigs, but use a plagiarism checker so they don't get caught? 😀 Successful freelancers work hard to develop gigs that are appealing, innovative and have a high conversion. You have no right to copy these, even if it does pass a plagiarism test. Also, creating a backlink to your own plagiarism tool will not help on here either! Go spam another forum!
  6. I woke up one morning during Lockdown, and opened the packet of peppermint tea that had been sat in my kitchen cupboard for what seemed like years. We had run out of coffee and I didn't want to venture out during the pandemic. I haven't looked back since! I drink probably 10 cups of it a day. I'm not sure if it's doing me any good, but it has allowed me to cut out the caffeine, which isn't a bad thing. When i'm not working, and like most British men, I love a nice cool pint of larger. Although as I get older, the hangovers get worse. 😀
  7. Rinse and repeat!!!! Read the forum - Implement the changes - evaluate the results Read the forum - Implement the changes - evaluate the results Read the forum - Implement the changes - evaluate the results Read the forum - Implement the changes - evaluate the results Read the forum - Implement the changes - evaluate the results There are 10.000s of good quality posts from experienced contributors on here. It's a directory of useful and tangible information. I would spend at least an hour a day just reading and understanding what information applies to you. Don't worry about commenting on other people's posts, this takes you away from your research, concentrate on your own business. When you're experienced and racing through the levels, then your opinion counts.
  8. @excelravi It's a shame that your first review isn't what you expected. But consider this. A 5 star review indicates that you're exceptional at what you do and without fault, sometimes it takes years to get to that standard. Recognising that you have work to is an important part of becoming a successful freelancer. You have been awarded an 'average' review which isn't a disaster, but it gives you a benchmark as to how you perform against your peers, and the expectations of your buyers. You now have to look in the mirror and ask yourself, what you're going to do about it? Listening to the advice that @vickieito has taken the time to give you will be a very good starting point. Sometimes it takes a lot of courage to admit that you're not where you need to be, so, apply that courage to improving your service and really strive for excellence. Good luck! and don't give up! What knocks us back, makes us stronger!
  9. @btaliabano are you sure that's your own writing? or have you lifted it from another website and pretended its your own ?
  10. Staying online does not improve your chances of success, it only makes tired freelancers who then take more risks to get sales. Also, staying online and participating on the forum does not increase your chances of sales on the main platform. I suggest you read through the forum rules and concentrate on your own business before providing inaccurate advice.
  11. @muhammad_waji9 @minario @bina0609 You have 5 sales between you all. I'm struggling to see why the 'bring back the buyer request revolution' is being brought up. If it was that successful for you then I would understand your frustration. But unless you're taking your clients off the Fiverr platform, then it's plain to see that the old requests are not converting into sales for any of you. So try the new system and see if it works any better. As @jonbaas mentioned above, businesses like Fiverr have to adapt. So give it a shot before shooting it down! Good luck all
  12. STOP SPAMMING THE FORUM WITH BACKLINKS TO YOUR OWN GIGS!!!! This will not improve your ranking on the main Fiverr platform, and it only shows your true intentions on here I have reported you to the mods. There is no place for your antics on here!
  13. You are consistently posting the same types of question on this forum. Whilst I appreciate it must be hard starting up your business, i feel that your time would be better served reading what people have to say on here, as opposed to repeating yourself in the hope you will get the 'magic formula' You claim to be a digital marketing 'expart', I suggest you apply these skills to your gigs and see if this makes a difference. But the harsh reality is that you have to do the hard work for yourself. No one else can grow and improve your business apart from you!
  14. @fernando1015 You don't activate it. Fiverr reward this based on the performance of your gigs. Please be very careful if you do get this opportunity though. It can put you into a difficult spiral of debt, as you sacrifice nearly half of your earnings until you pay it back.
  15. I agree with @vickieito You need to concentrate on your profile as there are a lot of things you can improve on. 1) You claim to have built 134 websites, yet I can't see any of your work in your gig images? 2) your gig images have a female person on them, yet your profile image is male. this could be confusing for buyers 3) Your gigs have formatting issues and broken English, if you can't get your own gig looking visually good, then why would anyone expect any different on a website you build? 4) Your prices are disproportionate for the work you're doing. You will make a 5 page website with 10 products for $10? People will expect low quality for this price. Charge for the work, don't undervalue yourself. Think of the 5 second rule. A customer will make up their mind in just 5 seconds if they want to buy from you, otherwise they will bounce straight back out. So ask yourself this. 1) Do my gig images look impactful? And do they make customers want to buy from me? 2) Can they see the quality of my own work straight away? 3) Is my gig worded correctly without errors? If you can't answer yes to all of these questions, you have work to do.
  16. It is not Fiverrs responsibility to ensure that you get the impressions and clicks you want, it's yours! By advising people to contact CS service will only delay replies to genuine enquiries. Each business owner has a responsibility to understand the market they work in and create unique and innovative gigs to entice customers. If you're not doing this and simply 'following the flock' you will just be a very small fish in a very large ocean.
  17. @sohaib_khaan I'm struggling to see how the Math will show that staying online will get you more orders? Buyers search for high quality gigs that match the exact service they're looking for. Staying online will make little or no difference. Most successful freelancers will tell you that they go to bed at night perfectly satisfied that if someone wants their gig they will be contacted.
  18. I'm sorry! but I think a few of you are really missing the point here. Sometimes, it great to speak to a customer informally. It's a way to get to know them and understand what their all about. Sure, I wouldn't recommend this for a $5 gig, but if a customer is looking to spend a fair amount of money on you then why shouldn't they get to know you? Some of my repeat clients have been with me for years, and it's good to catch up after a long absence. So, reporting a buyer is extreme to say the least, and it only shows that as a freelancer you're just a bot that has no ability or desire to interact with a customer. I agree that sometimes it's just good to get along with things and process the order, but my experience tells me that the ones you build up a good relationship with are the ones that are most likely to come back to you for more orders. Also, one of the 5 star rating criteria is Communication, so why wouldn't you? Finally, I always remember this quote when dealing with customers. People will sometimes forget what you say, they will sometimes forget what you did. But they will NEVER forget how you made them feel......
  19. Go about your day and concentrate on obtaining your next order. A customer is under no obligation to leave a review.
  20. Why do you believe that being active in this forum has any baring in a gigs performance on the main site? Based on your feedback above, I would strongly suggest that you read the forum yourself and understand how this platform works before providing any more advice.
  21. A cash advance is offered to you by Fiverr. You can not request it. You will normally be offered this service after sustained high service and high turnover. However, please be very careful when using this, you will sacrifice 40% of your earnings until you pay the balance back. This could create a challenging spiral where you become indebted to Fiverr in the long term.
  22. Damn! I thought we were all doing that? I may need a change of tactic. Maybe i'll start singing 'simply the best' by Tina Turner whilst doing my downward dog yoga pose instead? That's got to work right?
  23. @devmehedi101 STOP SPAMMING THE FORUM WITH BACKLINKS TO YOUR GIGS - You have done this multiple times already! it will not get you sales and it shows a complete lack of disrespect to how the forum runs. If you have nothing else to say, spend your time more wisely by reading the forum rules.
  24. @devmehedi101 Did you not read anything I posted above? Or are you more concerned about creating a pointless backlink to one of your gigs in the vain hope you will get more sales? With just three sales what could a new seller possibly learn form you? I am also struggling to see why you think my post above is funny? but please enlighten me if I have missed anything with your vast experience. Please also note Staying online does not guarantee sales Buyer requests are being phased out in place of buyer briefs.
  25. It's hard to say whether you're in a good position or not. What's important for you is that you feel your gig is the very best it can be, If that's the case you just have to let the algorithm do its part, and you do yours. Judging by how many people on this forum are looking at their impressions on a daily basis and then complaining that they aren't getting sales. I would say that once you're satisfied with your gig you should sit back and BE PATIENT. A lot of freelancers on here, will join Fiverr expecting to get rich quick, (literally overnight) But I can assure you that this won't happen. It takes weeks and sometimes months to get your first order. A lot of people on this thread will also tell you to 'be active online 24' , 'send buyer requests' and 'share on social media' - This process is once again only suitable for the IMPATIENT, and you will quickly become bored of it, and ultimately give up. Over my time on the forum, I have seen lots of people trying to scam the review process, buy using dummy accounts to post fictious 5 star reviews, sharing their gig to literally every social media page that will take it. and creating fake buyer requests to try and generate sales. The point I'm getting at it is, that even though people think they can beat the system, they can't, and the Fiverr algorithm can pick up many different factors that we aren't even aware of. Including IMPATIENCE. So whilst your impressions are low at the minute, I suggest you stick to your plan, and don't do anything stupid. Fiverr rewards well written, innovate and quality gigs. As the poor-quality freelancers fall away in this new world of Fiverr, the good ones will hopefully begin to prosper. Good luck in your journey
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