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Everything posted by breals

  1. Your customers are looking at your profile and thinking this 👇 "How can an expert Digital Marketer be on this platform for over a year and not get any orders" ? "If he can't grow his own business, then I'm not paying him to waste my money" ! Your arrogance in calling yourself an expert has created your own problems Digital Marketing 101 - Don't talk the talk if you can't walk the walk.
  2. I agree with @katakatica It's all becoming a bit repetitive now @smrakib. Your posts are seem to be flashing up on the forum quite a lot, and at the time of writing this, you have two similar posts on the front page. This is your business. YOU have to take responsibility for driving it forward. If you're struggling, throwing out another 'I need an order' post will not help you. Busy freelancers have taken the time to answer your questions over and over. If you're not prepared to put the hard work in, listen to that advice and implement new strategies, then you will not succeed. The experienced people on the forum are here to help you, not run your business for you!
  3. @nazmulislam3200 I completely get that it's tough out there. But you're not helping yourself. Your gigs are focused on data entry and accuracy, yet you can't spell the wording typing on your gig images. There are also many other spelling and grammar issues throughout your gigs. It's all well and good saying that customers aren't buying from you, but you have to make sure that your gigs are 100% error free, without this, your whole credibility as a specialist in accuracy is tarnished. I hope this helps?
  4. @seomoznu_rank You're an SEO specialist that had to use chatGPT to reply to an SEO question? Yet, you claim to be fluent in English? So I can only assume that your knowledge isn't as good as you make out on your gigs Oh! and you left the 'regenerate response' text at the bottom of your reply?
  5. @sotto_art Please ignore the 'share to social media' brigade. It tends to be a stock answer these days. It's refreshing to see a really talented artist such as yourself on here. Some observations to consider 1) Your profile is really short. Consider extending it to make yourself more appealing. Include anything you feel relevant to your customer base. 2) Logo design accounts for nearly 1 in 4 of all freelancers on Fiverr, so you need to be truly unique in what you do, you have the talent, I just don't think that you're shouting about it enough. Mention the fact that you don't use templates, every logo is custom made, really sell your trade 3) I think your album covers look great, this is a tighter niche to consider pushing and refining. Use every single wordspace in your description to sell your gig. You may know how good you are, but your customers need to read about it 4 Consider adding a video about yourself, if you're not comfortable doing that. create a video of your work 5) Above all, think about this. What are you going to do to make you stand out from the crowd? Fiverr is a very crowded market and the freelancers that win are the ones with great gigs that are eyecatching and innovate. Good luck!
  6. I was hit a bit later, I had an amazing January and February, but the slump has hit me throughout March. I wonder if this is now the effect of AI driven gig descriptions? Lets say that as a best case scenario that 1 in 10 sellers had gig descriptions were illiterate and poorly described. (We know it's probably a lot more) If these have now been corrected by chatGPT, that's 100,000 sellers who have now had at least one gig re-indexed in a better format than it was before! Now think that a lot of sellers are adamant on creating 7 or more gigs in their account, that's a frightening amount of gigs that have been resubmitted for the Fiverr algorithm to process. This is clearly having an affect on our established businesses on a huge scale, and I question weather the algorithm can cope with such volatility?
  7. @shiponforaji I drive a car, but it doesn't make me a formula 1 racing driver. Your post title says 'did you want to get orders on fiver' Your post says to follow these steps to get promoted You have no idea how Fiverr works, so how can you give advice on something you don't understand and have no experience in?
  8. One order doesn't make you an expert! It's people who get orders day in day out that can give advice based on their experience. Without this, all you're doing is guessing and hoping for the best.
  9. You're a digital marketer with a specialty in SEO? If you can't drive your own business forward with the 'highly qualified team of marketers' you claim to have, then you shouldn't be taking peoples hard earned money away from them.
  10. @shiponforaji You have only achieved 8 orders in nearly two years. Clearly these tips aren't working for you, so why are you recommending people follow you? Without substance, these tips are just words.
  11. As we all know, freelancing can be a very lonely world these days. So I make a conscious effort to take a lunch break. I can then catch up with friends and family in the 'real world' to let them know I'm still alive. I am also becoming better at sticking to a strict 9 hour day. This has worked wonders for me as I can then look forward to switching off at the end of the shift and seeing my wife and daughters
  12. You're charging customers up to $1500 for a website that is made from templates? (According to your gig images) Why would anyone want to spend that much money on something they can overwrite themselves. You have no portfolio on your gigs. You need to give people a reason to buy from you, if you have previous sites then show them.
  13. That's your job. Market your product. If you can't do it for yourself, then don't charge your customers for your services.
  14. I don't know where to start. Some of your claims on your gigs are pretty ludicrous 1) You claim to be an organic SEO expert, yet you have only had 3 customers in nearly a year? 2) You claim to be able to promote any business through Facebook advertising to Millions of people, apart from it seems your own business? 3) You claim to be able to rank people on Page 1 of Google and Google my business, which is clearly false advertising? 4) You have multiple gigs all saying the same thing. What's the point of that? 5) You profile bigs up the fact that you're an expert, yet you can't get any orders.? It's very frustrating to see one side of a freelancer on the Fiverr Platform and another side on here. FYI.. Digital Marketing is a lot more than joining lots of Facebook groups and sharing to them Have you done any training in the principles of digital marketing? are you even qualified in digital marketing? If you can't walk the walk yourself, then don't talk the talk!
  15. Please explain why you think you're unable to edit your own gig?
  16. 1. If you're an experienced web developer you need to show your portfolio. Templates don't cut it these days. 2. Your offering a landing page for $5? This tells me that again your using templates, which in essence is just data entry. If you offer unlimited revisions on your sites, then for $5 you will be working for free. 3. Don't say you're fluent in English when you're not. Your gig and gig images are littered with spelling errors 4. The potential customers you have don't know or care what Bootstrap, Html5, CSS etc.. are, if they did they wouldn't be buying a site for $5 5. 1 month FREE support? That implies that you're desperate for the sale and you will clear up the mess after? What compelling reason have you given for someone to buy from you as opposed to the 60.000 other web developers on Fiverr?
  17. Completely incorrect. There is no relation between the Fiverr forum and the main platform. If you don't know an answer then please don't make it up!
  18. Please explain to me why staying on the Fiverr forum will increase your gig reach????
  19. a) You did not mention. chatGPT 'generated' your response b) Thank you for directing me to a page on the forum. However, I stand by my comment that your chatGPT comment IS misleading, WILL be misinterpreted and WILL get freelancers banned. If you deliver great service the reviews will look after themselves. You shouldn't have to ask for them.
  20. No, No, No! @usmanahmad745 Please tell your robot that it's churning out incorrect information again! New freelancers: If you follow this advice you WILL get banned from Fiverr!
  21. So, you joined Fiverr this month You have ZERO sales, and no experience. How can you verify that your chatGPT reply is correct? I suggest that you concentrate on getting your first sale rather than posting stock answers that you have no idea are correct.
  22. You have just started a thread stating that you're a lead generation expert and B2B specialist? If this were the case you wouldn't be struggling for orders as this is your 'bread and butter' expertise. If you can't help yourself, how can you be expected to deliver a quality service to your customers?
  23. I can't see any of your own work on your gig images. Only templates with dummy text on it. If you use templates then this is just data entry and not web design. You have also copied some of your gig description from another freelancer. (The one I checked anyway) If you can't be bothered to create a gig yourself and rely on copying off others, then why do you expect to stand out from the crowd?
  24. Deciding on a new specialty and creating a gig is not how Fiverr works. You need to be an expert in your field first and then add the gigs. You can't suddenly wake up and think 'I'm going to be a UX designer' today This is an example of why Fiverr is being flooding with substandard gigs by people who are trying to guess their way through a career.
  25. Once is a mistake, twice is foolish. You can't expect to be warned continuously without any consequences. Fiverr had every right to remove your gig. You just have to suck it up and get on with it.
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