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Everything posted by breals

  1. I couldn't agree more with what @smashradio is saying. Just one note from me in addition. Offering a $5 backlinking service screams of poor quality. Either raise your prices to play with the big boys in your field, or accept that most customers will look upon your service as a scam, or something that will do more harm than good to their website. The minute you state that you're a Digital Marketing expert on this platform, it is expected that you can WALK THE WALK as well as being able to TALK THE TALK. If you're unable to market your own business, and have a constant queue of orders, then customers will not trust and invest in your services.
  2. @ruhelmiah10 You apparently have a team of 10 people working for you and you're a lead generation expert? What are your team doing? and if you offer lead generation services, why don't you have a queue of orders waiting for you?
  3. @ferdous_islam3 Here is some 'special advise' You claim to be a digital marketing expert. Here is the definition of a digital marketer "A Digital Marketer uses digital channels to reach customers, build brand awareness, and promote products and services. Because of the unique combination of planning, creativity, and strategy their role requires, Digital Marketers wear many hats. They have to master a wide range of skills and tools in order to stay on top of the ever-growing digital media channels they use to create, deploy, manage, and track campaigns." Source If you are what you say you are then you should have orders coming through thick and fast based on the principles you would normally follow for a client. If you're not getting any orders, then I would seriously question whether you should be taking a customers money to grow their business when you can not grow your own! I have lectured the theory and practice of Digital Marketing at quite a high level for a long time, and I am shocked by some of the principles I see on Fiverr from people who claim to be experts in the field. Digital marketing is more than just sharing content on social media. and I think that customers are becoming wise to this. So, you need to be everything that is listed in Red and more to succeed. You should only be prepared to call yourself an expert if you have walked the walk. If you have No orders then customers will unfortunately see right through you.
  4. Not while you continue to state you're fluent in English on your profile
  5. You could start by removing the English fluency from your profile. You're clearly misleading any potential buyers that come your way.
  6. This isn't about critisising someone for their English skills. This is about someone deliberately trying to defraud the system by saying they are fluent in order to get orders. A simple bit of honesty on a freelancers profile goes a long way!
  7. I have no idea what you're trying to say or explain to me. This tells me that you are going to have real issues communicating with customers in English. This further reinforces the fact that you need to remove your fluency from your profile. Also, to reiterate. You have no orders, and joined the platform this month. You are not an expert in how Fiverr works. I have also seen your gig video for this service on your profile. Adding links to posts and comments is spamming, NOT digital marketing!
  8. When I first looked at your screenshot I thought Wow! 148 orders, Not bad! Until I realised that this is impressions. You run a gig to promote other people's Fiver gigs and all you get is that? There are freelancers on here that consistently get above 100,000 impressions a month (Myself included) without having to use social media. So before you come on here and claim to be a guru at what you do, do your research first. especially as you have no orders and only joined the platform this month??? I would also consider removing the fluency of English from your profile as this is clearly wrong!
  9. But you're a social media expert????? So you're prepared to take people's hard earned money away from them to grow their business when you're unable to do this for yourself? My advice is to walk the walk before you talk the talk !
  10. You're a digital Marketer!! Shouldn't you know this? Here's a bit of advise that you can take or leave. Before you start thinking about spamming social media with your gigs think about this! Your gig images are littered with spelling mistakes, yet you claim to be fluent in English? These aren't Typos, this is a complete misunderstanding for the language you're apparently able to communicate in with ease. If you share these gigs on social media you're likely to be ridiculed and laughed at. So please. Do yourself a favour, and remove your apparent fluency, and get someone else to check over your gigs. This also includes your ability to speak perfect French, German and Spanish.
  11. Seriously? Please explain why being active on the forum increases your chances of ranking on page 1
  12. You have glaring issues in your profile that stick out like a sore thumb. 1) You claim to be fluent in English, yet on here you struggle with the language, and your profile is littered with errors. This tells customers that communication with you will be a challenge 2) You have 2 reviews on your profile. One of them refers to you as Nick? This suggests that you have paid for this review which is against the TOS, and makes customers think you're dishonest 3) All of your profile images seem to be of promises you're going to do, yet I can't see any websites that you have built. There are two images, but these just appear to be from templates. Using templates is just data entry in my eyes 4) You claim to be a ]pro-rated seller' From where? as it certainly isn't Fiverr. This is another instance where your honesty is called into question. All of these are alarm bells that any customer will easily pick up on. So instead of worrying about your rank, I would seriously consider looking at your credibility and how you're perceived by customers. If you're not prepared to look inward at your own abilities, instead of blaming the Fiverr ranking system, then you should consider if freelancing is for you!
  13. I refer you back to my original post. You claim to be a lead generation expert to help business grow!!!! If you're unable to do this yourself, then quite frankly you shouldn't be selling these services on Fiverr
  14. You sell lead generation services to help businesses grow????? Clearly you're not very good at this as you're incapable of growing your own. So it's probably for the best that your not taking peoples money from them for a service that doesn't work
  15. Please can you share your data and findings to substantiate your claims. I'm sure that people are eager to see the thorough research you have put into this. Especially as you have only achieved 2 orders in 9 months.
  16. @seo_topranker I'm sorry, but if you're unable to apply the basic principles of SEO to optimise your own gigs, then how can you expect to take money off your customers to do the same? The minute you call yourself a Digital Marketing expert, you say to your customers that you understand what it takes to grow a business online. People who visit your profile can see that you haven't been able to do this yourself and are looking elsewhere. Ultimately, your arrogance has been your downfall
  17. I was absolutely gutted to hear this yesterday. She was an absolute legend Nice post @leannelrivers
  18. I echo was @newsmike says. I really feel your pain. After all, 24 days is a hell of a long time to wait for an order. You poor thing. As well as the United Nations Court for Human Rights, I would strongly recommend a sponsored silence to really drill home your dissatisfaction and anger. The longer you last, the more impact you will have. I am willing to donate $5 to get you started. Good luck!
  19. Couldn't resist a bit of Sunday afternoon Python before tackling the next boat 😀
  20. It's bloody frustrating Mike, and at times it feels like a loosing battle. But hey, l'll keep trying in the hope that one day it will get better
  21. @keyakhatun740 As an experienced Digital Marketer and SEO expert, you should know how to do this shouldn't you? Also, I'm sure that the 'real' SEO experts can answer this, but one of your gigs looks like your trying to bypass the system somehow? Are you Looking for IG prom0tion and management, Fo,llo,we,rs growth & organic pr0m0tion? I'm not sure what you're trying to do, but whatever it is, your gig descriptions look like you have the literacy of a 4 year old. Therefore why would someone what to buy from you?
  22. @ikbal_sojib Are you not an SEO specialist and Digital Marketer? If this is your expertise then generating sales on Fiverr should be a walk in the park for you. However, If you're not able to use these skills to grow your own business, then how can you expect to take peoples hard earned money away from them with little chance of success?
  23. @kawsersimanto You literally posted this as advice to someone 30 mins ago???????? Clearly you need to read what what chatGPT is churning out for you before posting for forum badges Here are some tips to help you rank your gig on Fiverr: Optimize your gig title and description: Use relevant keywords in your gig title and description to help Fiverr's search algorithm identify your gig for relevant searches. Use relevant tags: Choose tags that accurately describe your services and use them in your gig. This will help Fiverr's search algorithm understand what your gig offers. Set competitive pricing: Set your prices competitively to attract buyers, but don't undervalue your services. Deliver high-quality work: Deliver quality work that meets or exceeds your buyers' expectations. This will help you earn positive reviews and increase your gig's ranking. Communicate effectively: Be responsive to your buyers' messages and communicate clearly and professionally. This will help you build a good reputation and earn positive reviews. Promote your gig: Promote your gig on social media or other channels to increase its visibility and attract more buyers.
  24. I'm the same as you Leanne. I'm starting to step back from the forum for a while, as it's really starting to wind me up seeing this. It's getting bl**dy ridiculous! This use to be funny when I first saw it. Now I just feel embarrassed for the platform that unknowing sellers will come across these guys! Especially when a lot of us are working so hard to get through this current slump in business. The small number of good people on here are fighting a loosing battle against a swarm of freelancers that are actively trying to scam the system. Come on Fiverr! for the sake of every hard working, honest freelancer, please sort this out!
  25. That result means absolutely nothing when you were making posts like this a few weeks back. 👇 For someone who could barely string a sentence together to now being in the top 10% for English is highly unlikely!
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