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Everything posted by breals

  1. breals


    You mean copy a successful gig?
  2. You have ZERO sales and you have been on Fiverr for 12 months. You advice is the perfect example of someone who has ZERO experience. It lacks clear and actionable information I suggest that you concentrate on your own profile before advising others.
  3. @mahfuz62662 @sultana_nahida Did you not read the posts above by @jonbaas? Or are you just hellbent on posting what you like in exchange for forum badges?
  4. @smalomgir927 Welcome to the forum. A few tips for you. 1) You have multiple spelling and grammar issues on both your gig and your gig images. This gives the impression that your work is sloppy and you don't check what you write. This is a big red flag for me. 2) Your gig images are really hard to see. Consider sharpening them up. 3) For the information I can see on your gig images, you have the email addresses of your clients on there? In most countries this is classed as a data protection breach. Unless you have permission, redact confidential data. Failure to do this shows a lack of care for customer privacy! 4) Unless you're 100% fluent in English, German and Russian (Which you're clearly not) Take it down, or you'll only be caught out. 5) You only joined the platform this month. Some freelancers wait weeks, sometimes months for their first order. Freelancing on here is NOT a get rich quick scheme. It will take time. Good luck in your journey.
  5. If you don't know the answer, please don't make it up for the sake of forum badges, You're only embarrassing yourself This is inaccurate information, and the time you spend both on the forum and on the Fiverr platform has no baring on your ability to gain orders.
  6. @adv_seo If you're an SEO expert shouldn't you know this already? The platform is different, but the concept is the same. Create great quality and engaging content that converts.
  7. YOU are the freelancer. YOU are the one that has the skills to sell. We can't tell you how to do this. In order to make money and be successful on Fiverr, YOU have to create exceptional gigs that offer what the market are asking for. If we have to suggest skills for you to learn then the tail is wagging the dog!
  8. Genius 'Blue Sky Thinking' 🙂 Your country needs you and your innovation @newsmike🙂 However, I was just thinking, we should all petition to bring back the Dot Matrix printers. Life was so much less complicated back then. A time without mobile phones and when impressions were something you did in a comedy club! Oh the 'good ol days'!
  9. The "gig links cannot be changed" 1000 apologies @momin9759, I misread the message! I stand corrected! @uk1000 thanks for the correction. I clearly need to go to Specsavers
  10. @momin9759 If you don't know the answer, please don't make it up! Otherwise you're misinforming the forum and making yourself look foolish. @wahidtipu Your gig is an organic document, please update it when you need to, this applies to a change in the skills and services you offer.
  11. @copywritingboy1 Your friend has been talking rubbish. Being active both on the forum and on Fiverr.com will have little or no influence in you getting orders. Instead, use the time you're online to look at the quality of your gig and make it the very best you can be,
  12. You're speaking absolute rubbish! You have ZERO sales on Fiverr, and you've been on the platform for over a year! I suggest you get your own profile in order before giving your opinion in the future
  13. Ensure that you follow the Fiverr TOS! It's as simple as that. If the account is not being approved then you're not doing the above
  14. I would employ the services of a 'Professional Digital Marketing Specialist and SEO Expert' Oh wait....... you are one! Have a chat to yourself, and with all of your 'apparent experience' all of your problems will be solved.
  15. If that's the best advice a digital marketer can give then i'm shocked. If you had bothered to read the forum then you would find that the advice you have given is absolute rubbish. There is no basis for your argument that time spent on Fiverr converts to sales. The quality of gig and freelancer is the fundamental reason why customer will buy, not what you are spouting out! You have 1 sale on Fiverr, this does NOT make you a seasoned expert, please concentrate on your own profile before trying to lead people down the wrong path!
  16. breals

    Eat Zee Bugs

    It sounds like something like Hannibal Lecter said to Clarice! in the prison cellar 🙂 I'm sure it tastes lovely though
  17. breals

    Groundhog Day

    Well - according to the font of all knowledge - Wikipedia 🙂 This is groundhog day It derives from the Pennsylvania Dutch superstition that if a groundhog emerges from its burrow on this day and sees its shadow due to clear weather, it will retreat to its den and winter will go on for six more weeks; if it does not see its shadow because of cloudiness, spring will arrive early. While the tradition remains popular in the 21st century, studies have found no consistent association between a groundhog seeing its shadow and the subsequent arrival time of spring-like weather.[2] I'm glad the studies found that groundhogs do not have meteorological qualifications from groundhog university, and as such can't predict the whether. The scientists must have been the same people that trawled lock Ness genuinely thinking they were going to find Nessie. However, please let us know if any of the little critters start presenting on the whether channel @newsmike and I will throw myself on the sword
  18. Well, we haven't long got back from the stunning Florida sun. And it's not until you get back home do you realise how bloody cold the UK is. So more than anything else in February, I am looking forward to whether that goes above 6 degrees. I also need the the warm whether to get better, so I can wear my new holiday clothes some more before I get too fat to fit into them 🙂
  19. @catwriter clearly the OP believes that if he makes lots of posts on the forum it will increase his impressions on the Fiverr site? I can't see any other reason for posting exactly the same line of text.
  20. @ahmedanik You're congratulating a seller on his first sale that is now Level 2. That's how old the post is. I don't understand what benefit you're getting posting on a thread that is nearly a year old. other than trying to increase your forum badges. Mods. can we lock this post?
  21. Please tell us more about your work with Sky, Best Buy, Wayfair, Target and T-Mobile? In what capacity were you employed by them? These are some impressive clients that you claim have employed you directly, as you have outlined in your 'my clients' section I feel humbled to be talking to an expert in your field.
  22. What is Fever? Is that a special type of account? Do we have to do a secret handshake to get one? If so, I'm in. Where do I sign up? Hey Danny. Welcome to the forum from a cold Wales. As a UK freelancer there is no easy way to withdraw without loosing a bit of money. I just do a bank transfer through Payoneer into my UK business account. I have done it that way for years, and it works for me. There may be better options out there, but i'm not aware of them.
  23. Seriously??? 122 posts of congratulations. I'm all for giving people a bat on the back. but please use an emoji.... Mods. Can this be locked?
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