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Everything posted by breals

  1. Thank you for that concise and in-depth explanation. Well you've convinced me! I've just loaded up on espresso, and i'm ready for the remaining 312 hours of the month. Sleep is for wimps!
  2. Maybe the next step is to offer this service only to the people who are honest enough to claim that they are not Fluent in English? The ones that are left can either communicate effectively with their clients, or show that they're lying about their fluency?
  3. Yet another Digital Marketer who has no clue how to market their own business. How can you justify taking a customers money when you haven't been able to market your own business in nearly a year? But you asked for some tips, so here they are!!! 1) If Instagram is a key part of your business, you may want to learn how to spell it. Shocking for someone who claims to be fluent in English! 2) What is 10000000K Activer readers? That is just embarrassing. 3) You claim to be able to target millions of people on Facebook. Well, if that's the case why don't you have 1000s of orders? Or have you just joined loads of groups and are spamming to them? 4) Your gig descriptions have lots of zeros instead of the letter O. I have seen a lot of this recently. Either most of Asia has a dodgy key on their keyboard, or this is a way to get around plagairised gigs??? Some food for thought!
  4. Really?? You should know all of this. In a few sentences you have convinced the people in this thread that you really don't know what you're talking about. If a customer contacts you I'm pretty sure they would feel the same. As @catwriter and @vickiespencer have said. This is your job. If you can't do it for yourself then you should consider if freelancing is really for you!
  5. Really???? Please explain why you think being active on the Fiverr forum will increase impressions. I'm sure that all of the readers of this thread would love to hear your answer!
  6. Seriously man?? This is your profile description. You're apparently a facebook and instagram ads expert? Shouldn't you know this already? "Hello there, This is Aneek and I have 5 years of Expertise in Google Ads, SEM, Facebook Ads & Instagram Ads."
  7. @solayman_khan_x It's interesting to see that you have virtually the same gig description of a prolific buyer on Fiverr. To save further embarrassment, I recommend running your gig below through a plagiarism checker. https://www.fiverr.com/solayman_khan_x/rewrite-your-article-document-or-any-book-content Then ask yourself if cheating your way through Fiverr is the reason you're not getting any orders? Happy searching!
  8. This is getting bloody ridiculous Mike! Something needs to be done as it makes these tests completely pointless. If ever there was a need for an overhaul of the testing process, then this shows it.
  9. @bdchyrumman I'm sorry. But i find it very suspect that you got 10/10 for the English Language test when your gig is littered with grammatical errors. Your result implies a perfect score. Seriously?? As always, I am more than happy to be proven wrong, but I will happily bet on the fact that you had those answers to hand somewhere, which makes the whole testing process a mockery.
  10. As I have said above, if you were a digital marketer that had all of the required skills to grow a business for a customer, then you would have grown your own by now! Clearly you have a lot to learn about your trade, and whether your 'apparent' skills and experience are as good as you think they are. Personally. I would forget about orders and revenue, and get your head into the books and web pages of seasoned digital marketers. Learn from them and look to get official and legitimate qualifications. The litmus test of whether this learning is working will be your ability to apply this new knowledge to grow your own business.
  11. You posted this as a reply only a few days ago. You can't give advice to new freelancers one day, then ask for help on the same subject days later. It just makes you look desperate for forum badges, which incidentally will not get you more orders.
  12. How can you claim to be an expert in digital marketing if you can't get an order for yourself? Customers will see this in your profile and think that if you can't 'walk the walk' then why should they spend their hard earned money on you? Also, by claiming to get people on page 1 of Google, it's not only inaccurate, it appears desperate, and customers are now savvy to these claims. You can't guarantee this, so why are you advertising it.
  13. @zabed_ullah_p Are you not a little embarrassed that you claim to be able to promote businesses to up to 10 million people on Facebook, yet you can't get an order yourself? This is the reason you haven't had an order since joining in October. Any digital marketer with any credibility will have had multiple sales completed by now, with a large pipeline of future orders. Customers are not stupid and can see this straight away!
  14. But you don't have a video on your profile???
  15. It's great you've asked the question. Others would have just thrown the companies on and hoped for the best. You currently have Fiverr, Youtube and Amazon listed as your 'clients' This section is reserved for freelancers who have worked directly for them, and are able to show tangible evidence. AKA Prove it!!!! By you having these companies on your profile you are misleading your customers. However, you have around 3 weeks to submit proof, or Fiverr will be removing them anyway! I hope this helps?
  16. This is the bit that worries me. We all seem to be in the same boat. And like everyone else, my impressions have tanked. The slump for me started in mid February, which coincided with the guidance that gig descriptions could now be written using chatGPT. The algorithm clearly couldn't/can't cope with 100,000s of illiterate gigs now being re-written using a bot which are error free and SEO friendly. These gigs have now been re-indexed causing our numbers to fluctuate. It's this that is my biggest frustration, as most of us have spent a lot of time over the years refining and tweaking our gigs to be the best they can be. But the reality is that someone who could barely string a sentence together in January, now has 1200 words of fully optimised content at the click of the button, and there isn't anything we can do about it. The impact of this seismic change in superficial gig quality over the last few months is what (in my opinion) has caused the issues with the algorithm, and not necessarily something Fiverr has done intentionally. Whether I'm right or wrong. the situation is starting to get bloody annoying!
  17. How can they even think they can get away with that? And this is why the 'cull' is a great way forward by Fiverr.
  18. As @smartdezigns has mentioned above. You've been on the platform for 3 years and you're yet to get an order. Clearly you need to look at other ways of getting an order, as whatever you're currently doing isn't working.
  19. Here's the thing. Your gigs state that you're a professional SEO expert, who has worked for a top digital marketing agency. Yet. you've been on Fiverr for 7 months and still don't have an order? This is why people are not buying from you! If you can't grow your own business with the skills you claim to have, then why would you expect people to put their hard earned money into your services. Fiverr customers are savvy with their money. They will put it into freelancers who can walk the walk!
  20. Please explain to me why staying online on the Fiverr forum will help me to get orders? Your valuable suggestion please sir
  21. As @markp has said above, it will get you into trouble. But I'm interested to know why you would want to do this, other than trying to misinterpret yourself?
  22. I have just managed to pull out an annoying grey hair on my head. A very successful and productive day indeed.
  23. breals

    Your New King

    Great post Your Highness, and a welcome break from the usual madness on here. I must confess, that I have just wasted a few minutes of my life Googling how many Mission Impossible movies there have been. Now in his 60's, I fear that Mission Impossible 9 will see Tom Cruise battling to get to the downstairs bathroom in the middle of the night to take a piss. It could be a classic! Your words and leadership are always appreciated to guide us through these troublesome times. Thank you Sir!
  24. @marleen_seo It looks like you're using elementor? At the cog at the bottom of the page just switch the page from default to Elementor full width and that should solve your issue!
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