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  1. Hi, All My gigs are disappear from search completely. I am level two seller and have done more than 800 orders. I was worred. After long time (90 days) all gigs back into search. Anyone have search problem keep in mind (90days). Please all always share your experience. In this way all of us know about the current situation on fiverr.
  2. I am facing same problem from last 2.5 months my stats are all 100%, 5 star rating. I asked from customer support team but they not give me good response. I think it will heppen with PRIVATE FEED BACK. The question is how many days it will remain same?
  3. I am also level Two Seller, facing same problem since last 2.5 months.
  4. All thing accurate. 100% rating 5 star. got orders returning buyer completed succesfully with 5 star but after 60 days no results found. All gig disapeared from search
  5. My question is i have made mistake after warning time (30days). now gigs not comes in search.. will it become resolve? After how many days?
  6. Your account disable or your gig become not in search?
  7. Hi fiverr friends, I am level 2 seller i done an order which hav't any file to deliver in delivery button. I just mentioned there "Task is completed". Fiverr issue TOS and told me dont do such thing in future. after completion of 30 days. I made same mistake. Fiverr issue again TOS for 30 days. Now 30 days again completed. My stats are good now. Rating 5, Response time 100%, On time delivery: 95% even fullfill all craitera for next level. But issue is fiverr removed my gig from search! Now there is no my all gig shows in search. Is my account is suspended? if no when gigs will become in search. As a seller what should i do? Looking for your expert opinion. Thank you
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