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Everything posted by breals

  1. @sojib_shimul Your last delivery was 6 months ago, and you have achieved just 16 orders since you started 2 years ago. You're hardly a proficient seller who can use their experience to advise others. Hence the stock ChatGPT post. You have been reported for violating rule #8 Maybe you should concentrate more on your own profile than trying to win forum badges.
  2. @vickieito I am so genuinely sorry for your loss Sending you a huge virtual hug from across the pond. xx
  3. I'm all for people agreeing or disagreeing about what this new update means. I myself am sitting on the fence. That's the purpose of a forum. But for the love of sanity, why are people dumping their gigs into this chat in the hope that the amount of readers/comments will bring them more sales? 3 people in the last hour clearly haven't read the rules and think they have a free reign to spam a topic. Come on guys! Play nicely!
  4. Once you reach a certain level, then the facility to have zoom calls with your clients becomes available. If you're new to Fiverr then I think you may have to wait for this.
  5. 1.Read the forum, Apply the changes, test the changes, review. 2. Don't post for the sake of posting 3. Don't offer advice and expertise on how Fiverr works until you have walked the walk
  6. No, not really. In my opinion, honesty and integrity are the most important skills to possess as a freelancer. I don't post a gig unless I am 100% sure I have the skills to do it (Honesty) I also don't deliver anything that I feel falls short of my gig description (Integrity) Having these core values will ultimately lead to you becoming more profitable. With nearly 500 consecutive 5* reviews, being Fiverr certified and being a top rated seller in a notoriously tough niche, this is my proof that this is all you need. Happy to be challenged back if this still doesn't suffice!
  7. @zamanca When a buyer contacts you, in all likelihood they have also contacted 5, maybe 10 other freelancers. Most of the time the buyers will go by your metrics (What your stats say) and how you come across (Your personal skills) If any 'red flags' are identified they will avoid you and go with someone else. This is the nature of business. A customer can choose from 1000s of freelancers, and it's their choice if they want to shop elsewhere. If you find that this is happening often then you will need to look at the way you're engaging with buyers and adapt accordingly.
  8. Only if you want to get banned
  9. @mdnurnabi_seo So if you're a digital marketer and you're unable to grow your business, how can you justify taking a customers money and doing the same for them? You even have a Facebook gig where you claim to be able to get organic growth, why aren't you doing this for yourself? Secondly, if you're providing a backlinking service, there is no way that people will pay just $20 for 200 high authority backlinks. Even if they're good quality, for that price customers will think they are toxic and avoid you. The most successful freelancers in this field are charging 10, sometimes 20 times your price because they know that what they do comes at a premium. So you're left with 2 options. Raise your prices in line with your high performing peers, and show that your backlinks are worth the money. Or do nothing. But be warned, your type of service (as you know) has a lasting effect on peoples websites and businesses. If you're not able to deliver a service that exactly matches your description, and the domain authority isn't in line with your gig, then you're likely to get very poor reviews and very angry customers. Hope this helps?
  10. @leadgroup777 If your speciality is generating leads for business growth, then you should have this in the bag. If you can't do it for yourself, then how can you expect to take a customers hard earned money from them?
  11. @tahbibul_hasan @abddullah_jisan Providing advice when you have zero orders means that you have no way of validating what you're saying is correct. Before providing guidance, at least have some experience of working on the platform first. @ringki_vo_pro Firstly, I may be wrong, but I think your gig is in the wrong category? You're selling your an AI gig within the 'genuine' voice over 'artists'. Also, I feel your gig is very misleading. You're implying that you can influence the output of the AI voiceover to suit the customers needs, when every example you provide in your gig description has the same voice, tone and pitch. I would also be very careful about charging people for commercial rights on an AI driven gig? You don't own the rights to that voice, so why are you charging customers for it.
  12. Absolute rubbish! Your gig is an organic document, update it as your skills and experience update. @skilledsajib you have just one order, you have no way of quantifying your statement. Please refrain from making up your answers without any evidence to back up your claim!
  13. According to your profile you are 'extraordinary' in both ? Hi there, This is Kawsar Ahmed. Nowadays, I'm working as a Graphics Designer, having a extraordinary skills with five years in Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint Clearly this is not the case and you are misleading your customers.
  14. Seriously????? If you haven't got any orders how could you possibly know this? Please refrain from making up answers, it will lead to newer members of the forum actually believing what you say! as @smartdezigns has said. you will see some +/- fluctuations, but to suggest that you shouldn't update your gig is absolute madness. I suggest you concentrate on own profile before ruining others.
  15. How can you be asking this question if you're 'allegedly' in the top 10% of people who take the social media marketing test?
  16. Some (Including me) would argue that you need to be already advanced to even consider taking money from customers. But the best bit of advice I can give you is this. Practice - Get feedback - Make the changes - Practice again. Rinse and repeat. If what you're doing gets great feedback from people, then don't over complicate it.
  17. @sakib_hasan_ I don't understand how you can give tips to someone on how to get their first order if you haven't done this yourself yet? You have been on the platform since 2021 with no sales, so how can you possibly quantify that what chat GPT has written works?
  18. Just a bit of advice. If you're setting up a gig, then you need to look at your spelling and grammar. This is the biggest red flag that customers will see when they land on your page. As a digital marketer, if you're looking to set up ad campaigns, then customers won't come near you if they see multiple errors from someone who claims to be native in English. This is one of the main reasons you're not getting orders, until you correct this, or alter your fluency in English nothing will change. I would recommend that you have someone who has a better grasp of the language to have a look at what you have written, as the errors are significant. Hope this helps.
  19. As a top rated web designer I can offer you these pieces of advice. 1. Your gig images are website templates, not your own design, A simple search by the client will show that what you do isn't unique, this would also imply that your design skills are limited. This is backed up by your last review. 2. Your profile states that you have designed 'several' websites. Is that 2,3,4? Several indicates that you're not yet the master you claim to be. If it's more then state this in your profile. If it's not then I would strongly recommend that you hone your skills before taking peoples hard earned money ways from them. However, the more websites you claim to have done, the greater the expectation is on you, which in turn means a greater risk on your reviews. 3. Your gig images, whilst smart, look the same as everyone else's. What compelling reason does a customer have to pick yours over any other freelancer in this niche? 4. 24/7 VIP support, client satisfaction, effective communication. You have stated that these are the reasons someone should chose you. In my eyes these are a given, and expected of every freelancer. What you should be saying is that your websites WILL convert and drive revenue. 24/7 VIP support sounds like a buzzword from the 1980's 4. You're sharing your gigs on social media, but without the framework above you will never get any orders. Instead, spend your time crafting your gigs, show your best work, and let the customers decide if it's good enough. Hiding behind a website template is simply data entry, and not website design. In summary! You can carry on flogging a dead horse marketing gigs that are subprime. OR, you can take responsibility for your own actions and create a gig that is captivating, honest and unique. Only you can do this, no one else! Hope this helps?
  20. Simple. Being able to deliver 100% what your gig description says you will do! If you're a master of your craft, and honest about your abilities, then nothing else really matters.
  21. @gooddata09 Do you think you should concentrate on getting your first order before asking chat GPT to spout a stock answer out that you can't validate?
  22. A client will place an order with a freelancer that sells the services they are looking for, at a price they are willing to pay, and from their gig description, someone they are willing to trust. Being online makes little, or no difference.
  23. We are just sellers like you on this forum. However, based on the fact that you have openly copied another freelancers gig description, it is unlikely you will get your account back. Freelancers take weeks. months or even years to craft successful gig descriptions, so by you taking content from them the Fiverr AI has rightly flagged you. I'm sorry if this isn't what you wanted to hear.
  24. No, my question was, did you copy your gig description from another freelancers Gig? If yo did then that is why your account is probably under review
  25. @laislyricss So you copied a gig description from another Gig right? If so, this is a breach of the Fiverr TOS. Hence your gig was removed.
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