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  1. I've already reported this to CS although they gave me a sort of lukewarm response saying basically there's nothing they can do to prevent this from happening in the future. Gigs are all online. Profile is set to available. Order limits are off. Everything is running as normal. On a single day, I had two buyers purchase my voicemail gig, and two different buyers message me to say they'd tried to order from that same gig, but it was "paused." I look at my gigs, they're all online. No order limits are set. When I view my gig as the public, it appears online. It's not until I log off and view my gig that I see it's listed as "paused." Why on earth would there be no way of knowing this while logged in? I never switched it off. It went off on its own, and the only reason I was alerted to it was because someone was nice enough to message me. This has happened to me several times now. Who knows how many people just didn't bother messaging me and found another seller because I wasn't aware of this problem? I'm losing the will, honestly. 😂
  2. I think this is really unfair to be honest. I rarely cancel orders but sometimes you have to, as someone else said, to stay sane. We've all had vindictive buyers who would absolutely leave a bad review for trivial reasons after cancellations. Ive cancelled orders for buyers because they were insulting me or making unfair demands. It's realistic to expect that this means we will have zero recourse for this now.
  3. 😂 what left is there to say? Fiverr becomes more of a hostile environment for sellers every year I stay on. What a joke. I very much look forward to all the backlash being ignored by Fiverr while your top sellers continue to make you millions. 👍
  4. Just caught up on this thread for the first time and wow, the hostility some people have towards sellers, like we are all waiting in the shadows to rip them off, is incredible. I think y'all think we are taking away a much bigger profit from this platform than we actually are 😂
  5. I don't like this. It's spam. I totally understand sellers wanting a leg up, but this feels gross and annoying to me. Most people don't like receiving unsolicited junkmail. I guess I'd be ok with it if there was an obvious way for buyers to opt out, so hopefully if they keep it they'll at least implement that.
  6. I had to turn off "react" notifications because of y'all. Stop that! It's so annoying - I'll have 25 notifications after a week and it's just 1 person going to my profile and liking every comment I've made 😂
  7. Nope! I think I have a business profile active somewhere but I'm not a member of the Plus program!
  8. my bad, I did scroll to see if there were any posts on it already but I didn't search. Didn't mean to clog up the feed with another post 😛
  9. this looks so much better. the toolbar was definitely too crowded before. This is so nice to look at. Nice one guys!
  10. Hey gwyneth_galvin!

    I want to know something from you. How can I make my buyer truly satisfy while I just submit my work. Have any words?

  11. I do not use milestones. I have a normal delivery in progress and received the same message. Never seen this before. and on the same order, at the top of the page it says this: I just checked - all of my orders say this. 8 days at the bottom of the page, and 3 days at the top. weird.
  12. Would this replace the 20% fee? Would it be a flat rate? I guess it would really depend, you know? I'm in a less-competitive market than a lot of sellers, so I'm not sure how it would impact my gigs tbh. I think it's probably harder to fake/steal a voice-over than it is an image/animation.
  13. thanks for explaining, that’s what I was confused about 🙂
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