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Everything posted by theratypist

  1. Yes. Your profile can be your company, and you can use we. As that will be one account, during the verification process an ID will be needed so likely it would be the owner/head/manager.
  2. Yes Fiverr will disable all those accounts if you don't inform them ahead of what you're doing and if they are all offering the same service. If you're going to make a team then use one account. How is that a team if each of you have different accounts? That would be different emails, different payments? Anyway.... bad idea.
  3. It would be nice to see your logo in person, Viz! Kidding! Haha. On a serious note, I do think socialization and networking is a good idea.
  4. Why do you want to deny buyers from certain countries?
  5. I wanted to comment pineapples for fun, and hope you randomly come by my comment haha! Assuming you have pizza wrecker radar on you! 🤣
  6. I was curious as to why a post from 2019 has resurfaced. But I am totally fine with this as its two of my favorite gentlemen from the forum going about....... 😂
  7. A discovery I've made is that if you've had an order with a seller, the seller will always be able to see buyer's data relevant to them under the "with you" tab (meaning only data from the orders the buyer and seller has done together). The data a buyer can completely opt out from (as in the picture) falls under the "On Fiverr" tab, which is of course all their orders done on Fiverr. Well it does make sense I guess why data under the "With you" tab doesn't go away. The seller will always have known this data in the first place, its just.... well organized now. Haha.
  8. Where did you get the info that when your gig appears in search you should get orders
  9. Yeah that's the thing, just because its "ranked", doesn't mean it should get an order.
  10. Monsieur, this post has gotten so far back because of all the how 2 rank gigs. Love how you find time to actually get off Fiver. My routine is not the healthiest. When I want to take break from Fiverr projects, I go to the forum. The question if that is healthy, is a topic for another day! Haha kidding! I like working out, hiking, food trips, road trips. So pretty much somewhere along that 😄
  11. Wow, with what you shared it sounds like a great initiative. I can see how it could be helpful especially for new sellers. Definitely! Hopefully down the line. And would be nice that relevant clips that addresses the common forum topics could be officially pinned somewhere here.
  12. What did the webinar cover? Its interesting its titled "Rumours" 🤣 I have an additional reason as to why I wish I attended this webinar to see this 😂
  13. There are no benefits for "Staying" here in the forum. If I had to name one true benefit I found, its probably to humor myself 🤣 Anyway, there are some useful tips here if you just look hard enough. Be careful though as there are also a lot of misleading tips. It's only helpful if you apply the useful tips you learn. You don't need to be active here, you don't need to post anything -- it doesn't get you a "job" or order. Other people have not opened or posted in the forum, and they are very successful on Fiverr.
  14. ???? You can copy the link of the post and share it to them Uhm you can https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/253722-community-standards-forum-rules-2021/
  15. You know this is a meaningful discussion and I hope artists will be able to see this. Haha. Would love to chime in but I'm not an artist. I just use a Dell XPS 13 laptop, Google Chrome, Office applications and get on with my day! Tagging some wonderful creatives I know @mariashtelle1 @zeus777 @lenasemenkova
  16. Not true. You should have gotten a sale if it was.
  17. Frank mentioned something before on ability on making a sale. Like when someone makes an inquiry but it wasn't a good fit. Not sure about the weight of conversion though, I would still believe that the actual sales and feedback would weigh more.
  18. Just ask Fiverr support directly! support@fiverr.com Although sometimes they can come off vague, depending on who you get. Haha, but they are the best to get an official answer.
  19. My favorite color is plain old purple 💜 Now I am reminded of the dress hahahaha
  20. No, not at all. The videos literally are what you should avoid.
  21. Interesting. Thank you Frank! Would you happen to know how different "rolling out to buyers" is to the set-up now? They seem to be the same thing as the normal Fiverr.
  22. Received the same notification as well. Mhmm...
  23. You mean if you have a sanction on your forum account and if it applies to your main account? Well, no...... But what in heaven's name did you do to get a sanction in the forum.
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