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Everything posted by theratypist

  1. Sorry that you're facing this, there really are difficult buyers. I faced something like this as well, not necessarily that they were saying I did not do the work -- just the part that they thought they're only seeing one sheet on Excel and thinking the project was incomplete. They were kind enough to clarify though and in some instances, I had to just send them in separate files altogether since they felt more comfortable with that. Sometimes I converted it to a easier to navigate PDF. Is it possible that you send the data as separate files (meaning one sheet) or as PDF? I know you've already gone so far as to the screen recording but perhaps you would build a stronger case knowing you've simplified it down more for them -- should the buyer want to face CS. I do hope that gets sorted! I would block the buyer after once that is over. Reason: Negative work experience 🤣
  2. Why are we encouraging denying buyers from countries. Deny buyers based on their attitude and behavior on the site, individual cases regardless of country.
  3. I also want a massage, but probably not from a buyer 😅🤣
  4. Hahahahaha, I'm so glad they still left the Lifestyle section.... The Jesus who sings happy birthday is still thriving to this day. 🤣
  5. I can recall instances that I've received tips but there was no review. Perhaps, it used to be like this? And then now they have to leave a review. Not sure. Also the ability to tip usually pops up closer to the time after you get to leave a "public" review or mark an order as complete. Because a prompt appears that writes out as "Its customary to leave a tip to your seller" (not verbatim, but thats the idea). The private feedback opportunity appears much later and can be ignored. Prompts/notifications to leave a private review appear again a few days after if you didn't leave one... So I'm not sure.
  6. No. That is fine. What will affect you more is what ever private and public feedback the buyer will give in the end. How many revisions do you cover? Anyway, if it falls within your offered revisions then all you can do is wait for it if you want to get paid for the order.
  7. I would like to add on the ability to see all the files you've shared back and forth in the main/regular inbox. Sometimes the conversations gets too long and/or it was a reference to a past attachment (especially when you've been working long term) and you have to scroll way baaack to see it.
  8. https://community.fiverr.com/topmembers/ @jonbaas I bow down to thee, #3 and #4 hahaha
  9. Buyers can be active anytime of the day. Considering this is a global marketplace, there are buyers active at any time. I mean people can even buy either morning, night, dawn in their time. It also does not make a difference knowing when they're active. Do you plan to be "Active" during those times? Here is a post you can read. Learn from it and take action.
  10. This is an unfortunate reality for a lot of sellers here. You aren't guaranteed sales just because you have a gig. I do think you'll find some valuable tips here, learn from them and take action:
  11. Helping you out, Frank! I recall that they discussed this in the forum back then. Some previous meet-ups right here. Others can be found under "Community Events" under the Events category.
  12. I'm no artist so I'm not able to advise on the right category. But perhaps look into your competitors or services similar to what you're able to offer, ideally the ones with sales already. You will be able to see in the gig page the category they placed their gigs under. I do think you placed it under the right criteria though. Do you mean buyer requests? This is not so much because of the service type you placed it under. Sellers with no levels really do not see a lot of buyer requests. Once a new set of buyer requests come in, they disappear from your view once 10 other no level sellers have made an offer. So its a matter of being the first one to make an offer. Once you reach Level 1 and above, you will be able to see buyer requests more regularly without it having to disappear from your view. My best suggestion would be to study your competitors and see what's working for them. Identify what kind of services (under the skills that you have) are needed t the most or what could potentially be a unique service that might be needed that your competitors aren't offering. It would help as well if you bring in clients (in case if you have regular clients outside of Fiverr) to purchase your services on Fiverr instead so at least your gig will get some initial sales, which can help your standing as a seller on Fiverr one way or another.
  13. Oh trust me there are many who do. But since you're a visual artist, they would likely have seen your gig image and expect a product similar to that. I wouldn't go as extreme as thinking you're lying. And if ever they have issues with your output, you have the defense of your gig description and the work you delivered if ever the issue gets up to Customer Support. And in the event, the buyer does put an order with instructions that do not fall under what you cannot do then you cancel it. It might take hit, but you can also discuss with Customer Support that you've written in your gig description that it isn't something you offer (if ever you did write something like that).
  14. Where in the Fiverr ToS does it say it's not allowed to resell on Fiverr work that you've bought on Fiverr? I wouldn't do it and it also might insult some people's moral grounds but how is it breaking Terms of Service? You already own the product you bought from the seller. You can do whatever you want with it, commercial license and etc applicable when necessary. It is breaking ToS if you replicate the same gig exactly as how the original seller presented theirs. Just because it affects QoS doesnt mean its breaking ToS. How will Fiverr even regulate this, scan every delivery? Everyone can be a buyer and seller at the same time. I don't do the same service you are doing so that is up to you. I just mean you are using Fiverr, and unfortunate as it is on some orders that have to be cancelled, the most you can do is try to learn from every past order that went wrong. With the unfortunate experiences you've seen you can tell better now if they are reselling (since they likely must have a seller profile doing the same service as you - as you said picking up a job in fiverr and getting it done on Fiverr), if they're from the country you're avoiding, etc. You can choose from the start not to work with them. Yes it might affect your cancellation ratio if they placed an order directly but at least you didn't spend the time doing the work. I just want to reiterate, you can choose not to work with a buyer through initiating a cancellation. Yes, you can't stop buyers from purchasing from you but you can cancel an order. Of course Fiverr doesn't like that and your cancellation can take a hit. But what is the point of doing the work and in the end still facing a cancellation (since that is what you're implying happens with these unscrupulous buyers)? Might as well cancel from the start saying you aren't a good fit. Here is the Fiverr terms of service in case you want to read: https://www.fiverr.com/terms_of_service
  15. I would say it might be something to consider or try out for sure especially when they're in a category that's very saturated. Sometimes new sellers get lucky and get repeat buyers that help them out enough to reach Level 1. 😄 I think you will find this post helpful Aye Jon, you always say the points better. Thank you. And 100% agree. Haha!
  16. You really need to put your skills into practice! Hi, I am Anisur Rahaman Bhuiyan and I am a Data science engineer as well as Digital Marketing professional with extensive Website design and Facebook Advertising experience.
  17. The latter. But if you want more sales, sure you can try marketing your gigs. I don't know how effective that is unless one has a following or a personal website outside of the platform. But I am confident in saying that a lot of the successful sellers who have made a lot of sales here have not marketed their gigs even once on other media platforms.
  18. That makes sense and I can see how people will avoid a meeting. But you really can't force buyers to do video meeting even if they weren't outsourcing. Even this set-up is not against ToS. I can see how this could have been solved with proper communication if the buyer just asked for it properly. There really are just some bad buyers who abuse the system. I guess you can vouch potential clients better before taking on the job or starting the order. But it is unlikely that Fiverr will ever support blocking a country. So the most you can do is just communicate as clearly as possible with them...
  19. No one would know that unless you work in Fiverr. Anyway, to put it simply, not necessarily, it depends on what service you are doing. Even Pro and TRS sellers don't get orders everyday. Some people when reaching Level 1 may not even see sales for a while...but if we're being technical about it, of course they have more orders than a new seller. In short, you aren't assured of orders regardless of what seller level you are, however reaching levels shows proof on your ability to delivery quality work and success as a Fiverr seller.
  20. Yes, TRS and PRO sellers even more (high-ticket orders). Actually, that would be subjective. I would like to think that its sellers with levels that buyers would prefer to go to. If you think about it, would you not prefer someone who already has done several projects with good feedback from others on the service you are looking for?
  21. There are a lot of people who outsource from Fiverr, I don't know why it would be important to inform the seller that they are outsourcing unless it is needed info to complete the order. It isn't also against ToS to outsource from here as long as it is paid for as what was deemed as the fair and advertised price by the seller for such project. Price your gigs accordingly and set an appropriate timeline. If they don't understand what you advertise you can do, don't respect your prices, and don't follow your delivery then don't work with them. You can tell CS when that happens. It doesn't affect cancellation rate, as long as you know how to communicate properly what went wrong. https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360010560198-Order-Completion-Rate-and-Cancellations-FAQ Can I avoid a cancellation’s effect on my Order Completion Rate? All cancellations, including those handled by Customer Support, can affect your OCR. On rare occasions (such as fraudulent purchases, buyers ordering by mistake, or the seller not having enough information to start working on an order) cancelation will be handled as to not affect your OCR. If your order is canceled under such circumstances, reach out to Customer Support to investigate the effect of the cancellation on your account. --- What happens if there are buyers from that country that aren't outsourcing? Do you wish to leave out potential sales? Anyway, its just a matter of clear communication.
  22. Love how you're always on point. 🤣 Although wow I wasn't aware about stuff like that are happening right now. The least that could've been done is hand you to an SM from the US - although I can see how limited they can be since the remaining available ones from US might not specialize in the service category you're under. As always @frank_d, thank you for your service to Fiverr forum humanity. 🙌
  23. How is everyone finding the insights feature so far? It has been rather helpful on my end. I always charge accordingly as what the project requires just as before, and respond to anyone who reaches out. But I can totally see how one buyer doesn't follow through when their ave order is wayyyy below the project quote. It is indeed *insightful*
  24. Hahaha. I support you on your cause dear Mike! I think the closest they have for that right now is Seller Plus -- but I find that it only benefits sellers who are already sort of succeeding / have more potential to succeed to begin with. Which makes sense I guess, not to be rude but there are definitely some hopeless cases. 🥲
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