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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. Hi @sohangazi1, the review process for Pro applications is manual, so it can take some time before they respond to you. How long has it been? I also wouldn't suggest making any changes to your profile or gig while Fiverr is reviewing your Pro application. Just be patient and wait until you hear back from them.
  2. Hi @emmaanimator1, if you've had a negative private review (which you'll never see), that can cause your impressions to tank. Usually a negative private review can stay on your account for 90 days or more. The best remedy is to get more orders with positive private reviews to boost your seller performance so that the search algorithm sees you as more relevant (and will make your gig more visible). This can be difficult, but there are ways to get orders without depending on Fiverr search or promoted gigs. Here are some ways that you can market yourself: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/104668-marketing-yourself-just-do-it-heres-how-upyour/ This article contains more from the same forum member on how to get out of the sales slump (note: instead of Buyer Requests, consider Buyer Briefs): https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/104901-getting-through-the-sales-slump-upyour/ If you are on Seller Plus, there's other ways to bring in orders that are not based on organic search (such as offering past buyers coupons). When I do get buyers, I get an average of 5 orders per buyer due to planning ahead. While working on the current order, I always talk with the buyers about their needs and future projects. I have some buyers that are discussing projects that they want completed 6 months to a year from now. The more repeat buyers that you get, the more resilient your business will be. You can have 0 impressions in search, but have a thriving business because of your repeat buyers.
  3. Hi @talhashaheen, It looks like the buyer took your work and is trying to get away with not paying for it. Yes, definitely contact Customer Support and provide all of the screenshots of your non-responsive buyer. I used to think that Fiverr prefers buyers over sellers, but that isn't true. Fiverr Support has been very helpful to me as a seller. I also had a non-responsive buyer that took my work (and I ended up canceling the order). Not only did Fiverr Support make sure that the cancelation didn't affect my seller statistics, a month later they paid me for the work that I did (that the buyer had access to). You can read about this experience here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282216-24-hrs-until-delivery-and-no-contact-from-the-buyer-also-unable-to-deliver/ To get started, I suggest you create a support ticket here: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/selling-on-fiverr/orders/current-orders/issue-with-an-order/create-ticket
  4. It makes sense that you lost your rank. Fiverr doesn't promote gigs that aren't actively delivering orders. The good news is, once you start getting orders and making deliveries again, your visibility in search can increase. You can qualify for these again. Once you start getting orders again, you can gain Level 1 status within a month as long as you meet all the Level 1 requirements. You can also reach Level 2 status the following month if you meet all the requirements. Also, if you deliver good quality and keep your buyers happy, you can qualify for the Fiverr's Choice badge again. You have several orders in queue, so make sure those buyers are happy. Your gigs are also great for repeat customers, so keep them happy so that they return to you and give you more business. This will also help you get better visibility in search.
  5. @qubemotion - Start where you are right now. You have a good profile with 37 reviews and an average rating of 4.9. I read all your reviews and they are very good (even the 4-star reviews). New buyers won't know that you had a late delivery a year ago or that you were ever demoted. That late delivery fell off your record after 60 days. If you are able to get in orders and maintain good seller metrics, you could be a Level 2 seller again fairly quickly (within 2-3 months). You might want to mention in your bio that you have been away from Fiverr and are now back in business.
  6. Hi @deborahmusic, Click on the "My Business" tab and then "Gigs." When you click on the drop down for each of your gigs, you can uncheck the "Live Portfolio" option to turn this feature off:
  7. Both Fiverr search and Buyer Briefs utilize an algorithm to match buyers to "relevant" sellers. If you aren't getting found in search, it's because Fiverr doesn't see you as relevant. Your relevancy is not just based on seller performance, but on your ability to tailor your gig to your target audience. I would focus on this because if you are doing well in search, you will probably have good results with Buyer Briefs, too. You might want to read these articles here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/292580-i-am-not-getting-any-fiverr-briefs/?do=findComment&comment=1844284 https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/292632-i-make-logo-design-more-beautiful-than-others-but-i-dont-get-orders-in-fiverr-even-though-i-have-skills-why-is-this-happening-to-me/?do=findComment&comment=1844608 https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/292234-experienced-sellers-only/?do=findComment&comment=1842480
  8. Sorry you had to deal with that seller! Hopefully you also reported him for violating ToS! Or if you did take a job, you would at least have the decency of mentioning that upfront (and working the extra days into the delivery to allow for the holiday). You definitely wouldn't make false promises, mislead the buyer, send an empty delivery, and blame the buyer for the order running late (claiming religious exemption)! If I do run behind schedule, the buyer is usually aware of it, and I always go through the Resolution Center to request an extension of the delivery date.
  9. This has nothing to do with religion. What the seller did is just a poor excuse for bad quality and ethics. If you wanted to cancel the order, you could. You wouldn't even have to mention religion. The seller convinced you he could meet your tight deadline, couldn't deliver according to the agreed order requirements, failed to communicate honestly with you, and violated ToS by misusing the delivery button. If the seller wants someone to respect his religion, he needs to do things the right way - be completely honest upfront, keep his promises (and Fiverr ToS), and if he forgot it was a religious holiday (or is running behind schedule) ...admit it and request an extension of the delivery date via the Resolution Center.
  10. Please let us know what we should do if something like this happens (I don't want "tag @Lena" to be standard protocol). 😂 Is reopening multiple tickets on the same issue recommended?
  11. That was super fast! Thank you so much for you help, @Lena! You are awesome! 🤩 (Hopefully the OP gets the message ...I think he may have left when he was post limited.)
  12. If you are post-limited, you can make 5 posts a day (this includes any private messages that you send). You can also post 1 status reply and 1 status update.
  13. In the support ticket above, the agent did tell the OP that sharing personal contact information and directing communication away from Fiverr's platform was not allowed. That could be the reason.
  14. I did think it was out of character for Fiverr Support not to respond. A mute function would explain that silence. However, this is the second ticket the seller opened on this issue. That's why I hesitated to suggest opening another ticket. Is there a mute function if multiple tickets are filed on the same issue?
  15. I agree with you, there @strategist_ceo! I'm really concerned because not only is the dispute is from a year-old order, the OP hasn't been able to make any withdrawals on any earnings for over 2 months. 😟
  16. Thank you, @Lena!!!! @techdesigner430 - In the meantime, start gathering your documentation so that you can be ready when Customer Support responds.
  17. What exactly was resolved on the buyer's end? A full refund? If so, show screenshots/evidence of your conversation with your buyer that he received the refund and is satisfied in full. Your screenshots should list out the concerns mentioned by the buyer, along with the buyer saying that all of these concerns are resolved with the refund and that he does not need any further assistance from you. Send this to Customer Support notifying them that you are providing them will all the evidence they need to confirm that this issue has been fully resolved with the buyer. Also ask them if there is anything else you need to do to enable your withdrawal option again. My concern is that Fiverr Support appears to be ignoring your messages, so I'm not sure if you will get a response from them. I'm hoping @Lena can provide better direction on what you should do here.
  18. @techdesigner430 - Based on the above: Your withdrawal option was temporarily disabled because the work on the order in question was not delivered properly (the buyer still had concerns that were not resolved). Fiverr Support gave you two options that will help you enable your withdrawal option again: Option 1 (Revise the order): Revise the order and and send proof to Fiverr Support that you provided a delivery satisfactory to the buyer. Proof that the buyer was satisfied a year ago doesn't count because the buyer brought up this issue a year later, so your proof of buyer satisfaction will also need to be current. So show proof that, a year later, you did the requested revisions, and the buyer is satisfied with the order. You will need to provide screenshots of your conversation with the buyer that the concerns he mentioned were addressed. It's best if you list out the concerns, you have proof that each point was addressed, and the buyer acknowledges that those points were addressed and that he is fully satisfied. Option 2 (Cancel the order): Show screenshots of your conversation with the buyer showing that a cancelation will resolve the issues mentioned by Fiverr Support on 9/23, that 1) "what was asked in the beginning was never finalized completely" and 2) to get a response from the buyer that he does not need any further assistance. You should have more specific details on what that is in your chats with the buyer. Again, list out the concerns mentioned by the buyer, ask the buyer if a cancelation & refund will resolve all of his concerns, and show the buyer's response confirming that a cancelation and refund will resolve all of his concerns and that he does not need any further assistance from you. @techdesigner430 - You might also want to provide Customer Support with the proof that you have reached out to the buyer numerous times (with no response). Fiverr Support can contact the buyer on your behalf. It looks like the buyer still hasn't been given the refund yet - is this correct? If that's the case, you might be able to use the refund as an incentive to provide the responses you need. @Lena - The OP asked Fiverr Support to help reach out to the buyer to get these statements but I don't see Fiverr Support doing anything for more than a month. What should the OP do in this case?
  19. That's very concerning since you have 16 orders in queue and haven't been able to access any funds for almost 2 months. 🤔 It sounds like you did everything that Customer Support asked you to do. I'm not sure why they would not be responding to your tickets and automatically closing them. Can you provide better screenshots of your support ticket conversations (hiding the agent's identity)? Maybe we can find out what the issue is. @Lena - Do you know why Customer Support would consider this issue closed, when the OP doesn't have the withdrawal option available (and hasn't been able to withdraw funds for almost 2 months)?
  20. So your client received their money back. Did you see Fiverr take that amount out of your balance? If not, maybe that's why Fiverr disabled the withdrawal option, so that they can take that amount from your Earnings (when those funds become available).
  21. Hi @engr_sikander, most of the daily topics on the forum cover Buyer Briefs. You can start by looking at these articles here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/274154-can-anyone-explain-the-feature-fiverr-briefs-in-details/? do=findComment&comment=1832873https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/292269-fiverr-briefs/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/292630-why-fiverr-continues-to-ignore-my-profile/?do=findComment&comment=1844616
  22. My skills are in that order.😂 I can read (which is 75% of the battle on the forum), I'm getting better at finding information, and if I could apply everything I learned (with perfect execution), business would be really booming!
  23. Well, this is just silly! If Fiverr is really concerned about misrepresentation, they would get rid of badges on the forum. I, for one, do not like how "Grand Master" makes me look like an expert when I'm not. I just know how to read, find, and apply information. And on each of your posts @frank_d, you clearly have a disclaimer that you are not speaking from a place of authority. I echo @miiila's sentiment! I would love to see this!
  24. Hi @siddraah, You will first have to use desktop mode to visit your Gig page and activate the "Get brief" option and set a minimum price. Once you do that, you will get notifications of relevant briefs via email and the mobile app. When you get these notifications on your phone, just click on them. It will take you to the brief where you can decide whether you want to contact the buyer for more information, reject the brief, or create a custom offer (like how you do it for buyer requests). If you submit an offer, you can withdraw the offer anytime in your inbox chats. You'll also be notified if the buyer withdraws their brief or chooses another seller.
  25. Hi @taheruxui, when you share your gigs on social media, you are driving traffic directly to your gig. So this traffic won't show up as impressions or clicks. Impressions and clicks are only related to buyers who are searching for services on Fiverr's marketplace (and they see and click on your gig that way).
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