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  1. I have an video that was due on March 28. The buyer sent me the wrong packaging for the product, and wanted to wait until he had the new packaging designed to complete the video, so I sent him a request to extend delivery. He agreed this was FINE. Well, it's been several weeks. He DID send me the new packaging..and I completed the video, but he has responded to me only ONCE stating that he cannot find the button to accept the extension (probably because it had already expired).. At this point, I have been sending new requests for extensions every three days... It's been 6 days now since he has been online. So I'm very late, and I told him in a message I'm not delivering the order until he accepts the extension for delivery. I wanted to contact customer support to see if there was another way around this, but when I clicked Resolution Center, the ONLY option there is to cancel the order.. there is NO option to speak with anyone in customer support. I am at a loss. Does anyone have any advice?
  2. Thank you.. when I see 0 time left in RED it gives me a panic attack.
  3. I delivered an order 3 days before the delivery date. At this point in time, Fiverr is giving buyers 8 days to respond. So, yesterday, my order is still sitting there, but now showing up late. Not because of me.. but because the buyer never responded. This morning, he got back with me and asked for a revision, which is fine, but is this "late" thing going to go against my Fiverr account? Should I ask the buyer for an extension, even though it was originally delivered on time? I wish Fiverr could do this another way, so that if the buyer doesn't respond, at least the clock has stopped ticking on the order.
  4. I have been seeing the notification pop up where if an order gets cancelled, as long as there is a new order placed within two weeks, with the same buyer, it will not negatively affect your account. However, I recently had a buyer who placed the same order twice by accident. He ended up cancelling both of them. I then sent him a new offer . In other words, we cancelled the first two, but only placed an order for one (which was the original plan). Does anyone here know if this is going to negatively affect my account? Since there were TWO orders placed, and both got cancelled, and then only one order was placed again after this? Thanks for your feedback. I'm very concerned about this... there was nothing I could do about it.
  5. Wow... I truly think Fiverr should consider somehow incorporating a refund possibility in it's platform. This is a sticky situation. Honestly.. the person would probably not even KNOW.... as they ordered it twice... but I don't want to take that extra money..... its not right. And i am afraid asking them to cancel might get confusing. 😞 I will figure something out. I might offer a second video, possibly without text, or without voice, etc... thank you so much for your suggestions.
  6. I don't know.. because I am doubting he will need another video..... but thank you for this info... I think it could work if the situation was right.
  7. A buyer had already paid me for photos to go with his video.... and then, he paid me again?? I have no idea why, but I need to refund him for the 2nd payment he made (he ordered this as a gig extra).... How can I get him his money back? Can I do it on the Fiverr platform?
  8. I create videos … and there is one I recently created that I did not want to go into my gallery, because I normally do not do work like this so I do not want to advertise it… I meant to upload a photo, instead of the video, but I was in a hurry, and accidentally uploaded the video and the work was accepted by the buyer… Is there any possibility of removing that video at this point in time?
  9. This is probably a super ignorant question here… but what exactly is the meaning and purpose of an order that comes in that states it is a “Fiverr’s Choice Order”? Is this something the buyer initiates, or is it something on the Fiverr side of things… and what is the meaning of it? Thanks!
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