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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. Hi @ummehabiba860, can you scroll down to the bottom of the message? Does it say anything like you can't contact this buyer anymore? Sometimes messages starting with "Hello" are spam messages that are quickly flagged through Fiverr's spam filter. So you aren't able to respond to those messages. This is how it'll look: Here's another one:
  2. Hi @ashike_iqbal, you had 5 reviews that were 3 stars or less in the last 6 months (one was a 1-star review), so how long did it take you to recover from those reviews (especially the 1-star review)? That might give you an idea of how long it will take you to recover from this 1.7-star review. If a buyer gives a negative private review, that can affect your account for 90 days or more. All you can do is address the buyers' concerns, make improvements to your services, and deliver high-quality services that result in happy customers. You might only have repeat customers to work with for a while. As your performance improves, your visibility in search should also improve, and you can requalify for Promoted Gigs again.
  3. It depends. What did you learn from this course and how is it influencing how you are doing business on Fiverr? I found the course very helpful because it changed my mindset on how I should run my Fiverr business and I immediately implemented the things I learned in my business.
  4. Hi @mamunislam85, Fiverr only allows you to have one account, so you can't create a new account to offer different services. However, you can create new gigs as a web developer on your existing account. You can have a total of 10 gigs as a Level 1 seller and can also pause some of the design gigs that don't have any orders on them. I offer services to two types of buyers, so I indicate the category on my gig thumbnail images (either "Career Services" or "Business Support"). You could do the same for your design and web development services.
  5. Hi @muneebwaqas_955, If the client places an order for something you don't offer, you can cancel the order and have your stats adjusted so that it won't hurt your order completion rate. If the client places an order asking for something more than what they ordered, you can offer to do the extra work by adding it on as gig extras. This allows you to increase your price and your delivery window to complete the project. If you get an order and it's taking a lot longer than anticipated (so it doesn't look like you'll complete it on time), communicate that with your buyer. You can request to extend the delivery date to allow you to finish your work (but you need to request that before the delivery time expires, or else it will count as a late delivery). As long as the buyer accepts your request to extend the delivery date, your delivery will count as "on time." Unexpected events do occur in orders, so sometimes you have to extend the delivery date. If you are doing this often, you might want to consider updating your gigs with longer delivery times. And if you can't deliver the order because you aren't clear on what you can do, then that cancelation will affect your order completion rate, your buyer satisfaction rate, and can affect whether you get future orders or not. To avoid this from happening, only offer services that you can do, and do consistently well. Also make sure that your services are very clearly defined in your gig description, packages, and FAQs. You can always offer more and increase your prices as your confidence in your services grows. I also wouldn't say that I offer 100% customer satisfaction, unlimited revisions, 20-day free support, and money-back guarantee - this is telling customers that you will work for free, you're not confident in your skills, and that they can take advantage of you. I offered some of those things when I first started out on Fiverr and it was a nightmare. This isn't true. You have to consistently deliver quality services for you to do well on Fiverr's platform. Please don't offer advice that hasn't worked for you.
  6. If a buyer orders by mistake and wants to cancel the order, go ahead and accept the cancelation ...then submit a help desk to have your stats adjusted so that the cancelation doesn't affect your order completion rate. The buyer gets back their funds and you aren't affected by those types of cancelations. This also works if a buyer orders and then immediately decides they don't need the order.
  7. Hi @soufianejanna - Seller Plus was something I lost when my account got shut down by that hacker, and I was sad that I wasn't even eligible for the standard plan when I got my account back. However, as @donnovan86 said, it really does depend on you and your business. It's a "nice-to-have" if you already have a well-established business and want the "extra" perks. For example, instead of a 14-day clearance period, your payments could clear in 7 days. Or if you want to reach out to previous customers without being spammy, you could send out coupons. I also like Buyer Insights because it helps me avoid working with potentially difficult customers. The Advanced Analytics are also nice, but not necessary. So if you aren't getting consistent business already, it might not be a great investment for you. In my opinion, I wouldn't pay $19/mo for the Standard Plan (unless it's a first step to getting back the Premium plan). I really love the Premium plan because of all the features you get. You can choose to get paid as soon as an order is accepted, which gives you greater control of your cash flow. Product management also lets the Premium members beta test/give feedback on a lot of new features that they are rolling out. Seller Plus members can also chat with different success managers on the Seller Plus forum, which is nice. My success manager helped me get paid when customers disappeared on me and adjusted my stats when it was necessary. She also let me know how my buyer satisfaction rate looked like and how it was affecting my profile. I was paying $29/mo for the Premium plan and would still pay the $40/mo to get it back (if it were an option for me). I even offered to pay $40/mo just for the Request to Order feature, which I really love. I used it to avoid orders (instant orders or orders from potentially difficult customers) and manage my schedule better. However, business is still going well without Seller Plus. I just have to use the Out-of-Office or pause my gigs when I don't want any new orders.
  8. Hi @pathanybd, The client's bad review has nothing to do with your design. Your design was good. The customer specifically mentions that you were "slow" and "hard to communicate with." So those are points that you should address in your response to the buyer's review so that you can show potential customers that you are addressing those concerns that the buyer mentioned. You should also work on those points as you try to build your business on Fiverr. Ask yourself - how can I be more responsive to my customers' needs? How can I improve my communication with my buyers? Good communication paves the way for a great customer (and seller) experience, so it's something that I'm always trying to improve.
  9. Hi @Yoav.M, I'm copying you on this thread so that you can forward this to the appropriate product managers at Fiverr. If Fiverr wants to streamline the buying experience and not annoy its buyers, removing these three questions in the order requirements would help. Thanks!
  10. Hi @shajibsr! Welcome to Fiverr and the forum! What is "normal" varies for each seller. If I got 1 click for every 14 impressions, I would be doing a happy dance. However, what you have right now is one data point. Keep monitoring your impressions, clicks, and orders. You want to make sure that impressions are bringing you clicks and clicks are turning into orders. If you have clicks, that means buyers are interested enough in your gig to click on it. If you get orders, that means you've convinced buyers who visited your gig to place an order. So now that you have clicks, work on the convincing part. When you don't have any orders or reviews to give you credibility, you've got to really work on showing what you can do to convince buyers that you can do the work - have gig videos for each of your gig and use the gig galleries to their fullest potential. You have 3 images and 2 PDFs that you can add in addition to your gig video.
  11. Hi @nayeem_jn, It's not just about driving traffic to your gigs, promoting, and ranking your gigs. You also have to convince your customers to buy from you once they view and visit your gig. If you can't convince them that you are the best choice and have the skill to do what you are advertising, then your gig ranking and marketing won't help much. So work on showing your customers what you can do by adding gig videos showing live examples of what you can do. Use up all of the picture and PDF slots in your gig gallery to show as many samples as possible. When buyers look through your samples, if they see one that matches what they are trying to accomplish, they will be more likely to reach out to you. Please also fix the grammatical errors in your profile. You mention in your gigs that fluent conversation is your selling point. So everything has to be perfect or else buyers will also question how you will deliver on the services that you offer.
  12. Hi @jasperliver, Unfortunately, there isn't an option to change the previews once it's set (even if the customer gives you approval via chat to use something different). A help desk ticket won't be able to change the sample for you. However, you can delete a preview, but you need to have the customer's approval to do so (and it has to appear that they want it deleted). I usually ask the customer, "Do you really want to have this sample up on my gig?" and they'll say "No, please remove it." Then I'll screenshot that conversation and submit it with a help desk ticket to have it removed. Technically, only buyers are allowed to delete these preview samples, but I have no trouble deleting them when I show proof that the buyer wants the samples removed. If I can't get the buyer to state that they want the sample removed, I can't remove it. I write resumes and sometimes the wrong file is accidentally used as the preview sample (and it ends up showing all of the buyer's contact information). Even then, I can't remove the sample without the buyer's approval first.
  13. This is to prevent spam on the forum and to encourage users to read and find information first before posting. You still can give unlimited reactions to content that you find on the forum. I also only have a total of 5 posts, replies, and private messages that I can make each day on the forum. What this means for you: If you post 2 stories and reply to 3 posts, you are done for the day. Or if you send 5 private messages, you won't be able to make any posts or replies for the day. That 5-posts-a-day limit is any combination of posts, replies, and private messages. So you'll need to be more conscientious about what you post and which conversations you choose to participate in. To remove this post limit: You must exhibit good forum behavior following all forum rules and making meaningful contributions to the forum. There are a number of factors that go into determining whether you get unlimited posting and it's not directly tied to just forum rank or reputation points. I have seen users with less than 1 month on the forum (and very few reputation points) with unlimited posting. There are also users like me (who have higher forum ranks/reputation points and zero warnings) who also have a limited number of posts they can make each day. I know my recent post limit was imposed because I had too many posts that were flagged for review (but were later approved).
  14. I would agree with you there - I only plan on getting orders for resumes/LinkedIn profile updates or PowerPoint presentation designs. I usually mark everything else as "I don't offer that service" (even if I do). No, but briefs can improve with your help. If you ignore the briefs nothing will improve. But if you reject the briefs with a reason, the AI will adjust the types of briefs that it sends you. I make it a point to respond to every brief and that helped me to get more relevant results. I think it took me 2 months of training the AI before I started to see more relevant briefs.
  15. Hi @vickiespencer,

    I'm out of posts for the day:



    On briefs:

    I have my minimum budget for briefs set at $200 and this works better than when I was in the $50-$100 range. I also changed how I approach briefs - I used to submit offers but now I only contact the buyers. This has been really effective for me because usually, the brief lacks detail and the amount doesn't match what I'd like to offer the buyer. I find buyers are just happy that someone actually read their briefs and responded differently (most will just send an offer at their prices).

    By responding to their criteria/requirements, asking questions, and sharing relevant portfolio pieces, buyers often respond and ask me to create custom quotes different from the amount they posted. For example, most briefs are set for $200, but I had a buyer accept a custom offer tailored to their needs at $325.

    I also think you have to limit what types of orders you want to get through briefs. I only plan on getting resume or pitch deck orders and reject/mark everything else as "I don't offer this service" (even if I do have a gig for it).

    1. vickiespencer


      Thanks, Vickie,

      I reject everything but proofreading/copyediting. My issue is that the buyers for those services want 60,000 words done for $100 or less. Also, I prefer to work with 15,000 words or less. Today I changed my budget to $200.

      How is life in Hawaii? I know a family that lives on the big island, but the mom died a few years back, so I lost track of them. The dad drives a tourist bus, and her son married a Hawaiian native and still lives there. What island are you on?   

    2. vickieito



      How is life in Hawaii? I know a family that lives on the big island

      We're on the Big Island, too! It's really nice living here - you get a little of every climate here and I like the laidback lifestyle. There's a strong sense of community here and the kids are really thriving in school. I really hope we can stay here for a very long time!


      I prefer to work with 15,000 words or less. Today I changed my budget to $200.

      The Brief & Match feature is really limited. It would be nice to be able to set different parameters (I also don't like working with a high word count). Hopefully, this new price will attract clients that fit your specs better! 

  16. Hi @mrmikegaming, Your brief was probably marked as spam because you mentioned your YouTube channel. I know with the buyer requests there was A LOT of spam where requests were asking for help on a video project (but were found only to be spam, with the purpose of increasing views and clicks for their YT channel). I know that isn't the case for you, but your words probably triggered something in Fiverr's spam filter to prevent those types of spammers from posting briefs.
  17. Hi @gayanchamira, I don't think briefs are intended to work like buyer requests. I've heard of sellers getting most of their orders through buyer requests, but I haven't heard about sellers getting orders exclusively through briefs yet. I consider myself successful with briefs, and I only average 1-3 brief-related orders per month (5 max). There are some months that I don't get a brief order at all. Briefs aren't a significant part of my revenue and I only put out offers when I have gaps between my orders. Right now, briefs are working better than Promoted Gigs, so I have my Promoted Gigs turned off. You're mostly getting business through direct orders and repeat customers, which is how things should be. There may be months where you won't see briefs and there will be months when you'll see a lot. The market is very dynamic, so you'll have to make adjustments when changes occur. If briefs aren't pulling in orders at the moment, try to see if something else can bring in the orders.
  18. Hi @daliamillanvela, when you are a new seller with zero orders, it can be really difficult to convince buyers to order from you. As a buyer, the first thing I look at in a newbie seller (with zero orders) is their portfolio, because that will show their credibility and competence in lieu of orders. You currently have no work samples or examples to show, so your profile isn't convincing for buyers. You aren't taking advantage of your gallery, where you can create a gig video, post 3 pictures and 2 PDFs to show how good you are at providing the services mentioned in your gig. I suggest that you take advantage of every opportunity to show your buyers that you are good at what you do, so that there's no question in their minds and they will feel confident in reaching out to you and placing an order.
  19. Hi @aw_angela, Welcome to Fiverr and the forum! Unfortunately, this is something that you'll have to deal with even as an experienced seller on Fiverr. The amount of spam that we get each day is crazy. I also get more spam than real inquiries but all we can do is mark them as spam (if Fiverr doesn't automatically send them to the spam folder). I usually include a note of "No, thanks" before marking the message as spam. It's all worth it though, because if spammers can find you, so can the real buyers. So just be really cautious of the "too-good-to-be true" buyers who come at you and be patient (and ready!) for the real buyers who will contact you for actual work related to your gigs. I got more spam when I was a newbie buyer (and my prices were super low), but I still get more spam than actual inquiries, even though my prices are a lot higher now. I hope you start gettting inquiries from real buyers soon!
  20. Wahoo! Congratulations @filipdevaere! I really hope the newbies read and learn the 11 points that you posted! This just shows how important it is to be a quality seller here on this platform. Quality trumps a perfect-looking gig. You also didn't seek Fiverr Pro ... Fiverr came chasing after you begging you to apply to Fiverr Pro. And you don't need any special boost or features to excel at what you are doing! 😊 I'm super happy for you @filipdevaere! Getting Top Rated Seller status isn't easy, but you did it! 🥳🎉
  21. Hi @bethanyvo, I think the way you are handling it is the best way (I really don't know if they are reading the comments).
  22. The only thing that you can do is keep your current and future buyers happy so that they won't cancel your orders. Cancelations stay on your account for 60 days, then fall off your record. Unhappy buyers who leave negative private reviews may affect your account for longer than that. The only cancelations that won't count towards your order completion rate are: 1) orders that are due to buyer error or the buyer's fault (ordered by mistake, trying to get free work from the seller, asking for services that the seller can't or doesn't offer, etc.). For these, you might have to submit a help desk ticket to get your stats changed. 2) Orders that are canceled, but the buyer places another order within 2 weeks from the date of cancelation. In this case the cancelation will count until the next order is placed. All other order cancelations by you or the buyer will affect your order completion rate.
  23. Hi @tks_graphics, it really depends. Fiverr just changed Among My Clients so that they don't approve any new clients, they only allow you to select clients from their list. All pending approvals are part of the old system and it doesn't look like they are checking these approvals (because they won't comply with the new system, which requires you to attach proof to the clients that you add). I still have 2 clients pending from June 2022 and Aug 2022.
  24. Hi@ Hi @spinnekop04, I have Promoted Gigs turned off and Get Briefs turned on because it's working better for me right now. Here's what I learned about briefs: 1. When you first start out, most briefs will be irrelevant to what you do. If you respond to each brief by rejecting it with a reason, you can train the AI to send you more relevant briefs. If you don't respond, you'll continue to get irrelevant briefs. My most common reply is "I don't offer this service" (there's also an option to say it doesn't have enough info). 2. I think it took me a month to train the AI when I first started, after that's it's just ongoing training. Training the AI is best if you only pick one service to offer through the Get Brief feature (even though you have many services). Until Fiverr can let us have more settings on the Get Brief feature, this is the only way to really train the AI. 3. Even if the brief is in my price range, I won't send an offer. I used to, but buyers like my customized message without a quote. I choose to message the buyer instead with an exact breakdown of my services (what I think they need), links to my portfolio, and an offer to provide a detailed, custom quote if they are interested in my services. This allows me to address every point that the buyer mentions in the brief without locking me into a price until after after we discuss their project more in depth. It also allows me to see their seller rating from the inbox. I only send one message to the buyer so that it's not spammy. 4. I like the Get Brief option because it's free, it's not a lot of work (I only message sellers if I'm pretty sure I'll get the project) and I can turn it off and on whenever I want. It bounces back a lot quicker than Promoted Gigs.
  25. Hi @razwankhanmkr! I think you mentioned the answer in your question - the way to handle a difficult/unreasonable buyer IS by setting boundaries and managing the expectations. This means you've got to communicate with your buyers when things aren't working for you. Too many sellers suffer in silence (myself included!), when all they need to do is speak up and let the buyer know that they have broken a boundary line and it's not working. When you quietly allow your boundaries to be broken, you are giving buyers the opportunity to take advantage of you (repeatedly) and give you a lot of grief. Stand your ground and let your buyers know that you aren't comfortable with their request or the situation their request or comments are putting you in. In most cases, buyer will respect my boundaries. If they don't then I can always mark them as spam (if they haven't placed an order) or block them (if they have). Most of the ones that I block are buyers who started business with me when my rates were really low. Once I started increasing my prices, I've had less issues with difficult and unreasonable buyers. I also LOVE 😍 the Request to Order feature because buyers can't place orders with me unless I want to work with them. This solves a lot of my problems. Buyer Insights are also extremely helpful and if buyers have really low ratings from sellers (<4.3), I try to stay away from them.
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