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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. Yes it is a problem because you are sharing a link that is not included in Fiverr's list of approved URLs. As you can see from the above, Fiverr states that they can shut down your account for this. You still have the unapproved links in all 4 of your gig descriptions. It doesn't make sense to give other tips if your account gets shut down for using an unapproved link. It will only take you minutes to remove the links, so please do that first before asking for more tips.
  2. @aktharfarvees - you didn't need to remove all of the Halal statements if you really do require it! Just a simple explanation to the buyer was all that was needed. I was hoping to see an explanation of what a Halal or Islam-permissible UI/UX design is. Can you explain here (I'm curious)?😊
  3. I noticed in you bio you mentioned skills in graphic design but all your gigs are for video editing. Will you be offering graphic design skills as well? Some of the video gigs are really similar and you could combine some of those so that you can post one or more graphic design gigs as well.
  4. Hi @zubayer_web - please remove the portfolio link in your gig description so that you don't get an account warning. You may only use approved links in your gigs: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360011421198
  5. Hi @almubin99, you can find your gig status here: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/selling-on-fiverr/gigs/gig-status
  6. I saw that you had 1.9K impressions in 7 days on one gig, which is incredible. That means Fiverr is showing you to buyers and you are getting seen. However, if there are no clicks, that means something on your gig card is not attractive to buyers. So make changes to your thumbnail, title, and prices so that you are attractive to buyers and they will want to click on your gig. One of the biggest things about your gig card is that your titles are too long - buyers can't read the whole title just by looking at your gig card (they have to hover over the title to see it ....most buyers won't do that). If buyers are clicking on your gigs but not placing orders, that means they looked at what you had to offer and decided not to buy. Instead, they moved on to another seller and placed an order with them. So you have to create value for your buyers so that they'll want to order. This (from your gig description) does not create value: This (from your gig descriptions) does create value: This is because you are talking about your buyer's pain points and you are showing how you are the solution to their problem. Please include more of this type of writing in your gig description. The more you can show how you will take care of your customers and solve their problems, the better chance you have at getting orders. I also noticed that you don't have any portfolio samples of your work or what you can do. You have 3 pictures, 2 PDFs, and a gig video that you can add to each gig. Use these to show off your skill and how you will help your buyers.
  7. Hi @explor3r04, Welcome to Fiverr and the forum! I noticed that you don't have any gigs set up. This is your profile, or your bio: If you want to set up a gig, follow the instructions in the Help Center: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360010451397-Creating-a-Gig This article may also be helpful for you: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/286042-%F0%9F%93%88-fiverr-simplified-two-tips-to-selling-more-earning-more/
  8. Hi @tareq_rahman009, orders canceled before the buyer submits their requirement does not affect your cancelation rate:
  9. Any time! 😊 You don't need to do anything or send any other reminders to your buyer. The order won't start until the order requirements are submitted. One reminder is enough. Buyers can take as long as they need to submit the requirements. I have several buyers that take a week or a month to submit their requirements. If the buyer takes too long to submit their order requirements, however, you might want to consider canceling. Orders canceled before order requirements are submitted won't affect your order completion rate. I just canceled an order that was in "pending" status for a year. I canceled it because my prices have increased significantly since that time.
  10. Then allow the buyer time to submit all the order requirements. You don't need to do anything or send reminders until the order starts
  11. I actually never look for myself in search because search is so dynamic - what you see in search isn't what your buyers will see and the search results change for each search that you do. It's better to just look at the impressions, clicks, and orders on your dashboard to see how you are doing over time. Impressions are related to how relevant the system thinks you are when buyers search for your services. This is affected by your seller performance, appearance quality, and delivery quality, as well as your gig tags, titles, and gig descriptions. The clicks are related to how attractive your gig card is to buyers when you do show up in search. And the number of orders compared to the clicks will show how good you are at converting buyers into orders (i.e., how compelling your gigs and profile are to your buyers). Another thing to remember is, search results are not just based on what you do, it's also based on how your competition is doing. So if someone has more orders, is delivering faster, is responding quicker, or is doing better than you in any of the seller quality metrics, they will be shown higher up in search than you are.
  12. Did the buyer already start the order requirements (so the clock has started on the order), or is it still pending the order requirements? If the order hasn't started yet, you can wait until all the videos have been submitted. If the order has started, you might want to extend the delivery date on the order so that there is time for your buyer to submit the rest of the videos, and for you to edit them.
  13. Hi @dianeofmusgrave, this last one might have been due to a negative private review. This can affect your account for 90 days or more. Buyers can give you 5-star public reviews and then choose to score you really low in the private ones. These do affect your visibility in search. I saw that you have awesome reviews and the only slightly negative comment was really based on the limitations of Midjourney itself (and wondered if that led to a negative private review since that buyer also didn't leave a perfect 5-star public review).
  14. As long as you make this part of the order requirements, you can share this in your order chats. Couldn't you just redeliver the order, with the attachment?
  15. You can find the Seller Plus forum on the list here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/ It's the first forum under the "Welcome" forum and there are 7 categories on that forum. I just focus on the "next steps" of my business. If I need assistance with help desk tickets, I'll pass that on to my success manager, too. If I had good things to report, I would report them. If there were bad things that happened, I would just share that, too. For example, I shared how a buyer ran away with my work and just told Chiara, "Oh well, lesson learned!" And she felt otherwise. She ran to Customer Support and fought to have me paid for the work, even though the order turned into a cancelation.
  16. Hi @rabeeahm08, can you just set your minimum prices to $15? You can just restructure your offerings so that $15 makes sense.
  17. I don't know what the violation is, so you would know better than me. If you think you should cancel the order, cancel the order.
  18. Hi @rashfatul, did you get an account warning when your profile image was removed for being non-original? Things like that can affect your account because visibility in search is partly due to your seller performance. You might also want to remove Fiverr's logo from your gig on the right.
  19. What did you do and did you correct it? Recently we had a lot of sellers shut down for violations they did in the past. One seller mentioned that he broke the rule once and corrected it immediately. Six years later, he was banned without any other warnings. Other sellers were also shut down for things they did years ago as well. So even if Fiverr doesn't catch your mistake now, you could get a warning later on, or even shut down, depending on the severity of your violation. Or it might never get caught. Either way, make sure you correct it. And if it affects an order like you say it does, you might need to cancel it to make it right. I think the sellers that got shut down earlier said they corrected the issue but they still kept the money from their orders, which wasn't right. Those orders should have been canceled.
  20. Don't do that! Taking payments off the site is against Fiverr's ToS, so you risk shutting down your sellers' Fiverr accounts if you take them off site. If you don't agree with the fees, just don't use the site. There are other options you can use instead that don't have fees. For me, I'm fine with the fees because they seem small compared to the value I get from using this site, either as a buyer or seller.
  21. You currently show your buyer nothing, so you don't have any credibility. You've got to gain the trust of your buyers and you can do that with your portfolio samples and by putting a little bit more effort into your gigs. If I see someone who spent a lot of time setting up their gigs and have a cleverly written gig description (especially if they claim to be a writer), I would consider using their services. Unfortunately on Fiverr, there are a lot of people who claim to be good writers on their gigs but their actual writing is not good at all. So you have to prove yourself.
  22. Hi @jakekamin, with all of the experience you have, I would want to see more of your written work on your portfolio. Show your expertise more than talk about it. You get 2 PDFs on each gig and you can use that to show off your work. If you can't share your work, create your portfolio from scratch. I was able to get orders as a newbie because buyers would look at my portfolio and could see the quality of my work. Even when I had very few reviews. I would also follow @moikchap and @katakatica's tips that they gave you in another thread to add the premium service to your gig. It really isn't hard to add - I have my three packages controlled by word count (250, 500, and 1,000 words). This makes you look more professional and then you could spend more time writing more compelling gig descriptions that show off your writing skills. Try also to have different gig videos to differentiate what you offer in each gig.
  23. Hi @aktharfarvees, your buyers may be confused by your statement here: This is in your bio and at the top of all four of your gigs you have: You also don't clarify what that means in your gig description and FAQ, so buyers may not be placing orders because they don't know if they would qualify as Halal. I only know about Halal foods and I don't know what would qualify as Islam-permissible UI/UX designs. Please explain that in your gig descriptions or FAQs so your buyers feel comfortable with placing an order with you. I currently wouldn't place an order because I don't know what Halal UI/UX designs are, and I would be afraid of offending you. Staying online will not get you orders - all you need to do is download the app so that you can respond right away when a message comes in.
  24. If the buyer is coming from the gig page, you'll see which gig their message is related to. Otherwise, you won't know. Here's an example of when they come from the gig page: (This message was marked as spam)
  25. If they still can't tell me what they are looking for after asking this question, I usually mark the message as spam.
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