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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. Hi @jarvis_digital, You should have received a 1099 by email on or before January 31st, 2023 only if your 2022 withdrawals exceeded $20,000. If you didn't receive your 1099, check all of your email folders to make sure it didn't end up in your spam box. If you still can't find it, you can contact Customer Support to resend it to you. You can contact them here: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/selling-on-fiverr/payments-and-withdrawals/sellers-taxes-and-fees NOTE: Fiverr was supposed to send 1099s to all sellers whose withdrawals exceeded $600 for the tax year 2022. However, the IRS released an extension/delay of the implementation of this new rule. So it won't apply until the next tax season (tax year 2023). If your withdrawals didn't exceed $20,000 last year, you can still download your Statement of Earnings from your Earnings page. Just click on the three dots located in the top right of the Earnings table and select "Download statement of earnings."
  2. Here's proof ⬇️ of what @catwriter just said. 😊 I was just reading through one of the many promotional emails that I got from Fiverr this morning (sent to their buyers): In the list of gigs that Fiverr was showing me.... 5 gigs were from new sellers - some with less than 8 reviews and one even listing themself as a "PRPFESSIONAL" design studio. 1 gig was from a Level 1 seller. 1 gig was from a Level 2 seller. And 1 gig was from a Top-Rated/Pro seller This tells me that new sellers are getting promoted, sometimes over leveled sellers, and even if their gigs aren't perfect. None of the new sellers were rising talents, which shows that this is another way for new sellers to get exposure. This is awesome because new sellers are not only getting recommended, they are getting sent directly to buyers' emails. So buyers will see them.
  3. Hi @mehmay, Welcome to Fiverr and the forum! 😊 When you are newbie seller with zero reviews, the best way to gain your buyers' trust and show credibility is through your portfolio samples - especially if you are a designer. For each gig that you have, you can add a gig video, 3 pictures, and 2 PDFs (you can fit a lot onto the PDFs)! Take advantage of all of these to show off what you can do. If you don't have a portfolio, make one! As a newbie, you will have a lot of downtime to work on your portfolio. This also helps you hone your skills and improve your craft. When I first got started, I remember having buyers reach out to me in my inbox, specifically mentioning my portfolio samples as the reason for them wanting to work with me. I also create printables, forms, worksheets, textbooks, PowerPoints, and ebooks for my clients. However, based on my buyer feedback, I've packaged these services into several of my gigs (eLearning materials, writing services, and data entry). I couldn't find buyers when I had them listed as gigs by themselves.
  4. Hi @davidred679, you can still reach out to Customer Support for help without an order number here: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/account-and-security/report-bug Or you can email them directly at: support@fiverr.com
  5. Hi @web_team9, Rather than focus on getting briefs, focus on being attractive to your customers so that they'll want to place orders with you. I think your gig looks too generic and too much like other web developers' gigs on the platform. There isn't anything that makes you stand out or makes a buyer want to place an order with you. Have you read this article by @breals? He is also a web designer and top-rated seller on Fiverr. He wrote these tips to help new web designers: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/286673-calling-all-new-website-designers-top-tips-to-help-you-succeed/ Also, the more you can make your gigs attractive to your target buyers and speak to their pain points, the more likely you'll get buyers who want to buy from you. Here's a buyer's perspective (mine) to help you tailor your gigs for your target audience: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/292234-experienced-sellers-only/?do=findComment&comment=1842480
  6. This option is only available to selected sellers so if Fiverr thinks you should get it, it'll appear in your profile. I just checked the Help Center ...it looks like only the "most noteworthy suggestions" will be approved. That might be why mine haven't been approved yet. Maybe my clients aren't noteworthy enough. The first one that got approved right away catered to businesses (B2B) and the others still in pending status were small, private practices.
  7. Again, the problem isn't just specific to Indian sellers. There are sellers from other countries in the same situation: Sellers should stop relying on others telling them what to do. They should read Fiverr's ToS and Community Standards and start thinking for themselves so that they can do business the right way, in accordance with Fiverr's standards, and following basic standards for honesty and ethics.
  8. No, @tyagijatin's issue happened because his gig was written using AI (and the gig description/FAQ didn't disclose that AI was used to write the description). This is misleading for buyers and violates Fiverr ToS. It has nothing to do with him being from India.
  9. Why did you edit your gigs and what changes did you make? As long as there's a good reason for editing your gigs, you should be fine. I always make edits to my gigs whenever I need to, and if I'm doing great (as you were doing), I don't make any changes unless it's to bump up the price so that I can get less orders. I noticed your 1 review was for thumbnail design, but your only gig available right now is for Arabic-English translations. That might be the reason for your decreased visibility. You removed the only gig that you had an order/review on.
  10. Sorry @uk1000 - you said it all here. 😊 I'm not sure if it's off-putting for these folks - most likely they just won't consider the possibility of including that disclaimer in their gig descriptions. I don't think it's an option in their brains. I hope that's the next step for Fiverr. They've already shown sellers what AI can do. Now they really need to clarify and bring awareness on how to use it responsibly (and list out specifically what is acceptable or unacceptable behavior).
  11. Whoops! Thanks for the correction. Is my mind in a different thread? ...I'm not sure where it is right now! 😅
  12. This. ⬆️ I also agree with @catwriter that most people who are using the chatGPT won't put that disclosure up.
  13. Just reiterating this point here for any newbies. ⬆️ It's against Fiverr's ToS to have any communications or orders outside of Fiverr's platform. And the note on good buyers: When I mentioned "placing an order," I meant through Fiverr's platform. This is the only legitimate way to do business on Fiverr and it protects both buyer and seller. If you communicate off the platform and accept orders outside of Fiverr, it violates Fiverr's ToS and you have no protection from Fiverr if a buyer scams you. Don't do it. Just mark the buyer as "spam" and move on.
  14. I just wanted to clarify - on all of the projects that I've gotten in the $2-$12k range - they were within my stated price range for curriculum development (for eLearning courses). So I was the one setting the prices, and I sometimes underquote on project that large. So you are the one setting the prices, not the other way around. I just got your message on the platform - we can continue there since you are post-limited on the forum.
  15. @basementworkstm - do you already have an open order with them?
  16. It sounds like there are warning bells going off ...so trust your spider instincts. This seems odd, I don't think this company works with Fiverr freelancers. Don't they hire their own translators?
  17. Is the buyer requesting you to do work outside of Fiverr? And is "transprfct" misspelled? Or is this another seller on Fiverr?
  18. If this project seems too large, you can cancel it and replace it with a smaller test order. Under the new cancelation policy, this won't hurt your order completion rate. You can then create orders for the remaining phases (either as straight orders, subscription orders, or milestones). I prefer to do them as straight orders. I highly recommend doing the smaller test order. This not only helps you see if you and the buyer can work well together, but it'll also help you see if the project is worth your time. Some projects just require more mental energy and time than I'm willing to put in. I once canceled the balance of a $9k order after doing a small $200 test because I decided that the amount of extra communication and effort that it would take to complete the order just wouldn't be worth it.
  19. For large projects, I wouldn't lump it into one order. Do a small test for like 500 words to see if you and the buyer can work together. You might want to break it up into several orders.
  20. Hi @basementworkstm - anyone asking for money, personal details, or work outside of the platform is usually a scammer. If it's too good to be true, it often is. Many of these "clients" will offer thousands of dollars do to jobs with little details on the requirements of the job. Those are usually scams. However, if the person has a legitimate project and is offering thousands of dollars, don't immediately dismiss that as a scam. There are buyers that are willing to pay thousands of dollars ($2-12k) for large projects. They will usually give you the project and will place an order so that you can start working on that project. I've had a few of those who looked fishy at first, but were legitimate (they were also new to the site).
  21. Hi @irisijtsma, if you don't feel comfortable, don't do it. I usually tell my clients that video chats aren't necessary for me to do my work and I have over 300 successful orders without having to do a single video chat. If I can't communicate with them in chat, chances are, we won't have good communication on video either. However, I'm starting to get more inquiries from buyers to verify that I'm legit because there are sellers who are now using AI to produce written content who made false promises about being fluent in English. So buyers want to make sure that I am a native English speaker and that I will be writing my orders manually, without the use of chatGPT. I will now consider doing video chat just to show buyers that I'm the real deal.
  22. When I was a newbie, I spent a lot of time making sure that my workflows and "rules" were laid out clearly I prepared all necessary guidelines and checklists I needed to complete each order. This helped to streamline my processes, eliminated questions in my buyers' minds, and allowed me to take care of my clients in a repeatable way. This also helped to reduce changes of errors when I started to get a lot of orders.
  23. Unfortunately, there are too many sellers that list big companies as their top clients in misleading ways. For example, they list "Fiverr" as a client because they are listing their services on Fiverr's platform. Or maybe they had a client who was selling something on Amazon, so they list "Amazon" as a client. This is wrong and misleads the customer. Sellers do this because it makes them look good and it's easy. All they need to do is lists a big client and it posts to their profile immediately. Fiverr doesn't do any fact-checking to see if they are telling the truth. If you want to do this the proper way, follow Fiverr's guidelines exactly. Fiverr states that you must get the client's permission in order to list them as a top client. If you get this permission in writing, then go ahead and list that client as your top client. If you can't get that permission in writing, don't add them as a top client. I keep copies of all my clients' permission in case I ever have to prove that I got their permission to list them as top clients. Unfortunately, doing it this way takes a lot more time because these are usually smaller companies that Fiverr has to manually add in for you. My first top client was added within 2 weeks, so it was fast for that one. I am still waiting for Fiverr to add in top clients that I submitted in August 2022. They have been in "pending" status for 6 months. When I asked Fiverr about it, they told me as long as it's in pending status, it can be approved (if it's rejected, it'll say so). I'm hoping those will get approved soon.
  24. Hi @ahsaanrubel, can you clarify what type of error message you are seeing? I'm not sure how your title relates to your post. Thanks!
  25. Hi @eefe_agency - Fiverr discontinued Buyer Requests last year, so there are no more Buyer Requests. There is a Brief & Match option available that you can turn on from your gig page. You can learn more about that here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/293675-📈-fiverr-simplified-get-matched/
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