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  1. Thanks Inshallah Can you checked my gigs? I didn't receive any order until now.
  2. Same problem but my impression and clicks suddenly decrease don't know why?
  3. I am new seller not know what should i do every one say your gigs is not too much good i am really disappointed because i work hard for my gigs and try my best i did my all efforts although i have 1 year old baby i also take care of him alone,as well as huge responsibility of home,in such a busy life i work hard but don't know why my gigs are not good why i didn't receive any order?
  4. Welcome to the community great introduction dear Best of luck
  5. Can anyone explain me about reputation? My reputation is 340 something is this is good??
  6. Ok thanks Conversation rate in which sense? Conversation between clients or forum of fiver?
  7. Any other suggestion? Please you can tell me
  8. Thank you so much dear. Once i get order i will improve myself now my impression rate is about 131 and clicks us 5 6 no other views.
  9. Yeah i hear it hundred thousand time.and it didn't work please share tips which work really
  10. I shared it but didn't work.
  11. No,I am talking about the option"post a request " on a home page.
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