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Everything posted by kevindwren

  1. Two months ago I faced two clients on Fiverr that stressed me out so much that I feel anxious all day thinking about their projects and I feel like throwing up. The stress also affected my guts negatively and I couldn't sleep well thinking about the worst possibility. This is not a usual day-to-day case, but it's one of the worst anxieties I've had from working on Fiverr. I managed to complete those projects, then right after I immediately turned off Fiverr's notification on my phone. It took me almost a week to "recover" and be able to turn on the notification again. From now on, whenever I start to feel anxious and overwhelmed by Fiverr, I just turn off the notification and close Fiverr's tab in my browser. Take a deep breathe and try to slow down. I eat something, watch series, go outside, stretch or do simple exercises, listen to music. Basically I would do anything other than work that could make me feel at ease. I also find it helpful to turn off Fiverr's notification on my phone an hour before heading to bed and only open it the next morning during working hours. Getting a good sleep is very crucial for your well being. Other than that, I agree with what everyone said here that building a healthy lifestyle and setting boundaries would help tremendously.
  2. I was thinking the same thing. I was wondering if the promotion has something to do with the traffic being slower than usual this week, considering that I receive no negative review or cancel orders and my gig is in a good position. I still receive messages from new buyers and get orders though, so I don't complain much and just work with what I have...
  3. Hey, I was wondering if you're able to solve this issue by now? does it affect your response rate? I am currently facing the same thing. A new buyer messaged me, but I cannot respond since he's on vacation mode. I tried contacting support, but I don't think I'll get a response as soon as I want it to be.
  4. I like that the look tidier now, but I'm a not a fan of having to click twice just to access my order and inbox page.
  5. Some of my favorites are from a light finance book which I just finished reading. “The point is that the ceiling of social comparison is so high that virtually no one will ever hit it. Which means it's a battle that can never be won, or that the only way to win is to not fight to begin with —to accept that you might have enough, even if it's less than those around you.” “A plan is only useful if it can survive reality. And a future filled with unknowns is everyone’s reality. A good plan doesn’t pretend this weren’t true; it embraces it and emphasizes room for error.”
  6. I think it was a guy ordering the $5 package for a zodiac-themed t-shirt design. It wasn't the best experience since the buyer just vanished after the delivery and didn't bother to respond or leave review, but it somehow boosted my gig and I keep receiving order since then. One thing I know for sure is to never agree on giving custom sample. If they ask for free samples, simply direct them to your portfolio or show them previews of your previous works. I think being able to speak English well is also a deciding factor when it comes to English-native buyers. Also one more thing, never lie about your skill or language competence in your profile. You'd want to build trust if you plan to make money on Fiverr in the long term.
  7. Considering that gig placement is affected by gig performance, I think your gig might get left behind if you choose to inactivate your gig for some time. Fiverr doesn't owe any seller a certain placement ever. However, I also believe you can bounce back after being active again.
  8. Oh wow, this is insightful. So, basically sellers who can deliver projects well and set up a competitive price (not necessarily cheap) will be favored more. I read about ASP some time ago and many said that it doesn't really matter, but it apparently does now.
  9. I think it depends on your preference, but Fiverr's rules suggests to do any project through the platform to ensure the safety of both parties especially when it comes to payment. One thing for sure never agree to deliver projects or revisions outside the platform because it'll be much easier for buyer to steal your work.
  10. My first order was $5 (I received $4) and I still remember how excited I was receiving the order, despite it being the cheapest package that I offered.
  11. Practice makes perfect. There's no instant way to improve your language competence beside keep practicing. Expose yourself to that language as much as you can daily, whether it be by speaking or having a convo in that language, read English articles or books, use English when searching online. Get yourself used to the language and its structure.
  12. If you specifically ask buyers to leave 5-star reviews, then yes that will be a problem as it's against Fiverr ToS. You can ask buyer to share their experience through review, but NEVER ask for a perfect review. If the buyer still doesn't leave review at the end, don't force it as it's not obligatory to leave one in the first place. Just focus on the quality of your service and work and the review would likely follows.
  13. You are correct, but I think what OP meant is that Fiverr needs to fix the system by making the countdown stops after the first delivery is made. There are many new buyers who are concerned about the count down that keeps ticking and the "late" time stamp without knowing about this information. It makes more sense if Fiverr just stops the countdown.
  14. I just checked your profile and it shows that you have 108 reviews, but the numbers don't add up when I manually count them from your existing gigs. Do you constantly removing and creating new gigs? Don't you think it would be more effective if you just focus on developing one main gig and gather reviews there? Based on my experience, buyers are more convinced to place order on gigs that have earned many positive reviews. I think having 108 reviews in one gig would add more boost to your gig's traffic than having them scattered on a number of different gigs, considering that the other gigs you created basically offer the same service.
  15. How many tip have you received? can you ensure that these suggestions you posted are effective and based on what measure? Getting tips is not something you should expect from the beginning and there's no guaranteed ways to earn it. I just checked your profile and you seem to be a new seller, so I don't think you are credible to post something like this.
  16. This couldn't be more accurate. I have buyers saying those stuff when I was a new seller and even now as a L2 seller, then proceed to ask for a discounted price. Asking for $10 off from $250 because you're short on budget is reasonable, but asking for $100 off from $250 is a whole different story 🙂 it only makes you seem disrespectful and inconsiderate, especially if it's just your first time purchasing from the gig
  17. A couple of revisions is normal in certain circumstances, especially when it comes to design, but unlimited revisions? Your technical and communication skill are questionable if you need endless revision to get the work done right. Also, such claim puts you in vulnerable position because some buyers might take advantage of you and you can't say no. Being clear about your scope of service is important to avoid exploitation.
  18. I have more custom orders than direct orders and I don't think it affects anything. You should be more concerned about the quality of your work and service that you provide for the buyer. The more sales you make the better your gig ranks. As simple as that.
  19. I think you could have worked it out by communicating with the buyer and charge extra for additional revision if he wants further modification. However, considering that the buyer has repeatedly requested for cancellation and you keep rejecting, it might no longer be a solution. Other option is to file a report to CS and see how it turns out. I personally would just let go and move on with other orders. Speaking from my own experience, It's really not worth the hassle. The buyer could still leave a 1-star review even if he does accept the delivery at the end. That review is more damaging to your profile that a decreased completion rate (due to cancellation), not to mention that everyone could see the review as well. You should take this scenario into consideration.
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