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About adibbinnur

  • Birthday 02/15/1999


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  1. Valuable point. Explaining how to complete the task without describing yourself makes the client happier.
  2. 3 orders at 150 clicks, that means you have to improvise your gig. Your clicks are showing up, but not converting to orders. As much as I think you have problems at the gig. Improvise a bit. Get opinions from experts.
  3. Astra, Divi, OceanWP, Avada
  4. That someone can become a top rated seller so quickly, would not have believed if I hadn't seen you. There are many who have been waiting for a long time after completing the requirements.
  5. The fillings are different. It cannot be expressed verbally. By the way, Congratulations.
  6. I spent 2 days to read and understand the entire post. Since joining the community till today I have never read such a large post completely. (I finished part one too). I read the entire post part by part. I cannot explain what I learned from this post. I learned many unknown things that were never known before. Two things helped me a lot. (Use the Follow-Up Message function & Mention your Top Clients in the Gig Description & Portfolio). I don't know how to thank you.
  7. I received my first order after 14 days.
  8. 2k+ reviews is no joke, it's a huge milestone and every freelancer's dream. I pray for you, that you may achieve more success on this platform.
  9. What an amazing journey, such a great full story I have read and learn something positive. Congrats for the phenomenal journey.💛 Please, pray for me. So that, one day i can be achieved my dreams.
  10. I really like this point and it helps the client take a second look.
  11. You are a Seller Plus Member. Before taking the Seller Plus Membership or promoting your gig you need to know what is the benefit of this.
  12. When the new level system came, my success score was 5, after that, I completed many projects and got some good ratings, and my success score grew to 6, In one week I didn't complete any project nor get any rating, my success score automatically grows up 7.
  13. The success score is all about your whole account performance. when the new level system came, my success score was 5, after that, I completed many projects and got some good ratings, and my success score grew to 6, In one week I didn't complete any project nor get any rating, my success score automatically grows up 7. I got Level Two.😍 I think you need to provide more quality full service and good communication.
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