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Everything posted by strategist_ceo

  1. So far, I haven't gotten a single match as a level 2. So you can be sure that I didn't get any benefit from this matching system, either. I visited your gig profile "create art assets for your game"; you could have made better use of the 1,200 characters available, used proper tags, and matched the title of your gig with the category you placed yourself in. If you have a more polished account, I may be interested in engaging you in this conversation. But since your account is so loosely constructed, there's no one else to blame if you aren't getting matches. I also did not get any notification that I could exercise sovereign authority in some way.
  2. I suggest that you take advantage of this opportunity to improve your gig and gig description. They are not that great, so I wouldn't worry about them being copied by others.
  3. Since buyer request is no longer available, Fiver has become more effective for many sellers who know what they are doing. I mean... With a gig description like this, you can't blame buyers for being skeptical of your ability to communicate / deliver.
  4. It is odd that they would consider you a "pro" but did not qualify you for top rated.
  5. Graphic design is a competitive field, and I can imagine him failing the application process because there are many more qualified individuals applying.
  6. Fiverr Pro requires one to have related qualifications, an ability to communicate in English, and a certain level of accomplishment. From what I see, you are doing well on Fiverr but do not meet the education / certification requirements for becoming a pro for graphic design. You do have some accomplishments, but still not all the way there. You may reapply six months after the initial application. Fiverr Pro does not automatically reset the form, though; you must contact customer support to have it reset manually for you. So // You can try again now, if you wish.
  7. Are you the person receiving the money and doing the work? Is your name on your verified ID the same as your receiving account name? It just sound like a problem with your receiving payment account info.
  8. Don't go to sleep while you're working on your computer. Keep your eyes glued to the screen and keep your PC's volume turned up so that you can hear any valuable notifications from Fiverr.
  9. The auto completion seems to be longer this month, which is why you might think the revenue is lower.
  10. Set the cost of each review extension beyond the first six (3+3) days at $5 per day.
  11. There is an extended review period for certain long holidays, but this time it seems like it is not applied evenly.
  12. Okay. I got my first order with autocomplete being set many days away.
  13. But you provide SEO as part of a service? Social media managers must have an understanding of SEO. If you do not understand the fundamentals of Search Engine Optimization, you cannot properly manage a social media account.
  14. Like every product or service, your gig's presentation and description are important. The image you use in your gig attracts people's attention, and the description you provide makes your case. You can either make a generic description like most sellers, or write one with personality—like saying "I don't want to work with you if you are not knowledgeable or if you don't have a clear idea what you want." To answer your question, you will want to change it if it is not working. If it is working, then you do not need to change it. Wait 2 weeks to see if your gig has been "recrawled" by the algorithm. If you have prepared your gig well and it continues to receive impression, it will receive a temporary boost in exposure like new sellers. After sometime, the gig will die down in its exposure.
  15. Now that you have admitted to questioning a buyer's review and rating, you may be violating the seller's conduct expected of you and you may receive a warning and potentially get banned. It is what you deserve, if it happens. Isn't it. You're welcome. Up to you. But if you get banned, you know why.
  16. no guarantee. I didn't get it 2nd time ever.
  17. no. You should not had asked the buyer either. 4.7 is not bad. Don't be a cry baby.
  18. I'm sorry to hear that. Do you have another account or something? Either way, it doesn't seem to be illegal so I can't pinpoint the reason, sadly.
  19. Do you have any reviews? You said your top-selling gig has been removed. Since you did not say what you were doing, it is difficult to understand what is wrong. However, we may be spending time on a futile effort.
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