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Everything posted by strategist_ceo

  1. The seller to whom you have already ordered twice and received a delivery six hours ago seems to have disappeared from the site. I will assume that Fiverr has deemed her services undesired here. Please provide more context about the situation. I am unsure of the value of the order, as it seems like you may have purchased an academic service (from your history from the other seller that still exist). If the service is of such nature, it is not a legal service.
  2. It took me over four months to get my first organic order, and it took six months for my second.
  3. I rarely receive revision requests, and when I do they are typically simple fixes. I offer two free revisions and charge for additional work after that. (Haven't happen yet) If you stick to your principals and maintain good working relationships, most buyers will compromise. If they go to customer support, the CS will take a good look at the work and decide whether to stand by you (or the opposite). At times, I receive requests to do a small "sample" of my work by translating a portion of the client's work for free. One such request was for a translation of 250 words from a 500-word document; at the time, I charged $5 for such work. I didn't do it. These days, I feel confident enough to say "I do business, not charity" to people who request free samples / free work. You are a top-rated seller for a reason. Please feel free to point out that fact when customers make unreasonable requests. You have over 500 reviews, so if additional evidence is needed, I don't know what would suffice.
  4. I understand your frustration, but there is a framework to work within here Fiverr, and everyone knows the rules. You were late for that order, and you are now suffering the consequences for it. Sometimes, we find ourselves in situations where we have little control over a situation; and it is not uncommon to be late. Give it 30-60 days for your completion rate to recover and get back on track, you should be okay. As a new seller with 242 5-star reviews, you shouldn't have to worry about competing with other genuine new sellers.
  5. Everyone experiences a slow period on Fiver once in a while, even if they are not in the "rotation." As long as you provide good services, stay motivated, and do everything you can to maintain your gigs, you will get through this period.
  6. Asked Answered I don't think it's true to say it will naturally resolve—but I think the "block" will be removed and it will be up to your ability to convert leads into customers. If you can do that, you'll have a stable stream of new customers and sales.
  7. I received six orders during the 90-day period, four from existing customers and two from new customers. I experimented with the description of my gig and changed banners, but nothing worked. Suddenly one day my gig impressions went up and up and up.
  8. You should have warned us. That is one scary-looking banner you have in your profile! That being said, there is a phenomenon known as "gig rotation" that sometimes occurs on Fiverr. This means that all of your impressions and clicks will drop to give other sellers a chance. It has happened to me twice so far, and I joined Fiverr one month after you did. Once for 3 week and another time for over 90 days. You should wait a minimum of two or three weeks before making another adjustment to your gig. In case your previous adjustment "works".
  9. There will be a temporary drop in your page "ranking", probably because Fiverr wants to make sure you are not violating anything. The search algorithm will "recrawl" your page and probably give you a temporary boost; if you make sales during this time, your "ranking" may increase—but if no sales were made, chances are it will drop.
  10. This is not a bug. It is a result of your performance on Fiverr, where you may have received some negative feedback in private (my guess). This also happened to me in the past (I received it for a few weeks and then lost it for 1-2 days), but shortly thereafter I lost it for 3 months... before getting it back. In my opinion, another reason for this to happen is that your selling price is lower than the competition's. Your selling price is $5, $10, $15 and/or $20... I think it makes sense to give the feature to someone else selling at a higher price point. Graphic design is just too competitive.
  11. Let's not continue this discussion. There is no point debating or arguing with someone who blames others for their own shortcomings and refuses to acknowledge his/her laziness. I'm bored. I'll go watch BTS dancing videos.
  12. I set my brief rates at $500. I believe that may be the reason why. But that's not the point. I joined Fiverr AFTER you and I'm level two. This means that you have more time to polish your account than I do, and you didn't made the most of it. On the other hand, you complain that Fiverr is biased against you without taking any action to improve your situation. This account joined exactly one year after you, offering similar services and is from the same country as you are. In the last twelve months he has made full use of all the tools available to him and has optimized his account properly. His last delivery is 3 days ago and currently have 2 Order in Queue. If you fail to make full use of the tools and resources available to you, you have only yourself to blame. If you have optimized your account and given it half a year to grow, you probably have orders now and then without thinking about "briefs" at all.
  13. I wonder if there are any sellers who are promoting two gigs that are competing with each other. (For example, writing gig A and writing gig B—they are different in their own ways, like writing ads copy vs. product descriptions.) Is it performing okay?
  14. Let's touch on some of the most important aspects, since gig position is determined automatically, it is based on a combination of all the other components mentioned in this post. It's important to be in the right category and sub-category. Performance system is based on the ability to make sales, the number of recent sales (?) or sales amount (?), public and private reviews and ratings, your responsiveness, and a variety of other factors. I read another post that talked about how the algorithm loves "completeness" which means enabling subscription, etc. I will also assume that the skill test of the service that you do and the free Fiverr Learn course are two things within 50 variables that help ranking. Mine too.
  15. Corrected: This is not meant to be argumentative. I'm curious about how the new English Standard will work and am concerned that the English we're used to won't be relevant anymore.
  16. In the case that little red and grandma pronouns are they/them, this interpretation is not incorrect. Or is it? I am so confused. I guess I'll go back to the standard ones that I am used to.
  17. Are you using the pronouns they/them correctly? The use of they/them as a singular pronoun can be confusing. For e.g: I replaced she/her with they/them. Opinions? This is no longer a matter of concern for being out of touch on twitterverse, many dictionaries are accepting this as standard usage.
  18. I agree. Some of the new features on Fiverr are not well thought out. The only right thing to do was remove buyer's requests. There have been some significant improvements to the platform, including reminders that we are well reviewed (in some cases) and to have more personalization within gig creation / edit gig which will enhance our performance in the algorithm.
  19. Many people do SEO work themselves. Optimizing is not difficult either... many good tips in the forum. By having a properly optimized profile, I do not need to waste time complaining about something that does not concern me. Maybe it's just easy to be a cry baby.
  20. After the exhausting effort to go thru his profiles
  21. He means that if I'm a new seller, with the same gig, I probably won't get a match. That's very likely... I haven't gotten a single match so far. I've optimized my account and I convert at least 80% of everyone who contacts me. It took me several months to become a level one, and it over a year and a half to become a level two. Truth being told @vishdrawings, you joined 6 months ahead of me, so you had plenty of time more time than me to use buyer requests. Yet, you seem to be behind. Is the problem really with Level 2 or TRS?
  22. I received a request some time ago with a special requirement to use "they/them" pronouns; since I genuinely don't know how to use these pronouns as intended (as a pronoun for a single person), I declined. Merriam-Webster has included they/them as a standard term in its dictionary. I wonder how many writers here are already actively using special pronouns in their writing? Personal Pronouns listed on University of Wisconsin website.
  23. Once you are "disapproved", all your new accounts will also be automatically "disapproved". Unfortunately, Fiverr is not accepting you as a seller.
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