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  1. Most likely means more fees for sellers + buyers in the future. Defo more Ad fees.
  2. We delivered a file by accident. Is there a way we can delete the file send to the cleint?
  3. Is there anyone here with a client satisfaction saying 'strong positive impact' haha? This is nice to know after years on Fiverr, hundreds of orders and 5 star reviews...
  4. This. Auto reply is a nice idea, but it is pointless as you, the seller, are not there to start a conversation.
  5. At least write your question properly
  6. From its highs of $320 share down to $20! Is now the right time to buy Fiverr? Where do you think Fiverr stock will be in 5 years?
  7. Does anyone know the answer to this as it seems a bit odd? I would like to review a buyer but in order to do this they have to leave a review first. It doesn't make any sense to me!
  8. A very good point my friend! Or a cancellation ratio percentage. (Seller has a 12% cancellation rate)
  9. I have been doing it this way since 2018 and never had a problem. I think this is quite an old article anyway. The name changed to WISE a while ago. As for 'may encounter issues' and 'technically you can' I see no problem and I have withdrawn 100k+. If it was a problem, they would have stopped it or not even let you go ahead entering and using a WISE account. If you are worried, withdraw smaller accounts frequently maybe. But honestly, go for it. As for how to set up the automatic payout, I set this up years ago. You may have the option when you enter the bank details, I'm not sure
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