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Everything posted by priyank_mod

  1. My suggestion would be to avoid frequent gig editing. We feel tempted to try things but it only makes things worse for our gigs. Please keep the pricing you think you deserve. You had raised it to $50, retain it.⬆️ ($10 spike isn't such a big deal) Multiple sellers have shared experiences on the forum about improvement in their business, after the price hike.
  2. Your success/gig scores sure seem to have sailed through the litmus test of new system. ⬆️ Then doubt comes back to the usual suspects: a bad private review/gig rotation/general low demand in the category. PS Recovery from a bad private review usually takes 90 to 180 days.
  3. Fiverr's algorithm embraced a lot of changes in 1st week of Feb, followed by the launch of new Level System around mid-Feb. Changes in your gig and its exposure might have coincided the overhaul of the system. What kinda gig scores you got after the launch of new system??
  4. 💯✅ It's also an opportunity for people to focus on self-development and to learn things on their own, through reading from authentic sources and garnering work experience on Fiverr. Receiving guidance is good⬆️ but overreliance on spoon-feeding often creates a cagey comfort zone!!
  5. @vickiespencer Kesha posted about this on another thread.
  6. There have been a few cases recently where Fiverr denied the gig completely after the change in the gig title. AI is the primary culprit in such cases, where it flags even old & successful gigs on the basis of keywords. Ideal way would be to reach out to your success manager (if you're a SP Premium subscriber) and ask for help. I had an issue with my gig a couple of years back where support wasn't really helpful. Then after my SOS email, my Success Manager stepped in and helped me restore the gig.
  7. Please search on the forum. This has been explained and answered 100s of times already by many!!
  8. Considering multiple people have been handling your account and you have been providing some sort of Fiverr Coaching to aspiring sellers too - there must be inconsistencies pertaining to login, account access, sharing internet connection/devices etc Hii @milos_siena - Apologies for the tag, I thought you would be the ideal person to provide him with some guidance. Thank you.
  9. @donnovan86 Can you see it for other categories too?? 👀 Sorry, I'm quite curious and feeling very inquisitive!! 🙈
  10. @carineb This is freakinnnnnnnn incredible and actually makes your competition quite transparent for you!!🙌😇 I'm just...
  11. Are you literally guiding & coaching your (external) buyers about what/how to fill the review forms?? 🫠
  12. Alright, so here's the thing - our social media profiles are filled with people we know personally and most of them don't need our professional services. So posting on personal social media would just be spamming the feed. A few might click on it to help you earn clicks but that would not result into orders, for sure. There are no official rules as such from Fiverr about sharing on social (to answer your questions) but just getting clicks without orders from there, will tell the algorithm that the quality of your gig is not good enough to fetch the orders!!
  13. You are conveniently SKIPPING the fact that everyone who got reviews today, also started with ZERO REVIEWS at some point of time.
  14. Who are these mentors?? How did you find them?? And why are they misguiding you?? 🥲
  15. Success Score is the NEW Cardio for all of us!! 👀🥲😂
  16. This literally sounds like a threat/polite order @webcut. We shouldn't push a buyer to accept a delivery. Like @smartdezigns advised, please avoid it.
  17. No, it doesn't trigger the system. One can always ask/request the way @vickieito mentioned.
  18. I remember reading at a couple of places that dash means that system doesn't have enough data to calculate the score (possibly in comparison to other sellers in the category). And like you mentioned you haven't done a lot of orders in the last 2 years - so that must be the case. It needs more recent data to calculate the score. On plus side, your gig's history seems to be on plus side with a score of 8. So potentially, its just about delivering a few new orders and hoping that it will trigger the calculation of score & seller level.
  19. 1. Anyone asking for extensive free work/samples is a red flag, should be avoided. 2. No one really hires freelancers on Fiverr for 2-4 years.
  20. After reading through this topic🧐:
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