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Everything posted by priyank_mod

  1. I didn't receive any mail. So probably, I belong to the batch which would be considered for evaluation on yearly basis. 🧐
  2. In the past, I have received occasional 'new followers' on Insta - they scan the likes on Fiverr's posts and follow everyone. Bonus: One gentleman also asked for work. 🥰
  3. Both frameworks are not extracting data from the same source. Eventually, they will collate and everything will be 4.9X.
  4. Amid all the chaos, at least got clarity on one thing!!
  5. Fiverr CARES about us. These little heart attacks only make our ventricles stronger, so that we can live longer to see more system re-designs, levels, cancellations, private reviews and time travel to 70s!!
  6. Gig deletion actually helps Fiverr - it kinda unclogs the system and leaves relatively better performing/quality/relevant gigs in the marketplace. But now I'm wondering if this was the primary KRA of new system all along!! 🧐 We all got caught up with gig/success scores/levels/metrics etc and lost sight of (their) larger picture.... 🫠
  7. I keep my personal and professional life separate. I have never posted my gigs on my feed anywhere and except for a couple of close friends, nobody I know personally have seen my gigs either. And I somehow trust Fiverr's organic search results more than LinkedIn. Been on Linkedin since 2008 and over a period of time, it has turned into a shallow place full self-gloating people who pretend to be eternally optimistic & empathetic!! 🙈
  8. All we have is a new homepage with the new sparkling video!! Gosh.. 14th Feb evening n the week afterwards was actual warfare... 🫠
  9. You're missing the point on what others have also advised you. You need to ASK TO BE PAID for extra revisions. Specify clearly how many revisions you're charging him for and after this if buyer requires more revisions, they need to pay you again.
  10. It is on the order page below text input box.
  11. Its quite simple - Convert enquiries into orders, work diligently, and deliver them successfully!! There are no magic pills.
  12. The 20% bit is the occasional tip we get...
  13. Work samples on your gigs are very basic, they don't stand out (in my opinion). Graphic design is a highly competitive category with thousands of successful sellers. Check out the best-performing gigs in your categories, identify how your work samples can be improved (do not copy but take inspiration and adopt best practices) and create your best work (as samples) to showcase!!
  14. A TRS in my category - primary gig image is a presentation ON/ABOUT Fiverr. This single screenshot has used different variants of Fiverr logo like 8-10 times. 🤦‍♂️ And there are so many others who use 'superlatives' for themselves with Fiverr logo to sound officially recommended by Fiverr.
  15. Banks usually shrug off the responsibility if user has provided the transaction password/card details/sms verification code themselves to the scammer.
  16. Hate to say this but we are in 2024 and still, people so easily provide their card/internet banking details on the websites they just signed up at!! 🥲 Such scams were acceptable in early 2000s when people were new to online banking but now we all (supposedly) know better. Fiverr has all the tech to ensure the integrity of sellers, I hope they deploy it to bar anyone from using their logo and variants of brand name in the account name, display pics and.... yes on gig images too!!
  17. I watched it only once and all my ageing brain can recall now is the voiceover trying to tell that it is easy to hire the right kind of freelancer (multiple profiles less than 5.0 rating shown with animation) and also easy to RATE THEM after the order (there was a 4.3 or 4.7 rating given for the completed order).
  18. In other news, briefly stumbled across Fiverr's new homepage. I took screenshot but site reverted back to old one when I accidentally closed the window. PS This page also has a explainer video which highlights multiple seller profiles with 4.7/4.8/4.9 kinda ratings and order ratings which are less than 5!!
  19. Things can simply be figured by paying attention to 'what's written' - on the extension/website or even reply from a fellow seller guiding you. If we keep jumping to conclusions without paying attention to details, it kinda wastes time of other people who get involved in the conversation (like it happened here).
  20. They have existed just for aesthetic purpose from quite some time now!! But the recent ratings drop (by 0.1) has been uniform for most of us and going forward it will be almost impossible to be a 5.0 !!
  21. Yes!! And alot of us have been pretty clear and aware of this, since a very long time. We vet every buyer and communicate through every order keeping just one thing in mind - how our words & actions will show up in a private review. This is the only thing in our control!!
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