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Everything posted by priyank_mod

  1. My suggestion would be not to take excessive stress over the success score. It will only lead to burnout and frustration. Just keep doing what you have been doing since the beginning. Success score is supposed to be relatively stable (as per Fiverr), so it will move upward/downward over a period of time/with a certain number of completed orders. In short, its a slow-moving commodity - we can expect it to change gradually over a period of few months.
  2. May be you need to pay attention to left top side of your seller dashboard page!!
  3. The little mercies and greater joys of being highly evaluated!! 🫠
  4. Shall get this prophecy framed... 😍 May be Intel/AMD should do it too, since they have milked the Moore's Law most!!!
  5. I hope as and when they will make this '2 decimal place' thing LIVE permanently, they also add a tab to sort the gigs by scores (in decreasing order)!! It will be the freelancer version of corporate team-building activities. 🙈
  6. Yes, the 2 decimal-point ratings have been 'it was right here/and now its goneeee'. Also, the new homepage has gone back to edit/testing/bug-fixing mode I guess. We are back to the old one with dark teal background color.
  7. Lesser number of gigs would help them for sure. They are sort of tacitly encouraging people to delete/pause the gigs but not giving/conveying any tangible benefits for it. We encourage you to do it but "your gigs/your choice.." 🤐 Many of them have been screaming the # of their 5-star ratings from rooftop. Also, the 'block button' is pretty much there on desktop. It comes after we choose the reason for reporting.
  8. When you're on a platform which brings the buyers to you - use the tools and gig features provided by the platform to compete in the marketplace and win orders. What's the point of creating a gig here, if you want to market it OUTSIDE?? 🤦‍♂️
  9. There is no way to figure this out and I'm glad there isn't. Else it would become very easy for Meksells to manipulate the system. I also have some hypotheses🙈 about pausing/deleting gigs. I'm assuming when we pause/delete a gig to improve the success score - system might be configured to retain the impact of deleted/paused gig for a few months or may be 1-2 years. 🧐 This also aligns with the initial assurance that success score is supposed to be relatively stable. @smartdezigns
  10. I had the same query in my mind.🧐 Recently I refused to work with an unprofessional buyer (his last order was around mid of 2023). And, I was wondering if he could STILL leave a private review on last year's order?? 😏
  11. I do not wish to but fully agree on this - this might just be the case for the badge!!🥲 Damn... <bubble breaking moment>
  12. It's just an assumption expressed by many sellers - often quoted as communicated from the success manager to the seller!! That's why I feel that it will become a popular misconception. (like staying active/online variety)🥲 However, an auto-completed order is also an opportunity lost for the seller, to earn a review (public or private or both). Its like an empty bullet shell which will NOT nullify a bad private review or a 2-star public rating. So it would affect us indirectly but not literally. Algorithms devour the data, so like William said, it would be using a million data points to calculate our scores. And an auto-completed order fails to provide tangible data points to the algorithm.
  13. I have a feeling that the impact of auto-completed orders/revisions/extensions on success score will soon become the latest addition to the list of timeless-unsubstantiated Fiverr misconceptions. The off-the-platform Fiverr-Gurus will soon pick it up and start propagating it like gospel. 🫠
  14. +💯 The human thought process tends to be very LINEAR and can easily get blindsided by what they can see on their dashboard and public reviews!! Their world kinda starts & ends with what's evident and visible to them - while Fiverr most likely doesn't even take the visible parameters into consideration. 🫠 Or even when it takes them into consideration, the impact is likely to be very minimal.
  15. I vaguely recall seeing a detailed discussion on the forum about 'milestones' and I believe it will NOT count because repeat business metric primarily considers individual orders from returning buyers to calculate the score. And, a milestone order primarily would count as a single order. Theoretically, a subscription should contribute towards the repeat business score but I doubt if they have connected these two silos.
  16. Your post title sounds like you have been HERE BEFORE!! What happened to your previous account(s)???
  17. Absolutely no benefit!! 🫠 Mostly done by misinformed people who keep bookmarking each other's gigs but it doesn't improve their gig's exposure or gets them any orders whatsoever.
  18. At the moment, every avenue/browser is telling a different story.
  19. Yes, I received this too. I think everyone did (with a slightly tweaked version for those who lost their level). I'm assuming @donnovan86 received a more specific TRS evaluation mail.
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